Has Sup Forums improved any of your lives?

Has Sup Forums improved any of your lives?

Every redpill I've taken from Sup Forums has made my life better.

For instance, Sup Forums taught me that a race war is incoming, and I've since started working out, so I'll be ready (besides the obvious disaster planning)

Sup Forums redpilled me on women. Now, because I know that women are practical idiots, I understand why they do things, and I've since started having success with girls (this also ties into working out)

I've started working harder and putting in more hours at my job, and I've gotten raises, and a better working environment out of it.

My social skills have improved significantly, to the point that most of you autists would consider me a normie.

Have any of you began self improving since you started browsing Sup Forums?

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Go back to /r/The_Donald you Drumpffag

This is a pro-Hillary board.

We hate niggers and kikes and love Hillary.


post a non-thumbnail version of that image please you autistic rat bastard.


Sorry, all I have is this

Before Sup Forums:
I was a Republican that believed everything I heard on fox news. I would openly debate with people and would constantly be proven wrong. I got along fine with people and I had the policy of live and let live, but would adjust my life if asked whether it was by a girlfriend, or just some random person who said I somehow offended him. I got along with people just fine and was obsessed with social media

After Sup Forums:
I consider myself to be national socialist to an extent, however I hold libertarian values when it comes to some social issued. Sup Forums has actually become my preferred source of news because its easy to tell shitpost from real shit and the news stories brought up by faggots on here have to do with big picture crap like soros and globalist takeovers, things the news refuses to report on. I rarely debate anyone since I know more than them, yet the few times I have it ended in people either unfriending me or getting extremely butt hurt, once I was even called a racist which made me go off on a rant on the person, which ended in a long series of bullshit death threats from people I'd never even met. Back on topic though I don't care if I offend someone, I usually tell them the fucking meme that "if mere words hurt you than I feel sorry for you" and it causes butt hurt. I'm not tolerant when people ask me to conform to what makes them feel better like there was once when a Muslim asked if I could not eat a bacon cheeseburger in front of him I began to eat the bacon alone while making direct eye contact. Another time some cross dresser at my college asked me to not refer to him as a man, I proceeded to call him dude and man whenever I got the chance. I also have realized there's no point to dating while I'm in college, girls cost a shit ton of money and I'm paying out of pocket so I'd rather just use tinder if I really get the urge.
In all honesty life has become better, but more lonely. Hard to make friends when youre an asshole

I'll admit, I keep most of the Sup Forums values to myself, when I talk to people. Its not worth getting called a racist, and you can only slowly redpill people.

Usually, I'll have anti muslim views, from a feminist perspective, (the fucking liberals self implode when you do this, its great)

I usually avoid talking about politics, because the conversation always seems to end with "Your racist/sexist/islamaphobe" etc, so why bother.

But if I know a person well enough, and I have some of my redpilled friends around, we usually managed to get another convert. Its almost funny to see how easily people come around, after they get past the knee jerk reaction of calling something racist.

I found /fit/ before Sup Forums.

Added 20 kg of muscle over 3 years, stopped being a beta autist. Went from leftist to pretty far right, later read that fitness and strength greatly correlates with your political stance.

Later found Sup Forums but it didnt do much except affirm my belief that my country is cucked beyond comprehension.

No shit, I've been generally happier since being redpilled. Angry at the degeneracy but I feel a lot better knowing horrible truths than comforting lies.

I do have a redpilled friend group, but I guess its just easier to devalue a "relationship" between me and another individual when I am presented with their flaws. I don't consider myself to be antisocial, its just I've gained this notion that respect is earned not demanded. The attitude has gotten me in pretty sticky situations to say the least.

Interesting. I thought that you couldn't have right wing opinions in sweden

I've grown to be more skeptical as a person. I also lost a lot of compassion and moral that I used to have. I think most of all it made me hate myself. It made me feel envy that I didn't use to have.

One chance at life, get born a Chink, tossed in a trash can because not boy, get adopted by bad people in usa, run away and the rest of a whole other story I guess

Idk how bad it is myself but every single Swede I've seen on here has admitted there country is chucked and they hate it.
Have you ever considered moving to a different one?

>On Sup Forums

You know you have half the brain power of men, right?

Because of Sup Forums I realized that there is still hope for the white race. Hillary Clinton is going to massacre millions of Arabs and make America white again.

God bless Hillary Clinton.

yes pol woke me up and helped me on many aspects

>made me racially concious
>made me proud of being white / use identity politics
>made me hate islam
>made me rethink christianity. Ive positive views of it now
>made me aware that shit will hit the fan in a couple decades
>I'm moving way north once my degree is completed with my red-pilled GF. Should only meet white and natives until i die.
>planning on being able to self-sustain if needed (garden, hunting)


thx pol

Taught me to navigate the most liberal of social and work settings. Made me more careful about saying the wrong things to the wrong people, identify the leftist fanatics who are easily triggered, and showed me ways to neutralize them or turn them on each other. As a bonus, the ones left standing after the dust settles are usually red-pilled.

You know the rule

Let Tits Now

I wish I could do what you are going to do

>Live in city that is pure blue
>Everyone is borderline communist
>Literally every girl is atheist with a passion, or goes to some cucked Unitarian church
>Literally started importing Muslims into the area

Fuck me

Get a gun, make sure you know how to weld and a few skills in carpentry and become a true man

It's frowned upon, but it's actually getting better. Way too late now though.

Yes, me and the missus are gonna move to Canada for a year to try it out. Might not be a very big step up but it cant be worse than here.


But in all seriousness, I live near Canada, and its shit there

Me and my friends have a running gag involving holocaust denial and it's kinda funny so that's good i guess

I used to do nothing but now I do nothing with meaning.

The thing about holocaust denial, is that while I don't have strong opinions on it either way (Hitler did what he had to, and it really did happen, at least to some extent)

Its interesting to see why it might be fake, and who would have gained from it.

It doesn't matter how it was faked, what matters is if there was someone who would have gained from it being fake.

That is how Portland has been feeling to me, plus we're drowning in homeless people

yes of course ill learn how to use a gun. I always wanted to anyway now i even have an incentive to

i live close to a city myself. no one is stoping you from getting out. im sure there's tons of comfy place to move to in the midwest

300,000 is not 6,000,000
it didn't happen

Fun fact: Sup Forums will say he hates Correct The Record, but he can't disprove a single claim from the site because the things that are being said there are true!

If CTR is only telling the truth, then it's a good thing. you guys should WANT to know the truth, rather than being poisoned with right wing lies.



Reminder that if you avoid the truth, you are a scam

oh shit nigga thats where I'm talking about

Is that really your life story? And which things do you envy?

Do you really need more shekels?

Kike spotted

I live in northern California and for a while I lived in Medford. It seems the farther towards the mountains you live, the less likely you experience bullshit.
Tldr move south bud

Wtf I hate the truth now.

Damn.. this image making me think

When I was little, my parents had business in Medford. Nice town, the people working in the factory there were awesome, kind, conservative people.

At least there are 2 redpills in the city.

The united states needs to stop funding your shit country and allow the wild horde of pakis to storm and rape everyone in your little bordered Jew stronghold. You are on the same level to me as the turkish

I visited southern oregon recently and loved it, sounds like a good plan actually

I lived there for about a year with a girlfriend. The community is really nice, but it has a problem with drug addicts. You could literally find a woman selling pills or meth on every corner street

>move south
>be closer to the niggers and spics

wew lad

Only one way to clean it up

The thing that bothers me most about the holocaust is that if you dare to question it, instead of being proved wrong (what would be the right and easy thing to do if a person is actually talking shit) , but you are attacked violently and you get your life ruined. This is what a person who hides something would only do. That is the main reason why i started to doubt that we are being told the truth.

Exactly. If the Holocaust was an exact fact, and not at all a lie that the fortune of people was built on, then it would be easy to just disprove the deniers.

But nope, your anti semetic, you fucking awful shithead

This is a Hillary Board
