trAnn Cunter is mad af on Twitter guys.
Trump cucked his own wall
I knew he would do this.. fuck him. I was going to vote for him but he is just a liar. I want to vote for that damn hillary now just to help fuck him over. You idiots still voting for this lying sack of shit?
Nah man he lost my vote to. I'm with her for sure.
I would encourage others to show how they feel about it.. he is just a liar. There will be no wall, he will just cut taxes for the rich, and benefit personally himself. This was all a big scam.
+0,02 shekels have been deposited.
ah yes, the shills
>Drumpf shills at it again
hope you wake up and realize that Hilldog is the way to go, the only candidate supported by the KKK who will keep blacks in poverty
How do you shills say such stupid shit with no regard for finding evidence? Considering every speech he still says he is making the wall like the ones he did today.
Dude you are not alone. I hope he loses twenty fucking points when the new polls come out.
Pretty much we are the cuckservatives now.
Not a shill man, just pissed that he is changing and selling out. He is no different than anyone else. He might get more votes this way, but I wish he would have stuck to his position and lost, rather than sell out.
Shilling for the Hilldog if just a job brah, but you still suck at it. I feel sorry for you brah, I mean this is your life! You could be out chilling but instead your shilling for Hillary for a couple of shekels. Sad. Low energy.
I agreee.. feels bad man. His theory is that all his current supporters won't change now regardless of what he says or how he changes. He thinks that he has their vote no matter what.. this is not true and he just lost my vote.
Selling out by what? Narrowing his position and getting free media publicity for it? Educating the masses to how his plan will be realistically implemented for free by duping MSM?
No one thought there were going to be death squads, citizens here are just fed up with the state no longer wlecisyjg for the benefit of the people (it's only legitimate purpose)
If youre not a shill, then you're an ignoramus for posting without having any facts, in both cases your unwanted here
How does it feel Trumpcucks? The man who "fought" against the establishment and who mocked Jeb Bush's immigration policies betrayed you?
Well, he posted this about 9 hours ago, so I think he's still pro-wall.
sage for shillz
hah ok it's true I am just a shill :) Actually I am not a hilldog shill, but I am very anti-trump. I just see the people who support Trump and they look like such fucking low class white trash. Most are uneducated and embarassing people. This is not a group I want to be associated with. I have done very well the past 8 years under Obama.. increased my wealth dramatically. So I just want the status quo to continue if possible. I am sorry for those who are suffering because they live in a small town with no jobs, or are stuck in a racist and paranoid mindset. Trump is not the answer... he is the problem. Hilldog is nothing great either, but she is the more logical choice for someone like me than is the embarassing Trump, and his embarassing followers.
>> two shekelsteinbergs have been deposited in your menorah, thank you for Correcting the Goyim.
+0,01 shekel have been deposited.
The revolution was for nothing. Kinda sad desu.
The wall is just some bullshit bait for 'murica mouth-breathers.