Hold up, why is America in Syria?
Hold up, why is America in Syria?
Why are Muslims in Detroit?
Why am I in your sister's asshole?
Because certain interests wanted an oil pipeline that Syria wouldn't allow.
joos will it
For the glory of hillary, of course!
.MFW we don't even know what we're fighting for anymore
Promote globalism and destabilization.
Because the jews did 9/11.
>Iraq wanted to leave the petrodollar
>9/11 happens because Israel existing triggers Muslims and the US having bases in Arabia
>Bush uses this as an excuse to invade Iraq, also Afghanistan because Osama & opium
>Syria doesn't want Qatari pipeline but Iranian instead
>farmers move into cities to find jobs after crops fail
>violence over no jobs
>Obama sees this as excuse to fund pro-US groups that will accept the pipeline
Because the Saudis and other gulf arab sunnis, want to spread Wahhabi Islam. So secular and shia leaders have to go. Which means Qaddafi and Assad.
The West gets to claim the are spreading Democracy and fighting evil dictators.
Obama and Hillary get to try regime change with out a long bloody occupation like Bush did in Iraq.
The Bank cartels get control of Syria and Libya's central bank.
the military industrial complex gets to profit from the endless war.
the police state gets to grow from the terrorism that will strike the west.
business and socialists get a flood of refugees. to keep wages down and future voters. also bonus for making countries less white and christian. can't forget to destroy homogeneous countries with monolithic cultures.
what have we become
for the bunnies lad.
To take out Assad.
>hey Hillary, can we really pass this proxy war we're funding as "fighting terrorism" when ISIS is clearly getting stronger?
>don't worry Obama, we'll just throw pictures of injured kids at them until the next big blockbuster makes them forget.
why do none of the people in these pictures and videos of syrian war zones look syrian?
the media has basically forgot that ISIS exist until the next terror attack in Europe. meanwhile they keep going to aleppo to show us how that Evil Assad is bombing children.
So syria is not in america.
Fucking MSM. Good luck, Assad based lion of damascus. May your bombs rain down on American funded terrorists and the lugenpresse supporting them.
Any one?!
Theres a patern.
So we can put a pipeline in after we topple Syria and Turkey if they are unwilling, followed with open conflict with Russia?
Can you even into Clinton-Bush agenda?
>why is America in Syria?
Trying to overthrow another Russa-friendly regime.
It all is about Russia and our natural gas monopoly in Europe.