Daily reminder that Sup Forums is with Her

Drumpf supporters and the republican shills are out in full force to derail important political discussions we have on Sup Forums on how to get Hillary in the oval office and secure the existence of the Aryan race.
Their relentless propaganda pushing in here is more evidence that all our good work has scared the republican party straight.
Remember that Sup Forums is an international boardof peace and that traitors such as Drumpf will never get our support.
There will be an influx of Drumpf shills itt, so guyz prepare your redpills so we can drown out the republican nigger-mongering. The jews have given their blessings to Drumpf and he will burn in the ovens along with the rest of his kind.

Other urls found in this thread:


>1 post by this (((id)))

1 post by this (((id))).
I am so sick of you drumpftards ruining the image of our peaceful boards.

brothers of Sup Forums show these drumpftards no mercy.
also Sup Forums is the correct way to write it in newspaper articles or television or something.

So is this how we are going to deal with it?


>has the chance to redpill normies on Shillary's crimes and health

>let's just shitpostinsead and pretend we like her instead XD

amazing plan you got there

These are not going to be normies but brainwashed SJW miscreants. They will never listen to reason. Subversion is the best route to go


Finally somebody with a shred of sense. Hillary will drown the middle east in mudslime blood. #IAMWITHHER

they will never listen. Something in their biology forces them to not listen. They will agree with what they want to hear though.

WTF I'm with her now


Here is the subversion polsters

They wont be able to shut us down if we act like them.

In fact, it will be impossible for them to shit over us at all

The amount of CTR shill on the board will maybe convince them that Sup Forums is a 'diverse' place. But I think they'll focus on the stuff they don't like.

Hillary Clinton, for all her faults admittedly, is the only candidate willing to preserve American Empire. Assad is hoarding his oil for the purpose of building a counter faction to the West. I completely support the bombing of Sandniggers if it means that America can get their hands on Syrian soil and improve their own country.

The glory of an American, and ultimately Western, Empire of such a sort seems genius. #HeilHillary

Sadly but true they are drones to a system that exploits ignorance but do we hide in the shadows or do we come out with our guns clocked

Why don't we actually try and drive them off the board by spamming gore? Don't we want to get rid of them? Redpilling SJWs isn't going to work, and they're the only ones who are actually going to come here after her speech

>tfw even the Dalai Lama is with her

Cognitive dissonance, desu senpai. They see stormfags supporting Hillary and repent. Besides, the lulz will be flowing like liberal tears. We should probably take it to twitter too.

Trump loves niggers and spics now
It's over
Hillaru is our only hope
Trump shall be inprisonned for being a traitor to KEK

I'm so fucking sick of those trolls latching to Dolan Drumpf because he has ideologies that you could link to Sup Forums. Only a retard would support Drumph. Hillary is the thinking man's choice, but those trolls can't stand arguments and call everyone cuck, giving us a bad name. Brainwashed Trumpers

The whole universe is with her. This is the way the universe is telling that it wants to rid the universe of niggers and mudslimes one planet at a time. The earth is too valuableand too beautiful to hold creatures of hell like niggers. The sooner we rid of them the better, and the best way forward right now is if we vote our Empress into the oval office.
Sure she might not be able to understand cyber-security, or economics. She might also be a little corrupt but in this day and age can you really showme a politician who is not corrupt. But I'll tell you one thing, she is the only one with the guts to call the niggers "super-predators" and she gets my support just for that.




I still think we should just post gore and immediately drive them away


Only niggers and spics like Donald "get along with everyone" Drumpf. He wants us to limit our involvement in world affairs, is he fucking insane?

Eliminating our influence in geopolitics is national suicide. Only Hillary has the strength of will to bring the darkies to heel. Only Hillary will Make America White Again

they will drive themselves away once the storm is over

We need a woman as a president to help those poor women, that are oppressed every day because they weren't born as a man

Because they get paid so much less

Because they work so much less

What a tragedy

The jews man. They have all the world under their control through their control of central banks, MSM and world politics. Now they tell me that a guy whose daughter is a jewess herself is supposed to Make America Great Again. I'm telling you people this Drumpf fella has the kike hands rubbing deep inside his ass and is ready to sacrifice Americans for the sake of Israel.
I say we burn him and all his kike overlords. Down with jewry. The holocaust was not enough. Only Hillary knows this and only she will make sure we burn the noses for good this time.
watch out Israel, Hillary is coming!!

Don't worry brother. Hillary also has a plan.


I hope she gasses these thick lipped baboons.

Free abortion for blacks (predominantly) is the best thing that ever happened to white supremacy.

we have a live one brothers.
get out of our boards you newfag drumpftard. Go back to your islamic hellhole and suck a muzzie dick. I have a feeling that you are of a certain religion. Muhammad is a pedophile (He married a 6 year old, and could only wait till she was 9 before he brutally deflowered the young child). How does it feel to worship a literal child-fucker. Oh but look who I am talking to, you probably have a few lined up for yourself.

here here mon frère!
The republicans with their prolife bullshit are singlehandedly ensuring whites become a minority in their own lands. When a negress is forced to keep her child by law, imagine what will happen with their animal-like libido and fertility. The whole world would be overrun with darkies. Now put the same formula to all these muzzies. A very scary prospect.

i didn't donate to the nepal earthquake for the shit , i want my money back

This is the ticket guys. It's a fucking redpill, subversive, and a high quality shitposting.


Newfriends later today won't know what hit them

Hillary doesn't like blacks, I'm voting for her because I think we should genocide niggers.

She's not going to mention Sup Forums or Sup Forums in her speech, you dumb faggots

get along with the times man. drumpf is finished. didnt you get the memo?

This is obviously not working. Look at all the other threads that are going on as normal. Spamming gore or doing nothing are literally are only options of succeeding. This is just stupid and is going to send mix signals.


She's the only chance we got to exterminate the niggers, Heil clinton 1488!

>secure the existence of the Aryan race.


but are we willing to take the chance? we're all shitposting anyways so I dont see any harm.

no fact-fagging. Only memespouting with subtle redpills. Thats the name of the game Ronaldo.

never trust an aryan jew to make the right vote
the aryan jew has a natural aversion to order, which is why he believes the right answer to the chaos of our age is even more chaos

shills must BTFO
enough with that Trump faggotery


Disregarding that your post is one big ad-hominem, do yo realize that in the beggining, Sup Forums was 90% pro Trump, and it was like that till about month or two, when suddently, lot of anti Trump threads popped up. Threads with repeating images, literally copied textes and OP leaving immedietly or not responding. After that there was more and more anti-trump thereads and posters. When im at it, mind telling me why wouldnt Sup Forums like Trump? He wants to deport spics, he has good relations with Russia, the ´´alt-right´´ vote for him. What i want to say is that you are either very delusional thinking most of Sup Forums is anti Trump, or new.

>´´alt-right´´ vote for him
>Drumfels believe this

Ok, so who do they vote for?

get out drumpfags. you will hang on the day of the rope

Did you realise that 99,754355786654446% of all statistics are made up on the spot?
Or that you are intellectually 12 years old?

Won nice job man, i see you are propably just new. I have tip for you, read the image in the sticky, it will help you learn that lengthened versions of ´´fuck you´´ arent the best way to make an argument.

Statistics about what? That Sup Forums was 90% pro Trump? I didnt get this from statistic, i got it from the fact that almost all of Sup Forums supported Trump.


Hopefully, but i think shills reduce the number somewhat. They ussualy leave after a while though.

"not an argument" another one of those things that new drumpfags repeat. get out now while you still have the chane drumpfy. literally a 12 year with an access to computer.

Here i posted it for you. Face it, all your repplies to me so far were ad-hominems, and, you can ask anywhere if you want, insulting me actually isnt an argument, especially if the insult isnt true.

I am worried Sup Forums. I think the kikes are gonna win. I think they will get Trump elected. The republicans with their globalist overlords are taking over the whole world. They are gonna flood the American land with mudslimes. They will take away all that is good with America and install imported evil. They are doing this so that they always have a safe-deposit of voters come election. This way they can ensure that their party will be running America for a very long time. I think American cities will look like Pakistan or Afghanistan in 10-15 years. The most disgusting thing here is that they do it not for themselves but for their kike overlrds. Israelis want middle-east free of muslims sk they are forcinv a mass immigration worldwide. Republicans my fridnds are knee-deep in this kinc of shit. Drumpf is just a face they want us to see. The rificuluous thing is that they had all of America from which they could have chosen anyone, but they chose an idiot who can barely keep his speech coherent.
God help us if Hillary loses. Hillary loosing the election will basically mean that the niggers, muslims and the kikes have won the war.

fuck off you kikeloving, muzzie-dick-sucking, niggerfagging piece of shit. No matter what you say or what propaganda you try to push. The peaceful people of Sup Forums will never fall for voting for an illiterate globalist-puppet orangutan like Drumpf. That might work on the simple people of reddit but here we have actual discourse on dealing with people specifically like yourself and you will stand out like a sore-thumb. Get out and stay out.

/////I cant wait for her speech./////

>In fact, it will be impossible for them to shit over us at all

This. Attempting to shit on Sup Forums is merely shitting into an infinite bedpan of shit; pissing into an infinite ocean of piss; there is quite simply no winning this for them.

Jesus christ man, are you this delusional? Do you think majority of Sup Forums thinks like you? Bullshit, spen a day or two here, and you will see. And main point of , that Trump will flood USA muslims, is pretty fucking stupid, since, you know, on of the main points of Trumps campaign is strongly limiting, if not banning immigration of muslims. Also, may i ask why are you puting TAGS in posts on pol? This isnt facebook or tumblr you know.

HeilHillary my friends. let the shitposting grow to a new level


Sam Harris is based.

christ on a cracker man either go through the archives, see whats happening to the catalog or shut up. Have you even read the whole bread.
Someone educate this drumpftard im getting triggered.

How is life at 28,000 feet? Fuck I wish I afforded going to the Himalayas

get this trending on twitter lads

go my brothers goo. We have to kill the drumpf shills before they derail our boards. I know the timss are tough but the light is showing now and it wont be too long before we find peace again.

>drumpftards are this retarded
How new are you?
If you had been here for the past 8 months, you would've known we were with her since day 1

bretty comfy man.
I am at ~4500m right now. Planning to go another 1500m higher once Drumpf wins and WW3 kicks off.

That's quite an earth-shattering argument you have there Nepal. It really shakes the foundation of my life. Your argument really sent a seismic tremor through me.

this 6gorillion times.
Hillary is our only hope drumpftards. They dont even realize that he will bring more immigrants in to legalize so that they can work for his regime. Hillary would never do something so despicable. She loves America far too much for that.

Have you got this gif with trump blasting him with laser eyes?

who else here /comfy/?
Re-watching Bill's speech for the 34th time already
It really is THIS AMAZING

This. Can't wait for Hillary to bring those damn niggers to heel.

>mfw pic related was not even the most devestating
btw did you know that drumpf with his globalist funded charity organization donated to Nepal. All good it seems but 6 months after the quake many Nepali children (all quake victims) were found illegally "working" in the UK.
I mean do you think the strong morals of Hillary Clinton would allow her to do such criminal activities? Jews man fucking jews. They are everywhere and anywhere a chaotic situation arises.

Can you blame anyone for exploiting you mountain niggers? The only thing you contribute to society is being pack mules for wealthy adventurers. Hell, you guys can't even afford a full flag. You guys are so poor that China only makes half of an effort to oppress you.

>d-dr-drumpf can still win!!!!
trumpkins said, as they develop a new branch of math to formulate scenarios in which trump could still become president

I dont have to do any of this, because i already seen it. Someone makes anti Trump thread, ussualy with stupid argument or just picture they found on reddit. Since regarding this Sup Forums is retarded, everyone will go to these threads, and bite the bait. You claim Sup Forums is pro Hillary, and meanwhile there is Trump general alomst 24/7. Hillary, not so much, to be precise, if you search ´´Hillary general´´ in archive, it will wind 7 threads, ussualy with about 10 replies. Now, search Trump general, and gues what, 205 threads, mostly with about 300 replies. So, yeah, go on, show me all the threads you are talking about


Why do Drumpkins think the south will even vote for him? We all know that Hillary is the only one strong enough to bring those nigger super predators to heel.

>meanwhile there is Trump general alomst 24/7
trump generals are containment threads for trump shills
face it faggot, he has no real support, especially since he is completely bought out by the jews

hahah thats actualy pretty good, we could make them hate hillary, just keep on posting how the kk is a liberal party she met kkk guys and that trump actualy loves blacks and hispanics and wants them to do better

We need to also remind everyone that Trump is that pro-Israel candidate and Hillary will be the only one strong enough to stand up to the kikes.


It is still shitposting, even if you are being ironic.

You are just cancer, plain and simple.

Okay, show me some Hillary threads, that arent baits and are pro-her

lurk moar newfag

Hillary gets it. Jail all nigger super-predators!! I'm with her!

Fuck of shill

mfw all of this is so very true


europeans who support trump are traitors, discuss

do it. HillaryForAmerica

they will run to trump faster if they think she is the racist

You know, i already did lurk the catalog for hillary threads and i found:
-thread telling people to make threads like this one is
-thread telling people to prepare against threads like this
-this thread
-Anti-Trump thread, note the anti-hillary posts in it
-pretty much a joke thread, anti-hillary
-Pro-hillary, dead
-Thread about when will Hillary give her speech, mostly anti-her
-same thing
-joke thread, read the posts (She said similar words to me. She said, "Kayla, show the world your supreme boipussy to the world. Let them know whites with blonde hair and light eyes are the supreme race. When I die on stage from God knows what, take over. Take over for me" -OP)
-thread telling that thing happening right now wont happen
-another joke thread, anti-hillary
-thread about her upcoming alt-right speech, anti-hillary
-thread just like this one, already archived
I think you are the one that should ´´lurk more´´

Correcting, inst dead, now it has buch of anti-hillary posts