Nigel Farage has some fire power.
Farage at Trump Rally
Other urls found in this thread:
"You're my friend for life"
What about us?!
Fuck off, asian.
When your government openly boots muslims out we will take you in, but the people doing it is a start.
>Farage in America
Take care of him lads. I've got a feeling we'll need him to make sure Brexit happens.
We will take Pic related.
Fix your country while we look after your best genes
he has the bueno mustach.
Cant barrage the farage, cant fence the pence, cant stump the trump
inb4 Nigel becomes deputy god emperor
Proud day for both our countries desu (I'm English in Spain)
could this even happen?
Did he get rid of his mustache? :(
(((Big Banks))) and (((Globalists)))
I love this guy.
What a don, beat long odds to get us Brexit, what an amazing time to be alive as a Brit. I have high hopes for Trump, god speed you glorious Americans I know you guys can fucking do it.
I know the burgers and britbongs are normally at each others necks in Sup Forums but I feel strangely united with many around this brexit/GE period.
its the new alt right term used by based alex jones and friends to not stir the anti semitism pot yes we all know theyre referring to :B
This burger loves you ;-)
I'm so sorry you had to see this
I don't understand why finns always make everything about us, it' stupid
(((Liberal Elite))) as well.
America doesn't do this though. I peresonally think Denmark is pretty based.
this guy is such a fag.
Not to forget (((Big Merchant Banks)))
Why do Sup Forumstards think brexit means anything and farage isn't a cuck?
"Its the little people..."
tfw Mississippi becomes independent of USA
Omg such proof that farage isn't a cuck! Go Farage! Let's get rid of those evil eastern europeans and replace them with lovely pakistani muslims!!!
I've been to Suomi many times, and I personally welcome you. Just don't let Sweden infect you and kick the somalis out.
Farage is such a good speaker.
Who's the blonde hottie in the red dress?
t. Jerzy Tomekezy Podolwskijowitz
Can't frustrate the Triumvirate
CAn't believe I missed this live.
>You're my friend for life
It really warms the heart.
I like Farage for a lot, you brits have a real good guy in your corner.
>Having condemned his {Obama's] actions, I could not possibly tell you how to vote in this election... BUT
>le pull the plug and abandon the ship man
Epic, simply epic.
>Yes, well done Obama, well done
hahah that pasted aussie flag
you guys wreck commies
It's just too damn hard not to love Nigel. He's always so upbeat and on point.
Ah, we just give each other shit. Its what brothers do.
нayчи мe дa пoпpaвям пpoтoкoлa бpaт
>60 %
Agreed. Always puts a smile on my face.
Love you UK
1. Caбoтиpaш икoнoмикaтa.
2. Oттeгляш ce oт пoлитикaтa.
3. Пycкaш cи мycтaк зa дa нe тe бият пo yлицaтa cлeд 10 гoдини.
Why am I not surprised?
Anyway, Nige is with you America, it's up to you guys now. We can shitpost for you but only you have the actual votes at the end of the day.
Nigel should wear a brown paper bag when appearing on public.
>Nigel Farage has some fire power.
No offense, but he's seriously stealing the show. Trump is good, but Farage is STYLISH.
I wonder how much did Trump pay Nigel though
A pint should do it
Nige has a moustache now? How did I miss this?
Well done dropping your WiFi to get a new ID, but you're still just a retarded wop piece of shit. CTR isn't hiring. They blew the budget in preparation for later today.
Asking the important questions.
I'm totally not at all because I have a different ID, but I agree 100%.
I'm a #FarageBarrage now!
Seriously though, I'd vote for him over Hillary or Trump.
Our bond is more of a family bond, we're not fairweather friends. We have petty squabbles but when it comes time for business we got each others back
I like how he didn't mention trump once, just that a vote against Hillary is a vote for change. That'll resonate with people the most.
Nigel Farage was speaking at the rally but his good old friend Figel Narage is holding down the fort back in Britain.
Are Nige and Trump would be a hell of a combo.
Unfortunately Nige doesn't want to run this shit hole.
If Brexit doesn't happen, Nigel could become leader during the next general election.
Nigel is high energy. What a good speech.
Wait if Article 50 isn't triggered Are Nige is going to run?
I thought he was just sticking to his current EU duties then stopping?
>inb4 judea declares war on America
He's said that he will continue to pressure the government to invoke article 50, and continue as an MEP to oversee that we're not getting fucked over in the negotiation process.
I wouldn't rule out him returning to leader if the next general election comes by without us leading. He's 20 years younger than Trump. He has plenty of time left to fight. Especially after he's had a few years rest.
Cheers, had no idea. Glad he'll be helping us trigger 50 still as May seems a bit more reluctant than I'm comfortable with.
Nigel Nigel Nigel Nigel Nigel Nigel
There's a """"""""meme""""""" that looks exactly like this face... Can't really place it though. I think it's from some cartoon. Help ;-;
t. Mehetmet Fasir Abdullah
Has there ever been a more cheeky cunt?
what's with the guy on right?
thank you friend you put a smile on my dial
Farage is a hell of a speaker.
Shamelessly copy and pasting the Australian flag in there. Something tells me a butthurt Aussie made this image.
>big banks
>liberal elite media
why doesn't Farage just say the jews.
Nigel is very afraid of being called a bigot, apparently. I don't remember him ever saying anything extreme on Islam, he has mainly focused on Romanians and Bulgarians throughout his career.
Same reason why Alex jones doesn't name it
controlled opposition
It won't happen.
Brexit was just meant to be a protest vote against uncontrolled immigration an reaffirmation of soverengity.
None of the so-called Brexit leaders have the gall to take the next step.
Because some of the owners of the big banks and liberal elite media aren't Jewish.
Because normies won't listen to tin foil conspiracies.
I'm not saying the Jewish thing isn't real, but someone saying it on TV is just going to kill their credibility.
No it's one of those black and white drawings.. Very crude. I think I've also seen it shopped onto Tom's face.
Look at all the salt
Bill on this pic looklike dark souls 3 character
>big banks
>the establishment
>imf, moodys, s&p
>global leaders
>the polling industry
>the political class
>liberal elite
christ, just name the jew already nigey
>Was white British secessionist Nigel Farage...
lol, fucking a
I was thinking of this apparently.