I really don't know why people went with Trump over Paul
Neither do I honestly.
I just think trump payed some faggots to trendset here, that or Sup Forums just wanted to be edgy and go with whoever the media disliked.
He's solid on policy but doesn't have much charisma.
rand paul cucked out near the end and started pandering to women, blacks, etc by being a "tolerant libertarian"
not as bad as gary johnson but still pretty bad
the media hated cruz much more than trump and people on reddit admitted they were more afraid of cruz
A little of both.
Which doesn't make any sense, seeing as Ron Paul was clearly Sup Forums's choice in 2008 and 2012.
I don't get it, what is wrong with blacks? Throughout history, the Republican Party has been at its peak when blacks would side with them. They're not the ones who have an uncontrollable birth rate and have the force of a foreign government streaming their people into our population so they can displace black and white Americans. Ron Paul was right. We should have militarized our southern border. If anything, blacks are more directly affected and should be angry with spics, as individuals who look for jobs that don't require education or previous training are the ones that spics tend to take.
Even people on Sup Forums now seem to have some fantasy where whites and spics work together to remove niggers. What the fuck? Are these people retarded? If there is a race war, I'd rather side with the niggers so we can remove taco once and for all. At least niggers were brought here against their will, by Jewish traders and Jewish plantation owners in the South. Spics are voluntarily invading us, and people want to side with them? Are you insane?
Rand's not his daddy. Time to back a winner.
Also because Trump was advocating shit that we talk about all the time, whereas everyone else proved themselves cucks in disagreeing with him - Fixing Mexican immigration, removing kebab etc.
I'm going to vote for Trump, but I'm not going to shill for him. His pivot towards the general election has been horrible thus far. Although his change of rhetoric on Middle Eastern immigration is fine, I cannot back his pivot towards a softer stance on illegal immigration. Hopefully he'll clarify his position, but I'm not liking it.
He pandered to Neocons to try to fool them. This included attacking Trump, who I think was probably his first choice as VP. Trump had to blow him out, and he did.
2bh I'm not impressed with his most recent appearances, either. He's valuing the "Stealing minority votes from Hillary" angle over whites and people who've been backing him from the beginning.
There was something in today's rally where he mentioned something about "...All Americans - Blacks and Mexicans..." or something like that. I was pretty upset he didn't mention whites in there.
I'm also hoping the illegal immigration stance will be clarified and stay strict, but I wasn't talking about the things he's doing now, I was just explaining (At least the way I see it) why people went with Trump over Paul.
He is short.
How did Trump blow Rand out? The only person that Trump thoroughly out-debated was Jeb Bush on the issue of Syrian intervention. His debate with Rubio and Cruz about visa policy was strong as well, but there's not a single point throughout the primary season that I can point to as a time that Trump blew Paul out.
Can you point to one instance?
> The only person that Trump thoroughly out-debated was Jeb Bush
t. newfag
Why didn't we meme this guy I to the presidency instead of the Clinton plant again?
He called him short and insulted his looks during the Reagan library debate. That's about as far as Trump got.
Rand spoke a lot of truth but it was truth nobody cared about, Trump doubled down on topics republicans care about like immigration and he advocated for economic protectionism.
Rand did nothing that appealed to populist R's. He's better for the party in the senate anyways.
T. Voted for Rand in the primary
You know why
he went after trump by insulting him
ron would've danced around trump and let voters do the dirty work. rand just went full retard and lost big time
So you can't name a single instance where Trump out-debated Paul?
Don't worry, I'll keep waiting.
did Rand even debate? I noticed an empty podium on the end there. Was he behind it?
I get that Trump had bantz, but he had little substance. Again, I pointed out specific instances of where Trump excelled in the debates, but I can't really think of any instances where Paul got BTFO on the issues. Not just by Trump, but by anyone.
Again, I'll vote for Trump but I'm not very happy that he's weakening his stance on issues that made me realize I was fine with him as the nominee in the first place. But if he flips with the issue of Syrian intervention, it's over.
If you can think of any actual issues, though, go ahead. Point out an instance. But I do find it funny that he's now adapted Paul's stance on Middle Eastern immigration after walking away from "banning all Muslims." Probably because Paul was right all along.
I don't think we've seen the end of Rand Paul quite yet.
>neo/pol/ kiddie calling someone else a newfag
>thinking I'm a Trumpkin
I don't like the guy, I think he's full of shit, his policies are far from libertarian and he is getting support because Paulbots are witnessing babby's first election, but he isn't as shitty as Johnson. That fact alone upsets me because the LP had a chance at doing something right and they shit it away with Johnson/Weld.
It's all cosmetic in its own way though, downballot voting is what counts and that's where Paulbots can still make a difference.
I never implied you were a Trumpkin. All I said was that Paul's political career isn't over, And you're right, the LP is garbage. They were hijacked by GOP outcasts and neocon-lites. Roger Stone was the final nail in the coffin.
Bantz is most of what matters for winning. People don't give a shit about quintile disparity, they like people getting roasted and funny one liners.
Rand and Cruz both had substance but neither had the charisma or the social wit to back it up. You don't win in politics with a single metric like being the most qualified.
Rand is an ugly manlet with zero charisma and he's completely forgettable. The reason no one remembers a time Trump BTFO him is because he's so forgettable.
I like Rand, but that's reality. His lack of balance between social charm and substance is what killed him.
Yea when it comes down to it I agree with Rand on things more than Trump, but Trump obviously performed much better and is more of a populist. There's a reason he's the nominee, he reached much more people than Rand.
this user shows exactly what is wrong. his tiny, bigoted mind can only focus on blacks and women... neither of which are the enemy. he has been corrupted by the divide and conquer tactics of the enemy or he is a shill.
why don't you name the enemy, user?
>Roger Stone
Here's a good reaction image for Mr. Stone