Re-posting since Norsk-bro's thread went dead with no replies
Fox News says "cuck"
Other urls found in this thread:
>fox news saying "cuck"
I haven't audibly laughed like this in a long time
Oh shit. That made me laugh.
Oh shit I lost it all at 1:55
Thanks to Norsk-bro, wherever you are!
Sorry your thread was a bust, I found it as it died.
this is the exploding van of our time
fucking cucks
So it wasn't my hearing.
Where? I didn't hear it.
At the 36 second mark
36 seconds
That last woman is the ultra jew.
>someone had to research how to explain what a cuckservative is to normies
how big are we? I always thought we just a handful of chucklefucks but I see our shenanigans permeating into the mainstream more and more
its so fucking bizarre
I think our memes are so funny that we've permeated the consciousness of many normies.
They really could have picked a better narrator. That sounded like an episode of forensic files
I could be anybody. I could be your coworker, your neighbor, your old bud from grade school, that vendor at your job, the guy that rarely talks at the local coffee shop. Nobody knows how many of us there are, but there are certainly enough to change the tides of history. We are witnessing a major change, lads. It was a pleasure shitposting with you these past few years- have fun tomorrow
>Hillary plans on battling the alt-right movement in an upcoming speech.
Good luck.
okay guys Meme magic has gone too far.
>That ending
>"The Alt-Right is fully prepared to engage her"
That. Right there. That is the most ominous thing I've ever heard. Fox has already had its run-ins with Sup Forums, and they've seen what happens when you try to fight a formless mob of furious internet trolls.
Hillary doesn't know what she's walking into. I genuinely think she doesn't know what's going to happen, she just thinks that she's going to make fun of some racists and that'll be it.
My God. This is it. This is what we've been waiting for. It's all been leading up to this. Draw them in, let them know you're their enemy, let them try to attack, but conserve your strength. Wait until they overreach.
All of this shit, the Gamergate crap, Shekelshoah, Trumpgen, Brit/pol/, it's all been leading up to this, the day when we, the black hand of the Right, finally ball ourselves into a fist and smash every fucking tooth out of Hillary Clinton's mouth.
Be ready for war, men. This is the big one. If we lose, it will be a glorious loss in flames, surrounded by destruction. But if we win... If we win, ten years hence, you will remember the day when you stood, not behind Donald Trump, not on the sidelines cheering Nigel Farage or Geert, not in the shadows ambushing CTR cunts. The day when you stood tall, and with flaming sword smote down the maggot horde of lies that the Left has bred like orcs in Mordor. Tomorrow, we crush them.
So, in proper Sup Forums fashion, ready your breakfast brothers, and eat hearty, for tomorrow, WE DINE IN C-SPAN.
Man your post has me hyped as fuck. This should be entertaining.
Where were you when WW3 was fought on the front lines of image boards and forums across the internet?
teh fuq is the matter with you?
Shit posting in Australian threads
Oh my god I don't think I can go to sleep now
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Fox News actually put the happy merchant on T.V. LMAO
We're already getting raided by SJW scouts. Put your fucking masks on. FFS
Moderate Here!
I've come to reinforce the Alt Right of Sup Forums. I feel it is my duty to obliterate the insanity that is the Democratic party, SHillary Clinton, and Liberal Progressiveness.
We may not always agree, but now, in this greatest most critical time in history we have a common enemy.
I tip my Sword to thee.
I remember me and a few other guys starting the cuckcuck threads with moot. I never thought normalfags would actually catch on, it did make that cuck leave Sup Forums though.
Anyway today was a good day, time to go work a double shift for my pepe boss
Guys, I miss mootles
Man this shit is intense!
o i am laffin
The time has come and so have I.
Are the Russian hackerbros still with us?
What are the odds Hillary will mention the use of the word "Cuck" in her speech?
I'll be working when the War of Our Times begins. Someone please call her Gramma Clincuck for me.