Dead americans

dead americans

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Weird, Your're not Turkey.

>British flag
No, he's Pakistan instead.

You have to go back Mehmet.

Did the proxy fail, retard?

Sage goes in the options field.

I hope MI5 / the Met kicks your door in and renditions you to Guantánamo Bay, fucker

>brit shitposting is on par with their cuisine

>implying im british
im muslim first, bangladeshi second

Lol, the retarded shill got exposed.

they have no reason to,, but if ameica is going to invade our homes we will retailiate...


Fuck off Mudslime.

>samefagging a board with ID's

You're not the sharpest tool in the box are you Mehmet?

Islam brought this on itself by following the words of retards like Qutb, al-Zawahiri, and Osama bin Laden, and making a big deal about Israel kicking the ass of every Arab nation that came its way

You're just salty that the west supports Israel, and all of you Muslim fucks just came up with bullshit Salafist / Takfir nonsense to justify your pencil-dick rage at the west's natural supremacy, culminating in unjust attacks against our people and allies; and more often than not, each other as well

Fuck you. They have every reason to kick down your door, especially when a sick cunt like you is posting dead Americans. I hope they shove a flashlight up your ass.

German lyrics Literal translation Verse translation
Es braust ein Ruf wie Donnerhall,
wie Schwertgeklirr und Wogenprall:
Zum Rhein, zum Rhein, zum deutschen Rhein,
wer will des Stromes Hüter sein?

Lieb Vaterland, magst ruhig sein,
lieb Vaterland, magst ruhig sein,
Fest steht und treu die Wacht, die Wacht am Rhein!
Fest steht und treu die Wacht, die Wacht am Rhein!

Durch Hunderttausend zuckt es schnell,
und aller Augen blitzen hell;
der Deutsche, bieder, fromm und stark,
beschützt die heil'ge Landesmark.

Er blickt hinauf in Himmelsau'n,
wo Heldenväter niederschau'n,
und schwört mit stolzer Kampfeslust:
Du Rhein bleibst deutsch wie meine Brust!

Solang ein Tropfen Blut noch glüht,
noch eine Faust den Degen zieht,
und noch ein Arm die Büchse spannt,
betritt kein Feind hier deinen Strand!

Und ob mein Herz im Tode bricht,
wirst du doch drum ein Welscher nicht.
Reich, wie an Wasser deine Flut,
ist Deutschland ja an Heldenblut!

Der Schwur erschallt, die Woge rinnt
die Fahnen flattern hoch im Wind:
Am Rhein, am Rhein, am deutschen Rhein
wir alle wollen Hüter sein.

we were science while u were in huts,,,

Why don't you go back to Bangladesh.

why don't you go back to your huts in europe you genocidal cunt

That's a lie, but even considering that as the truth for the sake of argument; don't you find it awfully funny that Islam as a society reached its peak over a thousand years ago? And compared to developed countries nowadays, Islamic countries are barbaric, crime-ridden, medieval shitholes?

>The "Europeans are genocidal! Islam isn't!" meme
Oh please

Look at what Mohammed did to Jeddah, look at all the evil Islam has spawned, it is not comparable to Europe

why is there shit all over their pants?

fuck your mom

أي الإخوان المسلمين الرجاء مساعدتي ضد هذه غير المؤمنين

There's a reason you came to live in the UK, the fact we are not Islamic is part of the reason

Now fuck off cunt

not for long you will join the dar al-islam

You have to get out.


Is that roach on vacation?

Wait. Did you just call yourself a retarded shill Ahmed?

Nah, just some teenage Muslim from Luton who thinks he's being a Mujahideen by shitposting.