How bad is porn actually?
Is it ruining sexuality or is calling porn "a bad thing" something cucks would say?
Because, I mean you are presented with porn from a young age, from the time you first found that "weird tape"
How bad is porn actually?
Is it ruining sexuality or is calling porn "a bad thing" something cucks would say?
Because, I mean you are presented with porn from a young age, from the time you first found that "weird tape"
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Only cucks watch porn, it's literally watching a woman you find attractive getting fucked by another man.
Also I think I've seen a video about how porn can give you erectile disfunction if you watch it for long enough.
It's really bad. Also I'm addicted to it. So are most people who watch it.
>mfw you virgins can't get it up on your first time because you've spent all this time deathgripping your dick and jacking at 90mph
>having sex
I want normies to leave.
Before i thought that was the most normal and most "typical guy" thing to do.
But since i tried the redpill, I came to see what kind of tool I have been.
Worst thing is, most of my friends (we are all close to 30) think I have become a huge idiot.
>don't enjoy getting drunk
>don't find cheating on gf to be the "cool" thing to do
>don't find porn to be necessary
>like Trump
When it come to my social life, it has really gone downhill due to my opinions.
But really, I could give a fuck about it.
Good porn-
Shit porn-
all other 2D
It's just very easy to give in into every addiction you can find and not restrain yourself, basically what pretty much everyone is doing nowdays. Just know that you're right and they're wrong.
Literally anyone at anytime can find a camera in their face and a wad of cash being offered to shoot some porn. It happens ask the time here and it's just out culture. Might be why there's so much cuck and incest pron
It's shit. It fucks your head and makes you desensitizes to real sexual encounters. it makes you lazy, drains your manhood, lowers your testosterone.
If you masturbate too much to porn your dick gets used to your hand and you don't even get off to a woman playing with your cock anymore.
It fucks with you mentally so you feel sexually inadequate because you are used to watching guys with monster dongs all day. It makes you have weird ideas about how to have sex and what actually gets a woman off because everyone in porn is faking.
It's really bad. Avoid it.
If you really must look at porn you should only watch solo women. But you should try to avoid it all together.
'old habits die hard' is a very legitimate meme, everyone should seriously reflect on the everyday decisions they make and wonder if they're really doing the right thing
I literally can't enjoy any pornography that involves another man. Doesn't matter about the angles or anything.
The only stuff I can enjoy these days is solo women using sex toys or stuff to get off.
Everything else is literally virtual cuckoldry.
It basically warps your mind. It allows you to become very focused only on your self. People use it as a means to avoid interactions with the opposite sex.
More often leading to the majority culture with means to partake to basically go celibate while the immigrant or minority culture breeds like animals.
Other than that it is generally just bad for your spirit.
Porn itself is not bad...
Like everything, it can cause an addiction and THATS bad
Beautiful poster
you must be lost.
Is where you die alone after a life of masturbation and behaving like a child.
Here we have sex to impregnate our wives to secure a future of the white race.
As much as I hate saying "jooz did it" but jews actually did it
It's a drug, I stopped watching it and I feel a lot better. I also don't masturbate anymore
It's like a fucking drug
Really Hard to stop and ruins your life
Also I feel that it leads to harder and harder stuff. People don't seem to stay with "vanilla" porn. They get weird.
I can't stop it. Everyday I say I will stop but it is just like a drug. I tell myself "OK after this time I am done for at least 3 days" but within 6 hours I'm doing it again. Hopefully when I start my job it won't be this hard. I often have issues with sex with my gf because of it. God help me.
What is fbpb?
I have been now a week without porn... Its good, you will start fantasizing about real women again and dont need pictures or videos. I have relapsed many times too, now I try to leave porn for good.
first post best post
I am stopping it for a week starting today. Good luck to you brother. I hope we can quit this drug together
Then I'm ultimately vanilla, the most fucked up thing I ever ribbed to is traps
But other than that, it's just vanilla pron
But i get what you say, I've read that some people ended up getting fucked up to the point of no return
You are far better off just tapping to pics of your female friends bikini shots on FB.
Porn is cuckoldry, drains your energy and test and I bet 99% of posters here have had days where they go "right time to DO something and sort my life out" only to fap 4+ times that day, accomplishing nothing and being very low energy and no concentration.
Meanwhile the Jew and their ghoul hordes breed.
lurk more faggot
The progression needed to get off doesn't always have to be towards "fucker up porn" my progression was towards big asses. Now i need fast paced porn with a girl who has a 1 in a million ass. I can't get off to just normal porn she if the girl doesn't have a big ass I need to see her having a real visible orgasm. Not some fake shit but resl with legs shaking.
>I am stopping it for a week
That's not the right strategy here Taiwan
no it isn't
it looks like fucking ass
Japs couldn't to save their fucking lives
Western Axis propaganda is where it's at
>from the time you first found that "weird tape"
In my day it was a magazine.
But yep, porn is poison for your brain. On the other hand, so is alcohol, and I don't object to drinking on occasion. Just know your limits with either, and remain accustomed to operating without it.
I'm saying don't forget how to wank with just your imagination.
>all this talk of cuckoldry
Thank god in gay porn both guys are hot :^)
Thanks, same to you, bro. Here is some tips: find a book to read, exercise and go out, take care of your apartment and stuff that you have. When your day has normal activities it is easier to make it.
>Worst thing is, most of my friends (we are all close to 30) think I have become a huge idiot.
Wait a few years and they'll grow up more too.
>first gf at 16
>last 10 seconds the first times
>after 4 years with her maybe 5-7 minutes then we break up
>stay single a few years and use porn 1-3 times a week
>new gf
>last 30+ minutes instantly, could even longer I guess but rest of body is starting to get tired
But yeah I guess it kills your boner if you use too much. Since I'm with her I dropped it so I can be horny enough everytime we're together.
>last 30+ minutes
Lol same thing happened to me when I met my gf. I was fucking furiously, sweat drops on her and I couldnt even cum.
Fake taxi is god tier, as is fake agent
Amateur british is fucking great
>Dud yew jus fuckin cumin may!
>Yew dent say ay fuckin cudnt
That's because masturbation is more enjoyable than sex.
Next time you jack off do it at the rate you'd have sex - you won't come.
>when you can get it up but resort to dull meaningless rutting for hours at a time and finish unfulfilled next to a satisfied woman.
all the bitches love me.
I like that porn where the British girls make fun of guys with tiny dicks. There was this one with a fat dude whose dick had absorbed into his fat body. Makes me fucking kek hard.
Why not try the ass?
u hrv imaš uglavnom 2 opcije, biti liberalno smeće ili biti bolesno zagriženi kršćanin. mi koji smo sredina smo max 0,1%
This is true.
After years of porn I had the chance to fuck a girl recently and couldn't even stay hard. It fucking blew my mind.
I'm giving up porn now.
Promotes promiscuity, casual sex, multiple partners, and other degeneracy.
People who have more sexual partners in their life are less happy.
>being useful in WWII
You would enjoy this episode of Savage:
"How has pornography ruined your life"
It really goes into some peoples thinking and gets really good when the psychologist calls in