The social welfare provide value or just read "corruption"
Me and my GF are having a bit of a disagreement about the value of social welfare. She believes that should not exist because people exploit them take advantage of the system and therefore are rendered in capable of providing for themselves
Personally I believe that social welfare provides tremendous value for older people and less fortunate people born and to unfortunate circumstances. I understand that there are lots of people take advantage of an exploit this Aid but I'm having a hard deciding weather it is more good then bad. Seeing gray
Your girlfriend is right. Stop being a commie cuck.
I can see where she is coming from but can't rationalize so many people suffering while we posses the means to provide. What to do with the surplus of not help the people who do not have enough. Throw away?
Now she is saying we should have it but restrict it. Ex. You can't be on it for all your life.
I just don't know how you evaluate something like this on a case by case bases. Less fortunate people are a product of environment and I believe would do better/more if the could or more specifically believe they good
>we posses the means to provide
Who has the means to provide, exactly? You can't rationalize people suffering, but apparently you can rationalize robbing people of their wealth in order to distribute it to those you deem more "in need" of it.
>the people who do not have enough
You create a system that does not impede their attempts to get enough, by reducing government interference in the economy. And if that's not enough, too bad. You cannot claim to be interested in helping people if you have to harm others in order to do it.
>You cannot claim to be interested in helping people if you have to harm others in order to do it.
If you have more than you need in terms of survival and other people are suffering how are you being harmed by giving or providing support for those who have less
Our method of industrial agriculture provides enough food to support the entire planet yet and set of aiding starving people in Africa and he and so on and so forth we throw that food away simply because those countries do not have a means to access it i.e. money
OK she's speaking specifically to people in the United States explode in the welfare system. And I guess I'm talking about suffering as a global issue and our willingness to ignore all those people while we have the means to help. Instead we exploit and look for monetary gains
I would be curious to know what is the percentage of people that "" take advantage of social welfare and what amount of people receive social welfare who "genuinely "need it i.e. senior citizens mentally disabled even single moms trying to provide f
>how are you being harmed
You don't get to determine for others what they "need", nor do you get to dictate that everone only "needs" enough to survive and the rest can be taken at your pleasure.
Do you see anything wrong with a thief stealing your wallet in a dark alley? After all, he is likely less wealthy than you.
Stop assuming you are entitled to spend other people's money on causes you support.
Let's say you're a drug attic and you're married and you and your spouse have two or three kids. Should you get social welfare and get the support for raising your kids that you need or because you're a drug attic in a delinquent you are disqualified from receiving those benefits and your kids who had nothing to do with your choices suffer
Survival from an evolutionary standpoint means providing food shelter and safety in order to procreate and perpetuate the existence of your species. If someone has $1 billion and they die with $3 billion in our bank account and while they were alive 100,000 500,000 or 1 million people died that could've survived if they had the resources that you attained but had no use for. I'm not saying that people should just be able to take what you earn but if you have more than you need to survive and others are suffering is there not a moral obligation to help those in need if you can. Especially if your support comes at no real sacrifice to you. I mean not even taking one individual there's a large group of people have more than they need way way more than they need and there's an even larger group of people who are suffering why can't those people give a little bit to help the people who do not have enough and why do people have more than they need care at all if some of their work and resources go to people who do not have enough for whatever reason that may be. I would like to believe if you do not have enough it's because you do not possess the mental capacity or mindset to provide for yourself and take responsibility of your circumstances instead they see themselves that affect everything and happens to them not knowing that they're capable of doing more because of their upbringing their conditioning their environment whatever it might be
I support basic income
It will be a necessity within 20 years.
I would dare to say even the people who are "" taking advantage of the social welfare are actually in capable of for one reason or another overcoming their circumstances up to this point
Neither me nor my girlfriend support basic income. She feels that social welfare is taken advantage of by majority of the people receiving it and should be seriously restricted but does provide a much-needed value for those truly in need. I believe that you cannot determine who needs what and who is taking advantage The situation because they choose to while knowing they can do more and those who use the system while unaware that they're capable of doingThe situation because they choose to while knowing they can do more and those who use the system while unaware that they're capable of doing more.
For what reasons do you support basic income???
If you're poor and living in America and one way or another you're some kind of retarded and don't really get it so to speak. If in that same country there are a large group of people making millions sometimes billions of dollars those people shouldn't have to help the people who have less even not enough but they should feel compelled to.