Someone edit this with hitler spanking the happy merchant
Someone edit this with hitler spanking the happy merchant
*eagerly awaits*
Ill bump that shit
Wrong board, you crackass whorenigger.
I wanna see this. Bump.
What kinda shit tier mongoloid flag is that?
Om second thought don't answer, I don't really care. It just looks so quintessentially irrelevant
It's okay, Sven. But don't get mad when I move to sweden to fuck swedish girls and waste welfare money.
Kek. Found a better merchant
Tbh nobody really likes immigrants unless you are a left twisted fuck or an immigrant yourself
Wtf, I hate Sweden now!
Lol replace the merchant with a spic
fuck off tripfag
Yeah right
Except they aren't racial Jews and could convert back to Christianity once Trump rises to power and is completely off the Jewish clutches.
This. Judaism is maternal.