Aren't the far left and far right kinda similar?
>both hate the rich (((globalists))) in power
>both want closed borders
>both want a stronger middle class
Aren't the far left and far right kinda similar?
>both hate the rich (((globalists))) in power
>both want closed borders
>both want a stronger middle class
Other urls found in this thread:
Except the left wants open borders with everything on earth, and wants to tax the fuck out of everyone.
There is some overlap, but the left is controlled opposition, they do not name the (((globalist))), they seem to be pro immigration, and the left despises the middle class because their masters tell them. If the leftist knew and accepted the truth they would and have historically moved on to National Socialism. But they keep harping on that nonsense that Hitler and NatSoc is Far Right, which just isn't true, it's the 3rd way, elements of both left and right.
You're thinking neoliberals in America.
They're not real leftists.
The far left always wants open borders, and basically to be a useful idiot for the corporate elite.
Anarchist, far left, and commie groups always want open borders. Pick a remotely western country, any country, the dominant far left always wants the same shit.
I think he's thinking far left/anarchist/commies in America, Britain, Greece, Germany, anything remotely western.
The only exception is shit like ... I can't speculate on whether even metaphors like the left/right apply to, say, Syria.
The Left is just a ruse. Their real intention is the destruction of western civilization, with nothing else in mind.
They demand open borders which drives down wages of low and middle class workers while leaving the rich and nonproductive industries (entertainment, politics) alone.
Their disregard for both the law and right to carry firearms encourages crime, which low and middle classes suffer from.
Their promotion of welfare assistance as a replacement for work encourages sloth and discourages productive skill-learning.
Their desire for a completely isolated economy is the end game: after being cut off from international trade, economies simply collapse which cause greater suffering for you-guess-who.
No, the far right and far left are not the same. They just want to destroy, we want to protect and preserve.
Politics are like a horseshoe. As one side gets more extreme, it starts to bend inwards towards the other side, and the other side bends inwards as well.
but communists think that wages are theft and don't believe in private property, which is why it must be purged
Leftist here.
The only difference between our ideology and yours, is that you blame the jews, while we blame the real monster: the irish people. just check this reliable information on pic related and greenpill yourselves.
take the green pill, Slava Stalin
Only one wants to kill all the white people though
Someone is dumb enough to believe that college communists actually represent us actual old school socialists? Oh yeah I forgot where I am, of course you are
>not taking the clear pull knowing both groups are the exact same in the fact there are only shit heads and real human beans
Come on my white brother, join the centrists, we know full damn well the state of the world.
>both want closed borders
>far left
Premium shitpost. Australia-approved.
Buttmad Austin mallets detected, have you never sat down and said fuck all the choices, i'mma do my own thing, with blackjack and hookers?
Oi ye feckin' darkie, feck off back to africa ya prick.
The far left don't want any classes you mong.
Sanders is surprisingly complex outside of MUH 1%. He's not rabidly anti-gun for one.
In some practical ways, yes. However, the radical left wants closed borders, because that's necessary for socialist principles to function. The radical left wants closed borders because "brown peoples is scurry." The radical left hates corporate power brokers for what they are actually doing with nepotism and legacy. The radical right doesn't understand how social favors work, because they are autistic, so assume there is a massive conspiracy. The radical left understands that while there is inefficiencyin both the public and private sector, the inefficiency in the public sector is nowhere near as severe and usually winds up in the pockets of people who would otherwise be criminals who would cost society more anyway, and the inefficiency in the private sector winds up in the hands of people who already have enough. The radical right wants everything privatized for no reason.