Isn't the ban fascism?


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evil000 be prepared

It's "alt right."

no, but the totalitarian cult known as islam IS fascist...

In the UK, mankinis are banned on most of the coast.

Is that any different?
Society must have the right to regulate its own social expression, for the benefit of its culture and homogenity.

Yes, it's unfortunate we let our society degrade to a point where fascism is necessary for safety and social order.

True, but don't moves like this push the normies over to the left even more? It's tact/diplomacy I'm talking about.

One anyone can wear the other has ties to religion.

What about nuns wearing habits then? That is oppression too.

I don't understand. Why ban this and not burkas as well?

Burqas are banned in France already. People openly flout the law.

The burkas are banned in France. Aren't they?

normies reap what they sow, we do what's right

Nuns don't blow shit up

That's odd. I thought they'd be more lax being cucked and all. What's the deal? Are they the only European country to do this?

Apparently. I had no idea.

yep it's facism.

thought Sup Forums didn't have any problem with facism.

But the majority wins, don't they. :/

Normies are the ones who wanted this bill passed in the first place, anons

Your average normie doesn't lean very democrat anymore; they're starting to tilt right.

>everything i don't agree with is fascist
>banning stuff for being totally against your values
If banning stuff is fascists muslims have to be the most fascist people ever. Checkmate?

Why not just ban islam?

Maybe because no one impose the lycra but every muslim impose the burqa&co.? And if a woman remove it she will be beaten if she is lucky?

Besides, it's muslims that are introducing things into our societies such as burqini things that are totally against our values, we are just saying sorry you cannot introduce this here..

Go to a muslim countries see the stuff they ban, go read some fatwas, and yet liberals are crying their hearts out about muslims not being able to institute similar things in their own nations.. under full sharia those liberals would be either subservant dhimmis or executed.

Some regulation in social activities are necessary. It's this type of nihilism, PC culture and not fighting against your enemy (in this case the culture of Islam) that's directly lead to the situation faced in Europe right now (among others of course)

Nuns can choose stop being nuns at any moment, no one will go after them with a machete to punish them in the name of your imaginary friend.
Well, at least not christians or atheists.

Never said that I have a problem with the ban, just wondering if the law can be called fascist, that's all.
Muslims are definitely the most fascist people ever, agreed.

Islam is fascist. The ban is anti-fascist. Resisting totalitarian ideologies, by violent means if necessary, is not fascism.

Yep basically this is what these leftist douchebags do.
>does not resist introduction of very bad things into society from an extremely authoritarian and intolerant culture
>complains that things have now changed for the worse, and the country is now less free and blames it on everything else.

Yes it is, see any problem with that democratic cuckold?

Yes. So, it's a good thing.

nuns are a select few Christian women that choose that lifestyle and may leave at any time with no negative repercussions.

yet again. It isn't that the western world cannot tolerate Islam. The western world cannot tolerate Islam's intolerance.

You might be confused a bit here.
Barely anyone wears burqa
Burqa is a wear where you see only the eyes (sometimes not even that)
Its not the same as the normal headscarf they are wearing.

Burkas were banned in 2010
Veils are banned from schools universities and administrations

In every EU country wearing anything that covers the full face (burqa) is illegal.

The headscarf you normally see is called a jilbab, and I don't think anyone should really mind jilbabs

Should it be illegal to be a communist as well?

I see. I don't understand how this is a big deal then. It's just a one piece swimsuit with a scarf.

Islam is a disease that needs to be eradicated. I'll welcome anything against it

In that case anything the governement does is fascism. We're not allowed to go around naked in France, is it fascism because it restricts our personal freedom of expression and forces us to put clothes on ?

For fuck's sake, all these people pretending not to understand the point.

>but muh nuns !

Our shitty french government has decided for now that this grotesque "burkini" is the expression of islamic extremism and has no place in our society, just like the burka. It's that simple.

Why is this the case? Is it basically like saying it's also illegal to keep them chained to the kitchen despite what their shitty book says?

fucking retards don't understand that the people wearing burkini are mudshits most likely supporting ISIS or the Saudis
it's not about the cloth, it's about what it represents

Because if you don't stop this creeping proselytising now - your daughters and and granddaughters will be FORCED to wear religious garb

You misunderstood, EVERYTHING that covers the full face. This includes balaklavas, ski masks and even motorbike helmets if you're not driving one.

You have to take your helmet off in most shops and in every bank, for example.

Why ban the burkini, I think it's because there's been clashes between locals and muslims because of locals not wearing the burkinis. Easier to outlaw it completely so that such situations don't arise at all

in France the Church and the State are separated
since the beggining of last century
some people who recently came in France suddently want to go back to the Ancient Regime
they have to GTFO and move to countries where their retardation will be respected

Ah, I gotcha. That's much more reasonable.

Oh I wasn't aware that they were trying to push it on people who weren't Muslim. If this weren't the case I'd see this as kinda fucked. They should have every right to wear it if they want.

>Isn't the ban fascism?
Yeah, what of it? About time to have Muslims feel like third rate people. How does it feel to be subjugated by the kafir?

>Resisting totalitarian ideologies, by violent means if necessary, is not fascism.
so it's ok in your eyes to imprison everyone that browsese Sup Forums, then?

>jilbab (burqa without face covering)
>i don't think anyone should really mind jilbab
Really? it's just a slight step down from a burqini >muh it doesn't cover the face so it's totally different.

Even a hijab is to me offensive, it represents that they say:

>i don't accept your culture and your norms and values, so let me wear this particular thing just to make it crystal clear how i don't give a shit about how you do things in your country

Take it off or go to one of those 57 muslim nations imo.. They do not have the right to try to peddle their traditions and values here and attempt to undermine ours.. it's our nation, respect our ways or leave..

If i go to another country i respect their customs values and traditions, if i want to become a citizen there it is because i like the way they do things there.. I don't have the right to move from my own country because i don't like it.. wish to become citizen of a country that has different values but functions much better and then try to push your culture upon that place instead of assimilating.

Besides this whole case even as the individual case is fucking preposterous.. Even with the burqini off she's basically still fully dressed underneath smelling really nasty i bet aswell..

What's she upset about, getting her arms tanned, jhc.. these muslims live in pretty hot nations and she's pissed off that she lives in a less hot nation and is asked kindly to take her garbage bag off so she can get some air in between those bridges and the fat arse she uses to sit in personal transportation with.

Well let's see, one caused two terrorist attacks in the same country, and the other is a New Yorker who makes silly YouTube videos.

A few days ago a kid and his mother got beat up by muslim beach goers due to the burkini thing. So it's a fairly reasonable response, I think
Maybe the muslims flooding into Europe are a bit different to the ones that come to Japan, because here, for the most part, the jilbab-wearing ones are perfectly decent folk that just abstain from drinking, pork and so on. They're usually very respectful of Japanese culture and trt just as much as anyone to integrate, minus the wholr religious thing which is I think understandable

I'd consider it resisting a culture that would negatively effect your society.
You can't strip nude at every beach now can you.

>resisting islam is totally fascist breh..
No it's protecting our culture and our way of life against a totalitarian theocratic ideology that would put you to death for even critiquing it.

Go back to your drum circle you fucking hippie.

you have no idea what it looks like when fully implemented because you never bothered to read the qur'an and sunnah.. nor read any islamic lawbook written for muslims by muslims.

Stop making false equivalences pea brain.. they are guests in our nations, it is not their nations, they want to be part of our nations not other way around.. those who want to be part of something, assimilate into that part, they don't try to change it into something entirely different.



No France isn't ready for fascism yet.

You don't understand japan, islam is all about gathering in enclaves and reproducing much on purpose to change muslim demographic to then start more aggressively calling for sharia law implemented (which is law that is for muslim AND non muslim not just for them)

When they are very few they always are very polite, it's when their numbers grow as they have in europe for instance, that you begin to see the true face of what islam is.

They have the principle of abrogation for this. further explanation of abrogation in the qur'an ”when we substitute one revelation for another and Allah knows best what he reveals in stages – they say, ”thou art but a forger” but most of them understand not” Qur'an 16:101 There it is.. stages.. an old law is replaced by a new better law.. hence mecca period of peace replaced by medina with full jihad against kuffar (unbelievers).

Qur'an 2:106 ”None of our revelations to we abrogate or cause to be forgotten BUT we substitute something BETTER or similar; knowest thou not that Allah hath power over all things?”

”We don't cancel laws we replace them with something better or similar”.. Allah's strategy is clearly to spread islam in stages.. and he wants the muslims to remember the stages that are to be used for conquest and eventhough the full medina sharia is authoratative, so if they can't conquer a kuffar directly the kuffar would not listen if they came and said submit to me or get your head chopped off.. the kuffar would just say go away muslim.. but if first they say ”oh we're peaceful minority just let us migrate, you have your religion i have mine” and points to mecca verses.. Then the kuffar might say Ahh.. no problem then..


>Should it be illegal to be a communist as well?
Dunno, should it?
I think communism is easier to stop, the ideals/propaganda would be more difficult of course but that's harder to tie to communism than just a straight up communist party. I think most of the west is pretty anti-communist because of the USSR anyway, especially Murika.
I do like the idea of giving them free helicopter rides though.

Sup Forums is a board of peace. By expressing such divisive kekaphobic views, you only radicalise the peaceful majority.

>but don't moves like this push the normies over to the left even more?
No. The majority is supporting this ban, as shown by numerous polls.

Yes, and?

Well, worst case scenario we kick them out when they cause shit.

I barely was allowed to move back into Japan, and I'm 100% Japanese, after a few years spent abroad. We're very strict about who we let in, and we'll gladly deport fools

Except France is a secular country so this shit is against this principle and anyone who fails to understand that needs to GTFO

And muhammad is the example.. so they mimic 23 year period of muhammad.. first peaceful stage and the laws that are appropriate there, and then when he attains power/the muslims attain numbers and influence and the opportunity.. then throw out the meccan laws and replace them with the medina.. and then comes the jihad.. and full sharia law implemented.

So who do you think muslims follow? Your average ”moderate muslim” that says it's nothing to do with islam.. or allah and muhammad..

TL;DR mecca peaceful verse are trojan horse verses that are not authoritative, the more muslim increase their population after hijrah (migration for cause of allah to institute sharia) it moves more and more towards medina and full sharia implementation is medina sharia which launched the caliphates and has all the jihad and stuff.

So the larger the population the more jihad, the smaller the population the more "we come in peace we are tolerant".. this is why you are not seeing this japan. They were super nice here aswell at first.


Korea here technical information.. the abrogating text is called then nasikh and the repealed rule is called the mansukh and the jihad rule of abrogation, the 3 stages explained derived from muhammad and the muslims following him and their change in posture from mecca to medina, which is what muslims emulate when they try to impose sharia law, first they appear peaceful and are only permitted to do proselytizing, then the defense (stifling critics etc.) when people disagree with them or try to shut down the mosques or stop them from spreading islam/sharia law, and then the full on jihad and full implementation of sharia law when they achieve power, which is the final stage. IMPORTANT.. the muslim calendar starts AH.. after hijra.. meaning after the migration to medina.. The islamic calendar starts with medina, it does not start with mecca, this is because anything related to mecca is overruled by the medina period.. Mecca verses of the qur'an only exists to decieve kuffar and to be used by muslims to decieve kuffar and instructs muslims what behaviour they should have at first when they have migrated into a kuffar nation.. it is not ultimately authoritative but only temporary and meant to fall away when switching into medina stage, it allows muslims the cover to appear peaceful at first whilst they proselytize.. and try to convert with the pen and the mouth.. The medina phase will be activated once they have gained enough numbers and influence to more safely do so. It was in medina the jihad teachings began and it was from where the caliphates spread.. The evidence that the medina verses are the authoratative for the muslims and the mecca stuff is the bullshit they feed you is just overwhelming if you study islam. understand how they follow muhammads example you will understand exactly what will happen to your country if they are in majority or control..

Frenchmen are pretty based desu they are pushing this even though they have their own socialist multicultural-pushing globalist government.

>Why ban the burkini, I think it's because there's been clashes between locals and muslims because of locals not wearing the burkinis.

I think it's rather because people are getting fed up with the Muslim's tendency of shoving their religion into everyone's face.
If you would ask the population you might even end up with a ban on headscarves, but the politicians obviously want to avoid the outrage that would follow so they are trying to placate the population by banning something that is associated with Islam but also irrelevant enough that the Muzzies don't go Allahu Akbar over it.

Being intolerant of intolerance is not fascism.

Thank you for your contribution to the conversation Worst Korea

>worst case scenario we kick them out when they cause shit
Well that might be messy but yes that's what many europeans are suggesting and look at backlash, muslims are using leftists to protect them as they get more and more aggressive with more and more sharia law they want introduced.

>we are very strict with immigration
Good it's nice to hear that japan understands the importance of this.

About multiculturalism and importing muslim refugees i think it's very important you watch this video.. See it has been attempted before.. lebanon was majority christian, they accepted refugees and lots of muslims into their nation.. the muslims repaid them by initiating a civil war against the christians, they went into a church a sunday morning and gunned down everybody..

The palestinean refugees was who tipped the scale towards civil war, they wanted to use lebanon to attack israel so the christians in lebanon who had invited them in unfortunately had to go.

>isn't the ban fascism


Trust me, liberalism is a very foreign concept to most Japanese, you see that clear as day the moment you step into Tōkyō or Akihabara for example

Those women chose to be nuns, sort of like a uniform. Can the same be said for muslim women?

papa franku should go to corsica and bathe now

Secularism shouldn't mean you have to tolerate garbage cultures that are inevitably going to subsume yours

okay if there's no difference between the 2 then why don't the kebabs just wear the lycra suit?

If Muslims have a problem with that, they can move to an Islamic country?
France for the French!

Yes, it's not fascism. It's SJW.


We gave them DECADES to get their shit together and assimilate properly into society, but all that happened was that they got even worse.

It's not like we shot them the moment they approached us wearing headrags, it is just that they have continuously shown that leaving them to their own devices only worsens the situation.

Yes the ban is fascism. Necessary fascism to supress something worse.

The west will fail. We will become like them to stop them. More and more of the population of the west will be replaced with Muslims and westerners will become a rich minority oppressing the retarded masses.

Then the common man will demand Islamic revolution. Some people will get rich in the process.


Yes it should

Nothing in christianity about murdering nuns if they leave the religion.

you are worst korea

I think his statement was more about pointing out that claiming the moral highground for yourself because you are fighting the "true fascists" is hypocritical.
Also it is not necessary at all. Our cultures are incompatible and if their culture ever gets the upper hand we are in deep shit. You don't need any moral justification to defend yourself from something like that. It's a simple "us or them" situation.

Countries like japan and america are hard to get into, so the people who go there usually go there for genuine reasons.

Europe's spineless attitude combined with their accessible land boarders means en-mass immigration is cheap and relatively easy.

Most British indians and muslims really hate new immigrants, because most of them are plebs from the boonies who just want free shit and to rattle their religious spear when all the acclimated ones just want to be left alone, to live, to work and to be british.

>waaah, waaaah, the ban is fascism

Like a toddler throwing a tantrum because it's bedtime...

Normies are the ones who are in position to ban/allow things you retard

This board is not libertarian anymore....

>when libtards like it

>when libtards don't like it

I would love to live in a world where these mudshit women can wear whatever they want, given that I can also insult them and refuse to associate with them. But this will never happen. So if I am forced to live in a dictatorship, I'll take mine "right-wing" instead of "left-wing" (terminology is a little iffy but you know what I mean).


>Muslims are the first who want to abolish our legal system and all the rights it grants
>Are also the ones who cry foul loudest when their rights are being trimmed

If you repeatedly refuse to play by the rules you cannot demand that others should abide by them.

Or well, I guess you can, but no one will give a shit. That's why the majority is now supporting bans on stuff like this but would not support a ban on anything else.

No.One is a result of childhood indoctrination and is punishable by honour killings and being expelled from their community under the guise of apostasy laws.
The other is a personal choice that can be revoked at any point without concequence - you might get some well wishes from your sisters and the mother superior though.
Totally the same though.

I was saying the burqini is against secularism

Only papa Franku and his crew wear lycra suits, only in Nihon and Straya, and they do it for fun.
Billions of shitskins wear shitty mudshit clothes, and they do it with the intent of conquest, terrorism and provocation.

If we didn't have so many sandniggers, we wouldn't have to regulate what people can wear. Extreme measures for desperate times.

>implying anyone wears lycra suit unironically

you're right bro, it's not fair

we can swim in any costume we like

Is the ban on Nazi symbolism facism?

It's not fascism, it's just retarded and pointless.

If they don't like it they can go back to their own country and dress however they want.

Oh wait...

T-that's what I just said, though...

>OP pic
Only one outfit has strong religious connotations, the other just looks retarded. I wouldn't say it's fascist - it's not an ideal solution, but the thing is to make society rather uniformal, to make them similar and relatable mostly to the image of average, productive citizen. Burkinis are not half as much a swimming outfit as a statement of people coming to foreign country and deciding to uphold their own laws over standards and customs of the natives - theoretically not a problem as long as no shit is caused for others but in case of muslims shit WAS caused great many times. That's why trying to find a balance in allowing them to go with their religion despite some of its tenets being pretty incompatible with local way of life - but don't want that religion to affect every aspect of their civil life in a place built on smewhat different ideals and morals.

Fuck you.

I don't think your pic is banned desu.