"The alt-right is a scary portion of Donald Trump supporters. They have plenty of Hitler iconography in their twitter icons. They think Donald Trump is the greatest thing.
But I'm here to tell you the fact of the matter is most of them are childless single men who masturbate to anime. Their not real political players. These are not people who matter in the overall course of humanity."
Other urls found in this thread:
>she will deflect attention away from us
>we can continue doing what we are doing, the public will know about it, but they just wont care
>our power will remain
we have truly become the jews
the ouroboros is eternally hungry
must feed it cum
My wife and I have two children. Liberals are the ones trying to discourage whites from having children.
bill is on here and he loves the asians, blacks, futas, and well just about any content not about his wifuugh.
>tfw childless single male that jacks his peen to 2D
sharpie in pooper/mouth
I hope she says "And some I assume are good people" in it
That would set this election leagues ahead of any election before and any election to come
>i jack off to actual women
not so fast schlomo
>tfw live in a basement
Yeah fuck alt right faggots!
We natsocialists up in here baby,
Break out the jams
stock up on memes for tomorrow's invasion lads
pic related
But I'm a childless single man who masturbates to anime and #Imwithher
>Their not real political players.
Get your fucking fanfiction bullshit out of here.
If we aren't real political players what is the speech for?
No wonder they just love Merkel.
We will, brother.
Why does every National Socialist on the internet type in choppy sentences, using nothing but sophomoric, immature language and phrases?
to get people to stop talking about her and the clinton foundation
being a nazi pretty cool bro
KEK confirms. Nazis are cool.
Kek confirmed for nazi again!
If that is the case, she came to the wrong fucking neighborhood.
Yes, op, the writers of her speech are just as uneducated as you and don't know their, they're, there.
Or you are full of shit.
Chill nigger, we may be nazis but we are above grammar
Then why are they so scared?
and ISIS is a scary portion of Hillary supporters
this is a meme thread and rick wilson said it
Getting Rick Wilson to ghostwrite your speech is the most pathetic thing ever.
If she uses that quote I might die laughing
Did she intend to crush Trump under her body weight ?
>Copypasted Rick speech
Fuck off.
Funny to see all the summerfags taking the b8 though.
Stopped reading right there