why is he hated on here?
Why is he hated on here?
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Not enough gay pride parades.
>Cis white male
Gee... I fuckin' wonder.
He's not hated. He's like a female version of Hillary.
He keep the immigrants in their own segregated neighborhoods and let a fire destroy and evil white sanctuary.
He's a traitor
Are you kidding? I will never forgive him for his horrible atrocities!
Fuck off leaf, don't you have a moose to fuck or a state-sponsored pride parade to go to?
oh my god he is so HOT! Cant wait for him to legalize weed xD
Is literally what got repeated through Facebook when he got elected. Why.
Promises to spend $10 billions in 2016 for massive amount of social services.
Already blew $30 billions and nothing changed yet, almost as if he lied to us to get elected.
The best argument against democracy is a five minute discussion with the average voter.
>Hey lets fire half of the qualified cabinet to replace them with less qualified people because they have a vag.
>why is he hated on here?
Because it's 2016.
French are not welcome.
>Spending all of our money on plane rides and alcohol
>Signing laws to allow banks to just take our money in exchange for shares if they start to fail
>Thinks "because it's current year" is a good enough reason to appoint someone to a position.
>Won't stop apologizing to anyone we've ever even thought of a mean thing about
>Isn't doing anything to help fix our economy. We're still losing a ton of jobs
It's the current year!
Canada Won't Hesitate to Criticize Israel, Says New Prime Minister Justin Trudeau
nigger are you fucking serious
if you defeat your enemies, you lose
globalist, free for all cuckery
pandering to sjw bullshit at all costs
>>It's 2015
Typical shillery
Because it's 2016.
Are you fucking serious right now leaf?
You better not be serious.
Because he's a weak, flimsy, multi-culti turdburglar.
Your not wrong. He was elected due to, in part, a large youth voter turn out which Harper didn't really attempt to reach, along with the promise of legalizing weed. Outside of the blue bastion (blue is conservative in Canada, red is liberal) which is Alberta and parts of BC and Saskatchewan which in turn are heavily reliant on oil, he took the election quite handily. I'm ashamed to be honest.
Saskfag here, I'm just preparing for the gay and muslim wars with my family. SKSs for life
Fun fact: Canadians spend more money on taxes than anything else.
Nice to know all that money is going to 500,000 more mudslimes next year.
He's too smooth. I hate him, cuz i ain't him
Harper is partially to blame. He did just did not give a fuck anymore and was running the country on auto pilot.
Federal elections appear to be fixed now. There were no real candidates, Harper was retiring and no one wanted a lawyer from France. Party affiliation is almost meaningless because they are all globalists and there is no difference in platforms on major issues like TPP.
He was installed to run up an enormous national debt like his father did, nothing more. Like Bush II, the more ignorant he appears to be the better when days of reckoning arrive so they can just blame it on inexperience or whatever. Country is toast and has been since the 70's when Trudeau I was installed, he got in on the female vote too.
I feel you bro. Albertafag. Originally from Tofield, currently living in Redmonton. It is unbelievable how left leaning the city is, but if you drive for half an hour outside of it, it changes dramatically. Too many rez-dogs and Somalees coming in. Not to mention the entirety of South edmonton is brown. I'll be moving home sooner rather then later.
I live in a nice white little suburb outside of a big city in southern Sask (no hints anymore than that), but we got food and water and guns and ammo to last us (8 people altogether) for about 7 months of survival and 3 weeks of heavy combat lol
I agree 100% on the female vote and globalism. Even at a provincial level there seems to be a very heavy focus on the wider world. An example being Rachel Notley climate change plan and not being a place the entire world looks down on. I'm paraphrasing but that is the general feel of it.
if he spent as much time doing photo ops with minorities as he did combatting the raging wildfires while denying competent countries' assistance i might give him the benefit of the doubt.
he is just a prettyboy clumsily attempting to wear his father's shoes and it shows.
i feel sorry for canada in the same way i do germany, but both elected these people into power, and i do not see it getting better before it reaches a tipping point for either.
sorry leafs, just a concerned neighbor
in addition to this, his stance on immigration is bringing out the worst in what everyone assumed about the 'locust' caste of chinese investment. it's clear he doesn't have much of an understanding of any sort of national policy to defend against being exploited, and the toxic levels of whatever-isms the country seems to run off of when it comes to anything serious concerns me
Terrorist groups have specifically said they are targeting Canada and Canadians. And on the subject of national security, Trudeau’s critics say he’s a lightweight and a dangerous one. Trudeau’s most radical argument is that Canada is becoming a new kind of state, defined not by its European history but by the multiplicity of its identities from all over the world. His embrace of a pan-cultural heritage makes him an avatar of his father’s vision. ‘‘There is no core identity, no mainstream in Canada,’’ he claimed. ‘‘There are shared values — openness, respect, compassion, willingness to work hard, to be there for each other, to search for equality and justice. Those qualities are what make us the first postnational state.’’
>‘‘There is no core identity, no mainstream in Canada,’’ he claimed
>Trudeau’s most radical argument is that Canada is becoming a new kind of state, defined not by its European history but by the multiplicity of its identities from all over the world. His embrace of a pan-cultural heritage makes him an avatar of his father’s vision
>"Those qualities are what make us the first postnational state.’’
>What the world knows as a progressive modern Canada was created largely under the rule of the Liberal leader Lester Pearson and then Pierre Trudeau in the ’60s and ’70s, when the country began to sever its ties with Britain and assert its own identity. The country created a new flag, replacing the Union Jack with the Maple Leaf, and adopted a national anthem. Quintessential Canadian characteristics — universal medical care, bilingualism, multiculturalism, a strong voice for peace and development at the United Nations — were born during that era. The earliest major political initiative of Pierre Trudeau in the late ’60s was to decriminalize homosexuality. ‘‘The state has no business in the bedrooms of the nation,’’ he said. In rapid succession, Trudeau legalized abortion, funded the arts and promoted a race-blind immigration policy, which over time would transform the great cities of the country into polyglot metropolises.
>‘‘Why would we not revoke the citizenship of people convicted of terrorist offenses against this country?’’ Harper asked Trudeau incredulously.
‘‘A Canadian is a Canadian is a Canadian,’’ Trudeau replied defiantly. ‘‘And you devalue the citizenship of every Canadian in this place and in this country when you break down and make it conditional for anyone.’’
> The Canadian system does not have the same checks and balances among branches that the American system does, so Trudeau can implement his policies without being stymied
>He knew that Canada would run a deficit, which was unusual for a country known for fiscal probity, but he believed it was the way forward. ‘‘Confident countries are willing to invest in the future,’’ Trudeau said, ‘‘not always follow the conservative orthodoxy of balanced budgets at all costs.’’
>Justin doesn't actually run the Liberal party. It's Gerald Butts and he's controlled by Obamas people. True stuff
Pic related is Gerald 'Gerry' Butts - Google him, he is basically the Prime Minister - He is Trudeaus main adviser / handler.
Why is Mr. Trudeaus top advisor Gerald Butts worth mentioning? Well....
>He is/was a Bilderberg attendee
>Reisman is listed as a member of the steering committee of the Bilderberg Group, a controversial group of influential business and government leaders who meet annually behind closed doors under a media blackout to discuss world issues
Reisman has been a delegate for several years at the annual conference of the Bilderbergs. In Istanbul, Turkey, 31 May - 3 June 2007 she was in the company of other notable Canadians: Jason Kenney, Member of Parliament; and Gerald Butts, Principal Secretary in the Office of the Premier of Ontario."
>Gerald Butts, Principal Secretary in the Office of the Premier of Ontario
>>>He also helped McGuinty & Wynne destroy Ontario, when in power as the Principle Secretary in the Office. Now he is the main handler of Trudeau.
>>>He was President of WWF (World Wildlife Fund) so he is trying to get Canada completely off all carbon emissions by 2050. He played a roll in:
>"Ontario’s electricity consumers are being zapped for tens of billions of dollars due to overpriced green energy, poor government planning, and shoddy service from Hydro One, says auditor general Bonnie Lysyk.
In her annual report, she concluded ratepayers forked out $37 billion more than necessary from 2006 to 2014 and will spend an additional $133 billion by 2032 due to global adjustment electricity fees on hydro bills.
A pic is worth a thousand words
He's a flamboyantantly gay globalist who wants our borders to be as open as his gaping anus after a night at the gay disco
because, like Obama, he was elected because of how he looked.
Because he's canadian.
They used the same campaign PR marketing teams too
>also, same slogan of '''''"CHANGE"''''
Pic related, (((Larry Summers))) advises both of them as well
Because most of Sup Forums are ugly, loser, sexist, islamophobic bigots and when they look at Justin who is the antithesis of these character traits they feel massive amounts of jealousy and self hate.
it's all part of his master plan
because if we hate him, he wins
>islamophobic bigots
We must cast aside our intolerance and embrace the situation head on, it's 2016 ffs!
>being this butthurt that bigoted conservatives only relate with uneducated blue collar workers and not highly educated millenials with college degrees
>highly educated millenials with (((college degrees)))
kek those arts degrees the starbucks baristas have now are great
"It's 2016"
"If you Kill your enemies, they win"
"The Budget will Balance itself out"
Because he's the retard communist son of a retard communist.
But enjoy having no balanced budgets, no gold reserves, and Trudipshit taking 6 vacations in less than a year all on the tax payers dime
>Because he's the retard communist son of a retard communist.
His father groomed him well.
He's even worse than I thought he would be but every option Canada has is just as bad or worse. Harper couldn't ram burgerdick up his ass fast enough either.
I live in Leftywhitesville, BC and the BLM narrative the newspaper's trying isn't working so well because the three black residents say everyone's nice, kek.
He's not hated. If you hate your enemies, they win.
Because he isn't a conservative, and this is one of the most radically fringe conservative places on the internet
Because he dances with Muslims and eats at pride parades but behind the scenes he is a corporate whore.
His policies are destructive to the middle class and he knows it, import more TFW and watch us all be equally poor. Fucking (((Trudeau)))
>hey let's fire
>every option Canada has is just as bad or worse.
Harper was far from ideal, but he was NOT as bad or worse than Trudeau. Holy shit.
Trudeau's Liberals threaten to be a permanent catastrophe. They want to use this one term to crowd in Liberal voters and change the fucking rules of elections to their advantage.
How do you stop this madman before he becomes First Comrade Trudeau??
No one would have voted for him if there was another choice.
But it was either the choice between a socialist, a failed economist and Trudeau.
Despite the bad rep you're giving him, he's not going to fuck it all up unless he gets another term.
Because he's done nothing to show he's not a huge phony, a figurehead that got the LPC in power because they had nobody better to be in charge. Because he does nothing but photo ops instead of his goddamn job. Because he's a puppet of the OLP.
>Harper didn't really attempt to reach
harper was never going to reach them, he was a fuck who didn't resign when it was clear people were voting against him and not the party, and royally fucked the party by being so controlling he didn't leave a successor so now they're just spinning in circles