Tfw no stormfront gf

>tfw no stormfront gf

It's very hard to find women that are actual neo-nazis, 90% of the ones you see in the movement are just dating a skinhead and pretending to hate niggers.


Into the oven it goes

Man face, gas it.

she has a pretty girl face, idiot

>tfw no /polgb/ bf

grats OP you've found one that is not ugly fat and inbred

I Just want a big strong boyfriend. I can be racists enough for the both of us.

D-do you like straight shy Virgins

Don't forget the subversion tactic POL


Fuck when did Sup Forums get so Fucking dumb

When did Sup Forums get so fucking gay?

I realise this is still Sup Forums but for fuck's sake

hey yellow niigger go die faggot

Sooo visit Stormfront more and eventually as you branch out within that social group you will find one.

Haven't you noticed the Milo invasion?

Yeah I'm starting to believe the "Sup Forums is like the old Sup Forums" meme

The majority of Sup Forumstards are as degenerate as those on /mlp/ and Sup Forums. Trap loving faggots.

This is reality.

Says the illiterate slav

Yeah the cunts are only in it for the memes


well... memes and that sweet, sweet boipussy.

Quick question. Would a skinhead girl qt fuck a redpilled Mexican?

Maybe if it's a white Mexican.

You should be glad. To redpill on redpill - regressive left and overall SJW-inclined liberals are a cancer but neonazi gfs are usually shit. I know what I am saying:

Imagine meeting a girl who on the basis of principle supports eradication of a group. first point - only lulzy shitposters spouting memes without common sense go with it or people harboring deep hatred and issues. The first ones stop behaving like that IRL and if they don't, then they're terribad partners who likely won't be ature enough to be dependable or able to look at things objectively and the second group also have issues that need resolving but likely they just channel it into their ideology or use it like tumblrinas use their props - to draw attention, show how unique they are.

Expect tantrum throws or any slight deviation from their expectations being taken not as their personal problem with you, but as you betraying some image of special wonderful prince for them. Or even worse, them treating you like shit when you're not what they expect when it turns out that their hardline ideology is really just anexcuse for being a control freak.

The same way you never stick your dick in a crazy even f crazies may make it the best ride for a time and are down for more than boring vanillas would be - you don't stick your dick into extremists. No matter if political, religious or otherwise ideological - if you're not an autist wrapping your whole life around some ideology, then you'll hate being with them after some time. Even worse, sometimes when you are exactly what they expected, they'll dump your ass anyway, because they still will care about having a guy wrapping his world, at least to a degree, around them. Tell them you'd save your [insert symbolic leader of your ideology] over them and best scenario, you'll have to expect the same (risk of being dumped when they'll find someone closer to that) or you'll get dumped because your partner will think she's more important.

Again, for your own sake user, before you'll be redpilled hard on your redpill, or you'll life will shatter when it'll turn out your "politically-ideal" is as much a loudmouth SJW when actual relationship shit goes down - leave it.

As uncomfortable it may be, go fr largely politically neutral - people who won't identify much with particular ideology but will be willing to reasonably look at stuff and say "this is good idea, that one is shit even if I see where they are coming from" - you have the most of a chance to find a girl who will actually give a shit about you then, instead of just caring about how well you fit in with her prince charming expectations.

kill yourself

I hope Heillary get's elected so I can get myself a nazi GF as well. She will fix so much degenrancy in the world. :)


>dat strawman
You can do better than that, user.

You have to go back.

kill yourself you disgusting degenerate

Aids cures faggots you mentally ill shill kike.