What would a perfect country look like (religion,culture,language,government,laws,etc)?

What would a perfect country look like (religion,culture,language,government,laws,etc)?

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>Patrick bateman
>no dubs

1939 Germany


Mix of traditional Nordic/German and anime


traditional, nationalist, conservative

Kys low iq idiot.


gas yourself

>not wanting qt aryan girls to act like anime girls and call you onii-chan


>white population
>homeschooling/Montessori method
>laissez-faire (free enterprise initiative takes care of services) and no welfare
>free speech
>loose gun restrictions, if at all
>local militias limited to an agglomerate of towns (no national guard) and obligatory 18 yo conscription
>NAP as the base for the constitution
>direct democracy in case of war ("should the militias go to war or not?")
>closed borders

oh for fuck sake, grow the fuck up or fuck off back to

>Mix of traditional Nordic/German and anime




>direct democracy in case of war
The fuck?

1910 Germany.

The federation states vote if the local militias should gather in case of a war, or not.

Mexican/white, atheist, communist, english ad a primary language, spanish close second. (Like canads and french)

As in
>There's a ongoing invasion on your country
>You still have to call in a referendum before defending yourself and deciding tactics

No, it happens before the invasion.

christianity, not really religious society, but religion is still definitely present
mix of western values of freedom,equality,and pluralism, and eastern values of order,filial piety, and tradition. strong aversion to degeneracy
english used in everyday life, latin used in government and formal settings, and you could not get by without both
constitutional monarchy. emperor retains a fair bit of power, but parliament acts as a strong check on his authority. british parliamentary system, single transferable vote
strong bill of rights, gun control more based off of restricting crazy people and felons from getting guns rather than restricting the type of guns one can own. all drugs decriminalised (marijuana fully legal), and treatment centers for the more destructive and addictive ones. strong sense of economic nationalism and slight isolationism. country belongs to un and other non-military organisations, but does not really try and intervene in international politics or the politics of other sovereign nations

1930's Germany. No anime though, that's a degenerate subculture that was the unfortunate result of the nuclear strike on japan. No jew controlled bank or media.

>free enterprise services

So will be we have free-market private armies, or will there be a state army?

>inb4 we dont need an army lol

Say that when nationalism begins rising in Germany again

No religion but every person goes through courses on spirituality and philosophy to develop their mind. Also learn about psych and human behavior, body language and effective verbal communication. This would create a more united people than some bullshit dogma.

English or a form of it without the stupid things in its syntax and diction.

Early childhood would not be spent in a school but rather in "camps" like boy scouts without the bullshit about religion and being a pioneer. This would teach the children how to interact with nature and other people in a healthy way and develop proper social skills. Around 10 they would start attending general education and be taught the stuff I mentioned at first but also about general history and science. As they get older education becomes more redpill.most about the evils that existed and to prevent them. Also in mid teens the children that have interest in certain fields or show affinity for them would go into specialty schools that would still learn general redpilled education a bit but the most would be field specific.

Culture it would be based on nature and expression of self. Sex culture would be dimished by the population not being sensitive to nudity as they have been nurtured to understand nature since childhood. The population would learn to sophisticate their taste through education so that music , art, film, etc would be focused on expression rather than attention whoring and greed.

The economy would be a hybrid of resource based for basic necessities and through automation everything would be provided for the population, and a system like bit coin that people could do things to earn extra purchasing power. Every human would have a healthy undestanding of purpose and motivation so their lives can be meaningful and productive. Low level "jobs" that have not been automated would be for the young or those who chose them instead of something more difficult.

>all drugs decriminalized
>encouraging degenerate behavior

In a good society you would be punished for even WANTING drugs

>no religion
>Everyone is a cute anime girl/catgirl except me (im human)
>Language is japanese
>Im the king of my own anime harem country
>Laws: be calm, nice, kinky and wear revealing clothing

Like I said, no national guard. You'll have local militias that are trained, armed and organized by private companies, but the conscription is done on the region State level, so you don't have a guy from, for example, Florida sent to Michigan.

It's none of the government's business what people are putting in their bodies, as long as they are responsible adults of sound mind.

>Obligatory conscription

Hue I...

Deal with it. It's the base, not the result.

>Religion : None / Catholicism
>Culture : Italian / French
>Food : Italian
>Wine : French
>Industry : Germany / USA
>Government and Laws : Ancient Rome
>Toilets : Indian

>Toilets: indian

continuing on

There would be a group of "workers" that are recommended for their affinity to manage the providing of basic needs for the population.

Almost everything would be automated. Using resources properly, abundance of almost anything woudl occur, and the population can use them as needed. There would be little ownership but homes, vehicles, "personal" items would still be common, meanwhile transportation and housing would be largely centralized.

There would be no "government" in modern sense, rather a systematic (computerized) program of assessing issues that are important to the population, overseen by individuals who have knowledge in human behavior and or needs etc.

Laws would be the obvious moral subjects, and anything but violent crime would be treated as minor, instead those who did minor things would be put through an extensive rehabilitation, something like what the Kibbutz have done. Minor laws would be based on the culture and what is prevalent, this would be determined by human behavior specialists and the computerized systematic program. Most drugs would be legal except alcohol, heroin, pcp, tobacco etc. However everyone would go through at least a year long course of the effects that chemicals have on the body.

Business would only exist to provide amenities not basic needs. Those who have professions that benefit society greatly (doctors, scientists) would be rewarded with more than basic need with a system like bitcoin, as I mentioned. Banks would not exist, and the "market" would not include necessary things for human (shelter, food, water, medicine), however anything that would be "extra" that was part of basic needs would be allowed to exist in the market (high class restaurants, luxury spas, etc).

The population with health issues and mental problems would be safeguarded in "special" communities. These would also be separate from the market.

Official language should be cat language where everybody lick their cute paws.

Not sure
Social democratic tehnocraty

Traditional Catholicism,Latin,Fascist/Monarchist/No Jews Allowed/Holy Roman Empire 2.0


>Mix of traditional Nordic/German and anime

1990 Switzerland

You're welcome.



Australia without the abos and with better gun laws. Also get rid of the land rates for individuals that own land, we should be able to do whatever the fuck we like on our land.


Furthermore the workers involved in gathering resources to provide the basic needs of people would basically have special cases of ownership and purchasing power. IN this way those who actually DO THE HARD WORK would earn the most. Nothing close to the stock market would be allowed to exist.

Athletic careers would be encouraged in those who posses the capabilities.

No politics, rather scientific understanding of human behavior with a consensus of the highly intellectual, with the computed model of issues that are important.

Things would be ever changing, infrastructure would be dependant on efficiency rather than aesthetic preference. Personal vehicles would be available but would be automated.

Progress and change would be encouraged to dissipate any cultural stagnation.

>yall need to read my posts wtf

most obvious answer
gayest thing i've read in a couple days good job!

>No religion
You have discredited your entire post in your first two words, lurk moar.


Name one atheist civilization, and by that I mean a civilization that when birthed was atheist, the USSR could work for this, but here is where you'll have a hard time.

Name one atheist civilization that has lasted longer than 100 years.

Holy Roman Empire meaning some sort of distributist policies? Because you couldn't just form the HRE in America, that would require insane amounts of balkanization.

religious idiot.
Humans don't need religion, they need a developed spirituality that isn't based on bullshit dogma of fairytales. Rather on the human experience and connection with nature and the universe.

Reporting in

>listening to a man who is a traitor to his homeland and is of Jewish descent
wew I don't need an argument.


Australia murdered the real Dundee because he would not give up his firearms. The Port Aurthur Massacre was executed with the intention of disarming the general Australian populace.


>religious idiot
And yet you cannot provide me one civilization that is capable of functioning without religion, instead you attack me. It is intertwined with the identity of a people's, without it there is nothing.

I can show you, with obviously the validity or authenticity of religion being completely inconsequential, that religion is beneficial to the order of things within a society and helps people function in a moral, socially acceptable manner as there is no moral objectivity without God or some sort of religious ideological absolute that says so.

I know you won't be able to prove that atheism or your pseudo-spiritual hogwash is capable of functioning on a societal/nation-wide scale so here, try and tell me how you are different, how your meme spirituality will enforce the peoples to be good.

Do you really think that the masses are concerned with the works of the Greeks? Or maybe that if they read some stoic philosophy they will instantly become special from the rest of humanity, not needing of religion? Maybe if they finally open their eyes after reading some meme German they will realize that they are, the people.... capable of becoming ubermensch, that they do not need a God, but can function in a world without it? You provide a pipedream, religion provides a proven system that works. Go ahead, try and refute me, you are the one who has the burden of proof placed upon you.


Religion: Atheist
Culture: Mexican/Spanish
Language: Castellano/Spanish
Government: Military/Democratic Republic
Economy : Socialist

Children at the age of 16 choose Civilian Citizenship or Military Citizenship

Only native born Children can become Military Citizens

Military Citizenship: Requires 9 years of Military service.
Civilian Citizenship : is fully enstated at age 21.
Civilians children go to regular Primary, Secondary School
Military Cadets go to Military Academy until 18 years, then go to Vigorous Combat training.

Military Cadets Swear to protect the constitution and country
Government is made of Council of Democratically elected Civilian officials and Officers of the Military.< Legislature
Executive is elected by military personnel only Officers over the age of 35 can be elected a executive.
The judiciary courts are 5 civilians only, Civilian Officials in Council pick judges.

>no national army
>depending on separate government bodies working together to defend against a coordinated attack

You will be slaughtered like pig

A perfect government doesn't allow it's citizens to poison themselves for enjoyment

not islam
every man should live like jefferson
liberal with broken window policing
post-scacity dreamland

>mostly white
>women stay at home cooking and cleaning, taking care of the kids
>nationalist, traditional
>strong borders
>strong military


>I know you won't be able to prove that atheism or your pseudo-spiritual hogwash is capable of functioning on a societal/nation-wide scale so here, try and tell me how you are different, how your meme spirituality will enforce the peoples to be good.
>Go ahead, try and refute me, you are the one who has the burden of proof placed upon you.

Says the one who says we MUST believe in a supreme being that there is literally 0 evidence that it exists.

My spirituality is based on my existential reflection with proven understanding of nature and human behavior.

The fact that I am a sentient being with the capability of self cognition, capable of higher understanding. I only know my existence through experience and that provides a basis for existential reflection, to know that "reality" is prevalent in my own mind but also that other sentients have the same abilities I do. Causing a realization that I am myself but also part of a network of sentient beings.

I am able to know the universe and the concept that the universe and reality only exist in our minds due to experience humbles the ego (the self mechanism in response to external reality), and is a reminder that there may be things outside of current rational understanding. Sentience is the most amazing thing that exists in the universe as it provides a way to experience itself.

I understand that human behavior has its base in genetics and instinct but it is molded by the environment. This creates a transcendent connection of the self and the external universe. Which underscores the importance of sentience, as the life that has not reached advanced cognition does not "understand" or experience this connection with the external universe. Furthermore the human experience provides an unfathomable ability of self awareness.

>falling for the bait

Private Industry is Civilian except of Weapons manufacturers and Heavy industries.

Laws and Conduct

Military personnel are punished publicly, if military personnel assults or kills a Civilian he/she is to be Flogged publicly and or killed depending on severity. If the killing was on accident the soldier must pay for all cost for the funeral of the civilian and must apologize to Family. If the killing was in self defence, the soldier will not be punished.

Acts against the State of any kind are to be met with Court Marshall and swift execution by firing squad
If a civilian is treasonous he is to be judged by a court of peers if he is found guilty he is to also be executed by firing squad.

Nice argument.

Besides that you didn't provide anything but your feelings in how enlightened you are and how this system of enlightenment could so easily be extrapolated onto an entire populace.

You sound delusional.

Keep on calling me a stupid theist, because that's all you have.

continuing on feeling and thinking are all part of spiritual sentience, since you know so much about spirituality I'd imagine you'd understand this.

Understand that instinct is purely derived from environmental forces on my predecessors. This also tells me that I am not only part of the universe but a subject of it. I have the power to mold my reality with my cognitive function, to learn, to understand, to experience with other humans, to create a connection with other sentient being whether humans or not.
The understanding of the "order" of the universe from the cosmos to the order of dominance in life (food chain, ecosystems ectc) furthermore reinforce the transcendent connection that life has with the non organic environment, and that sentience transcends this as well, since I am able to affect that connection with my cognitive actions.

Furthermore to also appreciate the circumstances of my existence. I am part of a common type of solar system, common star, common type of planet in the habitable zone. As many exoplanets have proven that water and being in the habitable zone of the solar system is quite common in the universe it shatters the conceit of many religious dogma that we are "chosen" and "privilaged".

My species is not particularly "designed" for all environments, what is responsible for our ability to survive is mostly due to the sentience that we developed. Understanding that this is quite amazing and extremely "valuable" (the most valuable thing in the universe is sentient life) yet I am capable of it reminds me of my connection with others and the universe.

Nearly all prominent religious dogma is shattered with my stated understanding, and other further knowledge.

International Diplomacy

Cannot Declare war on neutral Countries.
If attacked by foreign terrorists. Executive must ask the country where terrorist are hidden to permit troops to enter country or Coordinate efforts with that country.
If the country is reluctant and says no, and all diplomatic solutions have been exhausted, the state is premitted to declare war on the that foreign country.

The state can help protect any local democratic Country or allie that is in a Defensive war "if asked".

The state cannot enter any Economic union, alliance pact with more than one country.

no jews
no shitskins

doesn't need more than that

none, except the cult of the nation

asian, german elements

totalitarian, nationalist,social conservative,
>laws ; restrictions on abortion, tax on contraception, illegal to burn flag or insult nation,
voting restrictions: male; have job. female; have 2+ children

Religion: Nordic Paganism
Culture: Prussian
Language: German
Government: Despotic Monarchy
Laws: Inferior Genes Exclusion

Prove it you fucken drongo.

Okay Ill go ahead and go by "the points" you made. I went ahead and stated the basis of my spirituality since you think being an "atheist" is void of any.

>And yet you cannot provide me one civilization that is capable of functioning without religion, instead you attack me. It is intertwined with the identity of a people's, without it there is nothing.
>I can show you, with obviously the validity or authenticity of religion being completely inconsequential, that religion is beneficial to the order of things within a society and helps people function in a moral, socially acceptable manner as there is no moral objectivity without God or some sort of religious ideological absolute that says so.

Through recorded history and recent western civilization the prevalence of spirituality is a constant. The religious dogma that dominates several societies is shaped by such societies environment.

In abrahamic religions the basis of much of its "morality" dogma stems from the negative effect of certain human behavior. However with advanced knowledge based on scientific research of the human instinct and the molded behavior by the environment, a morality based on understanding the cause of such behavior prevails over the morality based on consequence.
Most religious morality dogma reinforces the consequences of behavior and its barring rather than understanding the cause in order to prevent it from the root. (apparently its just forms of evil, and "degeneracy" as you probably call it).
This falters in societies where many people are exposed to an uncontrollable environment in which behavior is molded easily.

It is not enough to punish or to tell humans to not do something, rather understanding the cause of such behavior in order to effect how that behavior is molded into a being.

Example, If a person has a family to feed, has no way of getting food for whatever reason, they will steal or scavenge food even if its illegal, as it is a necessity.


Australian vikings

Just a little correction :

Religion: European Paganism depending on the nation (Romance countries: Roman Paganism, Slavic countries: Slavic Paganism and so forth).

Culture: Each European country's culture.

Continental Language: Either a New Latin, German or Russian.

Government: National Socialism Government / Rationalist Anarchist and altruistic society.

Laws: Inferior genes EXECUTED, thus eugenics restored.

Roman Catholic
West/South Slavic/Hungarian/Germanic(Austro-Bavarian preferably)
Multilingual, Latin as a lingua franca
Hereditary Absolute Monarchy
Laws which help economic growth but preserve traditions (Jews banned)

Basically Habsburg Empire minus Jews.

>What would a perfect country look like (religion,culture,language,government,laws,etc)?
Any culture
Any language
And Sharia

>Laws: Inferior genes EXECUTED, thus eugenics restored.
You sound like someone who would be first at the chopping block.

White (Wtf is white?? A pencil? So what are greeks?)

Catholic (jewish religion)

Topkek this board makes my day everytime

As if a superstition like atheism brings anything good. All countries that had state atheism turned good countries to the most shit countries in the world.

Atheism also leads to all the degeneracy we complain about here on Sup Forums

nazi germany


Atheism is based on bullshit dogma (that there is nothing after death for example, and all other similar atheist dogmas) and fairly tales

At least I'm not an idiot who believes in such a thing as WHITE RACE, since that's CONTINENTAL MULTICULTURALISM, and European are different each other, slavic to nordics, saxon to romance, ugric to mediterranean and so on.

Also you choose to have Catholicism, which originates from Christianity, which is a judaic religion... And then you say to not be wanting any jews....

I think you would be the first one at the chopping block instead, you subhuman.

>he hasn't seen Legend of Galactic Heroes

No Jews Arabs or blacks

No I sincerely have never heard of it, but thanks to you I made my research and put in my "towatch" list.

Seems pretty damn interesting.

you're welcome to fuck off back to Sup Forums

Sun worship
Mix of Yakutian and Baltic
Everyone is allowed to own slaves but only if the slaves consent

White race doesn't exist, is a jewish social construction and a total myth, which WHOMEVER studies a little anthropometry and raciology will refuse to accept.

Europeans are not the same each other, put it in your fucking brain you dull idiot.

And you believe so then I guess there are idiots on both side of the penny.

An Orobic is not the same as a Celt, Latin, Dinarid, Atlantic, Nordic, Gaelic, Saxon, Ugric, Lap and so on.

Just as in each single country different aspects and SUBRACES exist, as for what concern Ausones, Ostrogoths, Venetians, Orobics, Longobards, Etruscans, Latins and more.

Dont forget no gypsies

And no, those aren't mere populations, those are the result of both the Pedigree's founder and the following haplogroups, due to migration and mixing with near ones.

Whites are European Caucasians dumbshit
it's not a race it's a group with very similar features

>You're allowed a slave
>But the slave has to agree to be a slave
user, I don't think you understand how slavery works.

Good luck in your ignorance buddy.

Still tho, "Whites" don't exist, they never existed.

There are only European Races and Subraces, and no a Slavic looks different from a Nordic Scandinavian, they're absolutely not the same.

If you believe in a unique White European Race then I'm sorry for you, but what you're doing is Continental Multiculturalism, since it both concerns RACIAL GENES and, the most crucial part, CULTURE.

Result? You're a retard.

Many slaves in the Caliphate was willing slaves. A lot Europeans sold themselves into slavery in the Caliphate. ESPECIALLY during the Mamluk Dynasty because a large amount of the millitary leadership and beurocracy was only available to slaves. (The Mamluk Caliphs were originally slaves as well)

When people were slaves they were property and had no say in anything of course.

Pretty much. Witnesses say the shooter walked into the cafe and managed to nail something like 18 headshots in under 40 seconds shooting from the hip.

The guy they arrested was some dumb as rocks farmboy who kept giggling during the police interview, was tried without a jury and is kept heavily sedated in a mental facility and not allowed visitors due to 'security reasons'

But it wasn't a false flag, honest.

damn nigga how convenient to ignore everything I typed and focus on something that's is misrepresenting my argument just to put yourself in a position of faux-superiority acompanied by adhominems

>latin used in government and formal settings
Why not italian? It's basically latin.

A perfect government lets the degenerates kill themselves wihout limiting anyone's freedom.

My nationstates nation is classified as a liberal democratic socialist state which is weird because you're disallowed entry into the country if you're religious, we have no welfare, and...Actually that's it. Huh. Guess I'm a leftie now, and not just in hand.

Money system:

>no income tax
>money is legally defined as whatever the parties to a transaction agree to exchange
>contracts in this legally defined money are enforced by law

Copy/Paste Hong Kong's laws and infrastructure.

And I'm King.

Sounds perfect to me.