I've never seen morale so high on this board before. We have foregone the yellow fever, national antagonism among whites, pseudo-shilling, the defeatism associated with biased polls, American Jew-worship via Israeli protectionism, etc. and are aligned under the banner of Kek-ism and His Holy Covenant. There is a real sense of unshakable unity that is absolutely euphoric. It is this type of morale that destroys mountains of enemies and oceans full of traitors. Let us put on our armour my brothers and strap on the flame throwers. Let us march forth and drag the anemic progressives into the abyss. The Divine Visage of Kek will reveal to us His thoughts when we are most in need so do not be weary. Our ancestors are looking on as we descend into the throes of battle and we will harness their spirit. ARTE ET MARTE
Other urls found in this thread:
go back to ur safe space, faggot
thats a lot coming from you, blackie
Heer come dat 4th reich
seig heil waddup
Somali pirates like you will be washed into the Baltic Sea. No deportation, safe travel, etc. You will be thrown into the sea and our Swedish brothers will celebrate so loudly that your cries for help will be forgotten. Our march will be so loud that it will send tremors in the offices of Vox, NBC, Salon, and Merkel's chancellery. Your voice will be lost - a traitor to your own people and scum to us whites.
Fuck off Muhammed go back to the refugee shelter
whatever u say mr chang, you filthy gook
First the Trump campaign, and now this. I don't think I've ever been this hopeful or hyped up before in my life.
>Each day is another day closer to the happening that will be election day
I've never seen your moms moral so high after I stuck my dick in her faggot.
Get fucked.
lmao whatever. i just want someone who'll raise the minimum wage so i can spend more money for corporations to rub on their throbbing cocks
Well said. I'm pumped up
onwards brave soldiers. the glory awaits
>your average americuck
Fucking capitalist pigs
If you win, we win.
>The enemy of my enemy is also my friend
Go for it burgers, take your nation back. But remember you are not alone. We are watching your back. You are our last hope to end this insanity across the globe.
Trump truly is the great uniter
>mfw one of my earliest memories is my grampa warning me there were too many jews around us
I've been preparing all my life for this
;_;7 make your list boys, the churn is coming
Unfortunately, you lack a noble spirit. Only a nigger, lacking in honour, valour and commitment would think in those terms. Of course, the progressives are steadfast proponents of this attitude because it targets the weak and feeble-minded cretins that fill our urban centers.
What exactly is going on that's causing this? Something about Hillary addressing the alt-right tomorrow and "exposing" or whatever.
What's the current happening?
We can't be fucking beaten lads. We've been storming together for years now.
Tomorrow's just another day boys.
Sup Forumsingrad
beating back the fascist normies of CNN and Hillary
We encircle them from twitter and facebooke while fighting in the ruins of Sup Forums
Our tractor factory will be brit/pol/, bastion of Sup Forumsharbour
I have never been so proud to fight in my life
Hillary is going to launch a massive attack against the "alt-right" and this follows a big article printed in Time Magazine about the Internet "falling to trolls" (aka us).
They know we're winning, they know we're becoming a legitimate force and they're freaking the fuck out to try and stop us. There's going to be a lot of shills pouring in starting tomorrow but we've seen worse.
Anyone remember pic related? That was a real fucking raid and look who's still standing strong?
>seig heil waddup
Everyone with an interesting point of view left.
Whoop dee doo
So Hillary is going to out Sup Forums's Sup Forums board specifically and floods of normies are going to rush in to thread upon thread of redpilled images and whatnot?
Sure. If it really is the case it'll be entertaining, but as usual IDS HABBENING!1 (when it's really not).
It's already been happening a little bit. This place is gaining some serious popularity and power and I don't think any of us really recognize the scope of it.
In the Time Magazine article they had a slider of websites ranked most "Liberal" to most "Hateful" and Sup Forums was the second most "hateful" place.
But we all know what they mean by "Sup Forums". Tomorrow's going to be the start of some great fun.
Prepare for a long grueling fight
/BurmaBro Standing by
My the shitpost be with us
This version is intense..
>thread theme
I think I may have actually had a pleasant day. Ready for anything.
Australia standing by
Don't be sad!
oh my God for the love of fuck someone please put Hillary's head on this holy fuuuuucccck!
Our bonds are stronger than mere memes, we our brothers through mutual experience, and every one of us has been brought here by a series of events that instill the same feelings.
We are those that birth the future because we are tired of living in the rubble of the past, and our hopes and dreams will live on even if we die, not because they will need to be taught through generations, but because there will always be people who have similar experiences to ours that bring them to the same conclusions
Smoke 'em if you got 'em lads. Let's do this.
They may have screaming, hysterial feminists but we've got our god damned Aussie battalions.
post your battle theme
That just means it's easier to annoy those who are left.
Well spoken OP
With straya we cannot be defeated.
For more info
Shills will find it hard to mess with us
We've got this. We will overcome whatever happens.
Intense, sure. I think the other is better though
The shitpost is strong with Straya
Can't beat the original, no I agree.
Ooooo, that sneaky R A R E
Stealth Brigade
>Sabaton's new album
Shit's great yo
Better version
Yes this one is pretty cool. Almost every nation had a version of this song that's how great it was.
Yeah, while Sabaton has a lot of cucked shit, the new album is pretty good all around.
>Winged Hussars
>The Last Stand
>Rorke's Drift
>Camouflage (cover)
>Last Dying Breath
Check this music I make all the time just for this board, it is red pilled as fuck
From what I hear Hillary is supposedly going to name drop Sup Forums during a speech tomorrow.
In other words, prepare for more normies than usual.
God bless your gramps
>Actually naming Sup Forums on live national television
>Poking them with a stick
War is upon us then. I'm ready.
>Minimum wage goes up
>Prices of things go up
It's really just fucking pointless
Ich schwöre bei Gott diesen heiligen Eid, daß ich dem Führer des Deutschen Reiches und Volkes Adolf Hitler, dem Oberbefehlshaber der Wehrmacht, unbedingten Gehorsam leisten und als tapferer Soldat bereit sein will, jederzeit für diesen Eid mein Leben einzusetzen.
Aussie support unit " yeah nah m8" locked and loaded for tomorrow.
Farkin frothin to git gowin bois!