Are modern Iranians genetically the same as ancient Persians?

Are modern Iranians genetically the same as ancient Persians?

Other urls found in this thread: skinned mesolithic hunters

No, everyone in the middle east nowdays is a mix between arabs + all the other stuff.

Inb4 white people ITT be like

"I am Iranian, here are my thoughts on Iran and Iranians as immigrants, as well as immigration in general.

First off, an immigrant shall not be allowed to vote, hold office, have more than one child, smuggle their relatives from overseas, or marry outside of their ingroup. These should be set-in-stone requirements for all immigrants, and it is a shame that the majority do not abide by these rules. Full assimilation is also, obviously, required.
On allegiance: an immigrant may be culturally loyal to a nation (i.e. assimilate fully into the culture), but they will never be loyal to the blood of the native population. For this reason, they do not belong in any nation besides the one that their blood is linked to. I don't belong in this nation, but if I were to return to Iran, they will arrest me (or worse) because of my beliefs (I denounce Islam, want nothing to do with it). I admit that my actions are cowardly because I put my security before the purity of the nation I am in.

On Iranian identity, we are not white as many shill. We are distant cousins with Europeans (Indo-Europeans); our skin has a relationship with our position relative to the equator (I am Mediterranean-esque, tan, olive-tier).
We, technically, are the true Aryans, though. That's what Iran literally means.
It is a good nation with rich history that has been ruined by negligence/incompetence (Islam, failed leadership, CIA coups, etc.).

Also, if you are half-breed (mix of Iran-X), you are literally less than garbage for interbreeding with the native population and denying the white children a future. The least you could do in a Western nation is be sympathetic to white plight.
Half-breeds are scum of the Earth, in general. This goes for the other way, as well. I have never, and will never, pursue white women, and white men should be smart enough to continue their bloodline and not mix blood. But nowadays, women are degenerate and disloyal, so."

We are a genetically unique population.

they literally were though

I will be taking my 23andMe in the following months. I expect Middle Eastern/European results. There is a genetic distance between the Iranian people, we aren't basically Arabs

Yeah, nah. We are distant cousins, but the populations diverged. We are related, but not the same. Like I say to Iranian white LARPers, be proud of your own heritage instead of infringing upon another's. If you weaken your defence within the ranks, you will fall to Islam.

Yes, we were never White like Northern Europeans. We didn't mix that much with Arabs or Mongols. It is negligible. On autosomal DNA plots, we do not plot closely with the Mongols or Arabs.

In general, we have always been closely related to people of Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Ossetians. In general, we were a mixing pot of Proto-Indo-European migrators and people of Transcaucasia and dark-skinned Elamites.

Modern Europeans = a mix of dark-skinned mesolithic hunters (look it up) + neolithic anatolian farmers + proto-indo-europeans from Southern Russia

Modern Iranians = dark-skinned Elamites + people of Transcaucasia + proto-indo-europeans from Southern Russia

Now fuck off, faggot.


We were never White like fucking Northern Europeans. That was just Nazi propaganda to help Hitler get closer to Reza Shah.

I hate how "White" has come to define Northern Europeans. Most of you have blue eyes thanks to the dark-skinned Mesolithic hunters. Proto-Indo-Europeans of Southern Russian steppes reportedly did not blue eyes: they were tall, fair, dark haired, and brown eyed. All modern ethnicities are mix of other things.

Like I've said:
>Modern Europeans = a mix of dark-skinned mesolithic hunters (look it up) + neolithic anatolian farmers + proto-indo-europeans from Southern Russia

It is backed up with science too.

Shut up. We were never "White" like Northern Europeans. The only ancestors we have in common are Proto-Indo-Europeans of Southern Russia, which we barely know anything about (and before you mention it -- there were more tribes than just the Yamna).

/thread, but I'm not dark-skinned. I have olive-skin, the same tone as my Greek friend. I'd describe it as Mediterranean-ish.

Also you'd better not be that faggot who literally brags about how many Muslims he's choked out in Iran and posts the arab sub-category paper he wrote, I don't want the FBI knocking on my door.

The bond between our people had to do with Aryan identity. Ours was cultural and religious, theirs was racial.

Got any sources?

Both of the posts you just referenced agree with you. The gypsy is mocking white people saying they're Persian, and I'm linking a study which indicates Iranian genetic uniqueness. We are on the same page. I agree that we were never white, but our populations did diverge from the Caucuses, or one of those regions in that general area. My memory betrays me, I forget what is was called.

>Also you'd better not be that faggot who literally brags about how many Muslims he's choked out in Iran and posts the arab sub-category paper he wrote, I don't want the FBI knocking on my door.
No, that guy is from Netherlands. He agreed with me that I'd make the best king for Iran. He agreed the glory of khwarenah (xᵛarənah) shines through me.

>The bond between our people had to do with Aryan identity. Ours was cultural and religious, theirs was racial.
It's all bullshit. Modern Europeans are a mix of "dark-skinned mesolithic hunters (look it up) + neolithic anatolian farmers + proto-indo-europeans from Southern Russia" in varying degrees. There are literally no pure Proto-Indo-Europeans from Southern Russia anymore.

I'm all about nationalism and preserving one's ethos, but this "muh racial purism" nonsense needs to stop. skinned mesolithic hunters
^Check out the various sources here.

You can search Pubmed for more information, but in general, scientists agree with what I said. Check here:

Note, the article gets one thing wrong: "* Indo Europeans did not replace previous Neolithic Europeans in Northern Europe, they mixed with them (the Indo European ancestry in Northern Europeans has been estimated at 40% to 50%);"

Okay, you are not the reincarnation of Kuroush, take it easy mate.
Now hold on a minute, are you alluding to miscegenation when you say
>There are literally no pure Proto-Indo-Europeans from Southern Russia anymore. I'm all about nationalism and preserving one's ethos, but this "muh racial purism" nonsense needs to stop.

Hold your horses, I'll have to disagree with you on that one, rabbi. You have an American flag next to your ID and you speak like a degenerate, promoting coalburners to fuck up society in the West.
Even if there is a 1% genetic uniqueness, it is worth preserving. We fled the cancer of Islam and came to a white nation only to destroy it from within? Biting the hand that feeds is what niggers do. I hope I am misunderstanding you, what is your point to that statement you made above?

On a different note, I would like to thank the (((media))) for bringing about the brainwashing of Iranian females. Either they mix blood with whites to deny white children futures, or they are absolute whorish scum. The ones that don't fall into this category are Muslim trash.
I am ready to accept that I will die alone because I will never mix blood: it is the ultimate betrayal.

How many legitimate virgins have you met? I fear that by the time my studies are finished and I have gotten a stable job, that they will all be used-up whores or will just lie about it.

I gave you the fucking evidence, you faggot.

Look here:
Take a moment to process. That's right. Europeans have fucking dark-skinned mesolithic hunters in their ancestry, and the majority of scientists agree. It's no Jewish plot.

Also, the brain is more important. Stuff like degrees of brain folding and gyrifcation of cortical lobes, fractional anisotropy of white matter tracts, grey matter density of frontal lobes, and so forth are more important. Why does external flesh matter at all? Also, do you realize how plastic the goddamn brain is?

No, they're heavily mongrelized, ancient Persian and all Iranic tribes were originally racially Nordic.

>ancient Persian and all Iranic tribes were originally racially Nordic.

Check here:
Modern Europeans = a mix of dark-skinned mesolithic hunters (look it up) + neolithic anatolian farmers + proto-indo-europeans from Southern Russia

Modern Iranians = dark-skinned Elamites + people of Transcaucasia + proto-indo-europeans from Southern Russia

Alright, you convinced me. Where's your sister, mate. I want to fuck her. It's just skin, bro.
Also, such nobility wouldn't speak with such a dirty tongue :^)
Type 2 Arab behaviour, desu

Luckily, we Iranians are smart. We historically knew mixing with Gulf Arabs and Mongols is a bad idea, hence why we did not mix them.

Granted, most of do have significantly admixture with people of Transcaucasia. We have been mixing them ever since the advent of Achaeminid Empire.

Iranians of Pars region = dark skinned Elamites + people of Transcaucasia + proto-indo-europeans from Southern Russian

^^ note probably in varying degrees of courses

>most of
most of us*

But yeah, one last time:

Modern Europeans = a mix of dark-skinned mesolithic hunters (look it up) + neolithic anatolian farmers + proto-indo-europeans from Southern Russia
>in varying degrees of course

I'm not seeing your sister, mate. Upload pictures and an address so I can mix- I mean make our reel human bean babies. It's just skin, after all. Fuck having ethnic identity and shiet.
>this is your brain on neo-Marxism

mixed with middle asians, genocided by mongols, timur, raped by arabs

Have you considered Iranian population size at the time? Or the fact that Iranian culture was known to have others assimilate into it, not the other way around.
Do you know how long it would take to completely absorb a people into your own blood? To exterminate every single ounce of uniqueness.
The white settlers couldn't do it with the Natives in the Americas. It requires a sustained effort. There is an influence, but to the extent of "basically Arab" is a bold claim.

You are just retarded

I have no sister.

>mixed with middle asians, genocided by mongols, timur, raped by arabs

Check here: Modern Europeans = a mix of dark-skinned mesolithic hunters (look it up) + neolithic anatolian farmers + proto-indo-europeans from Southern Russia

Modern Iranians = dark-skinned Elamites + people of Transcaucasia + proto-indo-europeans from Southern Russia

Some are, most are mixed from the Arab muslim invasion though.


Do you have any close female relatives that I may impregnate because skin is an oppressive social construct.

depends on the ethnic group

Yeah, man, you need to stop this copy-paste bullshit about race-mixing. It's retarded, and I gave you evidence on how even Modern Europeans are a mix of past races. Stop posting this fucking bullshit. Do you realize Anglos have historically taken advantage of ethnic differences in order to break up nations? Do you want our nation broken up? Then stop with this copy-pasta CRAP. Even the Netherlands asshole ultimately agreed I was right about "muh racial purity" being retarded, but I bet he will regress again.

Different ethnic groups have varying admixture with the dark-skinned Elamites + people of Transcaucasia + proto-indo-europeans from Southern Russia.

However, everyone in that region has different percentages of past ethnicities, just like Modern Europe.

Let me educate you. Ancient persians where indoeuropean people, aka blonde yamnaya fucks. They spread all over the place, and over time they mixed with pre existing population, thus becoming less white. Europeans are a combination of Yamnaya, Mid-east farmers and original hunter gatherer.
Yes, modern day persians are virtually the same, but the blonde element has been diluted. Minor gene flow has also come in the form of mongols, arabs and niggers.

>skin is an oppressive social construct
I never argued this. I'm saying people are an accumulation of different percentages of previous groups of people.

For example, Proto Indo Europeans left a minor input in Southern Europe (10% to 30%), so Southern Europe too is a Neolithic/Indo European mix, with greater Neolithic input, not just Neolithic though (only Sardinians would be near having 0 Indo European influence). However, the Proto Indo European ancestry in Northern Europeans has been estimated at 40% to 50%. Granted, the point is there is no PURE race. It is a retarded concept.

>blonde yamnaya fucks.
Yamanya were not even fucking blonde, you idiot. Yamnaya remains have been darker haired and eyed, taller and with a broader head.

You've convinced me, I'm #MentallyIllforHill

Also, you just replied to yourself. I'm starting to think you are the Dutch Iranian retard.
Lol, how will uniting together under unique ethnic backgrounds break up morale, you moron. It does the exact opposite.
I think you literally are Mentally Ill for Hill, you just replied to yourself, mate.

Never said that there is a pure race of 100% untouched genes, but that because there is not does not warrant rampant miscegenation.
It's getting late, I have to go. I'll see you in the synagogue, rabbi.

>Minor gene flow has also come in the form of mongols, arabs and niggers.
We never mixed with fucking mongols, arabs, and niggers. Autosomal DNA plots prove you wrong, faggot. Also, check here and my previous posts

Well Timmy someone must have spread blondism all over the place. My guess is them? Or some other steppe people.

Daily reminder that north Eurasia used to be WHITE before getting chinked.

>Also, you just replied to yourself. I'm starting to think you are the Dutch Iranian retard.
I'm starting to think you're just a simple-minded faggot that cannot process and integrate new information.

>I think you literally are Mentally Ill for Hill, you just replied to yourself, mate.
I'm right-wing as hell, I'm all about preserving ethos and one's unique cultural identity. I just think the evidence against your simplistic views of race are retarded. There was an Italian idiot here who actually thinks Yamnya were blonde whereas all evidence shows they typically were not.

>Never said that there is a pure race of 100% untouched genes, but that because there is not does not warrant rampant miscegenation.
Tell that to the Proto-Indo-Europeans, they mixed with practically everyone. They didn't give a shit. Everyone is already miscegenation, you imbecile.

>I'll see you in the synagogue, rabbi.
Did you just compare to me a kike? Do you realize I actually think Koroush was a shitty king because of how he spared the kikes?

irst blond European individual has been found at Neolithic Hungary (NE7), he did not have Indo European input; pigmentation so far is not clear, the genetic part of it is not as precise as when it comes to ancestry; still, so far, Yamnaya remains have been darker haired and eyed, taller and with a broader head;

Dumbass, Italian.

>irst blond
First blond*

Then what about those other weird steppe fucks related to the Yamnaya? Are Hungaryans really Hung Aryans?

Let me repeat:
* Indo Europeans did not replace previous Neolithic Europeans in Northern Europe, they mixed with them (the Indo European ancestry in Northern Europeans has been estimated at 40% to 50%);

* Indo Europeans left a minor input in Southern Europe (10% to 30%), so Southern Europe too is a Neolithic/Indo European mix, with greater Neolithic input, not just Neolithic though (only Sardinians would be near having 0 Indo European influence);

* First blond European individual has been found at Neolithic Hungary (NE7), he did not have Indo European input; pigmentation so far is not clear, the genetic part of it is not as precise as when it comes to ancestry; still, so far, Yamnaya remains have been darker haired and eyed, taller and with a broader head;

Also, a look on this map will show anyone how all Europeans of today are a mix of Neolithic Europeans and Indo Europeans (today Indo Europeans do not exist as a people anywhere, certainly not in Northern Europe):

No mate, I mean you literally replied to yourself, arguing against yourself. You legitimately thought your own post was directed against you.
I don't mean you literally support the cunt, but that you are mentally ill, like Shillary.

>Everyone is already miscegenation, you imbecile.
>tfw everyone is already miscegenation
How long have you lived in the States, you illiterate kike.

>Did you just compare to me a kike? Do you realize I actually think Koroush was a shitty king because of how he spared the kikes?
Ahahahahahahha there is no way this is not bait how the fuck can you be this dense. How am I supposed to know what a teenager thinks.

Thanks for the laughs, mate. I have to leave early, my daughter has a basketball game.
>take it easy, man

Here is my gift to you. Use it wisely.

"With the sequence of studies on ancient European remains, our understanding of the peopling of Europe has increased substantially. Initially Europe had Hunter Gatherers, on a West to East Axis (Mesolithic and before). Then came the Neolithic, which meant a pull towards the Near East. What exactly was this component is something still to be more investigated. We already know there was significant mtDNA and yDNA change, as well as autosomal change. The autosomal meant a pull towards the Near East. Then came the steppe invasion, which also brought R1b/R1a and the autosomal make-up of the Yamnayans (Easter Hunter Gatherer + Neolithic, their own type of Near Eastern pull, Armenians being a proxy for that). With the steppe invasion, the WHG+EEF population of Europe was pulled, depending on the degree of Yamnaya input, towards the East. There are many more observations one can make. What else have you noticed?"


Another informative plot from the Haak et al 2015 autosomal study:

>Are modern ___ genetically
>the same as ancient ___?
Whatever you put in the blanks,
the answer is no, you moron.

What do you mean denying white children futures? Also a Muslim Iranian girl I know is marrying a white guy

>How long have you lived in the States, you illiterate kike.
It's late, I haven't gotten to bed. I am literally giving diagrams defending these ESTABLISHED scientific facts, you stupid imbecile.

Honestly, you stupid faggot, you should be thinking more critically. We Iranians pride ourselves in being impartial and dropping our views when we are wrong. Why don't you stop being an insecure faggot with an inferiority complex?

> I have to leave early, my daughter has a basketball game.
I thought you said you weren't married? WTF?

Also, I said mixing with Subshaharan monkey is not a good idea.

The point is we have considerable ancestry, that's all that matters. We can claim the glory of all of our ancestors accomplishments.

Nu-Sup Forums cucks being degenerates, as usual. I'm non-white and seem to care more about your people's future than you do.
>it's not race-mixing when men do it
>Trump wants to deport this
Tell the Muslim cunt to fuck off with her retarded religion and tell the guy to stop drilling oil.

Fair point.
damn son, I believe you more now. Still, you have to be pretty tired to literally argue against yourself. Regardless of how gay you come off as, these posts here:

have the potential to be good arguments. Cite them please.

>I thought you said you weren't married? WTF?
It's a meme, you dip

>Cite them please.
Okay. For these:

For this:
Allentoft et al., Bronze Age population dynamics, selection, and the formation of Eurasian genetic structure, Nature 522, 167–172 (11 June 2015) doi:10.1038/nature14507

Whoa calm down lad, it was an honest question. I'm not a race mixer myself. I'm just curious what you mean when you say if an Iranian has a kid with a white person, then a white child is denied a future? Also I'm not too close to that couple that I mentioned, just know them from high school. Word is the guy is actually going to convert to Islam and travel to Iran to marry her so that the marriage is legit, even though they're both US citizens. Kek

I just owned your ass in this post:
Now shut the fuck up, you stupid faggot. Don't post this stupid shit message...


I don't want to see that dumbass copy-pasted message pop up again. It is on the level of Stormfaggotry. Modern Europeans are a mix of blue-eyed + dark-skinned mesolithic hunters, Proto-Indo-Europeans from Southern Russian (who were tall, dark haired, and broad head), and Neolithic Anatolian Farmers.

Likewise, Iranians are likewise a mix of people from Transcaucasia, dark-skinned Elamites, and Proto-Indo-Europeans from Southern Russia. We are generally not mixed with fucking Arabs or Mongols though, but the fact is, EVERYONE is mixed to a certain extent. Our Achaeminid and Sassanian forefathers were most likely not blonde like the Nordicists dumbasses would have us to believe.

Ideology is more important than fucking race.

>I'm not a race mixer myself.
What is the "European" race? For example, Southern Europeans have less Proto-Indo-European percentage compared to Northern Europeans like Norwegians. Therefore, does that mean they are different races?

Look up "lumpers and splitters" on Wikipedia.

>have less
have significantly less*

Yes. genetic studies against dna 10000 years old from the region shows Iranians haven't changed.

a meme. Even Iraq and syria are much the same since antiquity

Stop posting this autism


Simply put I won't be making babies with anyone 3 shades darker than I am. Olive/white skin only here. Ethnicity isn't really important, although I don't really prefer Asians.

Find a girl with autism so your kids will have super autism

No these taqiyah loving polytheist rawafid children of Mut'ah have little genetically in common with the ancient arrogant Persians. Kurds and even freaking Eastern Iraqi Arabs have more R1a1 in them than the filthy conniving majoos Persians do. They thoroughly mixed with the dark Elamites and later the Muslim Arabs after they got their shit kicked in and empire destroyed.

Yeah, sorry mate. I meant in the sense that the white person could (should) have been having children with their own stock. Instead, they are denying the existence of future white children and making mongrel abominations instead.
>cucking to Islam
jej, what a faggot.
Hope they divorce.

>is he mad
>o he mad

lol, baby cited a source and he is le epig winner xDDDD

>unironically using the term stormfag
You live in a white nation, you are either sympathetic of white plight or you hang from a tree. You bite the hand that feeds. Your ungrateful ass moved to the US for a better future, and now you spit on the face of those who wish to preserve their future and bloodline. Oh wait, I forgot that according to this coincidence, there is no reason to preserve it amongst our populations.

>Modern Europeans
thank you, greatest ally.

>EVERYONE is mixed to a certain extent
oy vey, goy

>Ideology is more important than fucking race.
alright, pack it up. show's over. no way you're not a kike.

Now we are on our way to making an argument.
>These results provide support for a steppe origin of at least some of the Indo-European languages of Europe.
Logical, does explain similarities if they are related, to some degree.
But what does this have to do with how Iranians are not Arabic, or how they are Arabic. The study has the graphs came from does nothing to mention Iranians or their ethnic background.

He is a kike shilling for miscegenation. This thread is dead, just move on.

Are you white or (((white))). If you're Iranian and you critique white plight in a white nation, neck yourself. 14/88, you moron.

When did the CHINKING of Asia happen? Scytians, Tocharians, weird siberian tribes. Asia used to be WHITE. The Andronovo and Afanasevo cultures

North Iraq mixed with Anatolian migrants. Iranian plateau hasn't changed much in 10000 years. There was minimal aryan migrations and even less Arab. This is what all genetic studies of the last few years show. All the rest are theories from the 30's and irrelevant bullshit

Sadly, Not.

Arabs burst out of the Nefud in the 600's and massacred all the native populations; claiming their history, accomplishments and culture as their own.

Wars between the greeks and persians were considered conflicts between brothers. Because they looked so similar. Persians claimed that their ancestors came from the west in the land where the sea and mountains touched the sky. The only survivors of old persia live high in the mountains and practice the religion of their ancestors far away from the eyes of the intolerant islamic invaders.

If the are ethnically pure does that means we can give them a free pass once we clear the islamic trash?
Cmon iran haven't started shit in a while also every single iranian i talk to happens to be very nice and polite.

Iranians were never white and you're a complete retard. Everyone thinks you're a loser online and at school

Southeast Asia developed their own proto man similar to Neanderthal / Erectus, and from the jungles of SEA the Asians spread.

I made this up

Where did I say Iranians are white. I am referring to white person in the third person. Use your mouse and follow the conversation for context instead of assuming people think xx_shadowslayer_xx is a loser online.

Southern Asia used to be negrito/dravidan/abo Central. Where did chinks originate?

Persians still salty that they have more in common with us Arabs than "nordics"

We were neighbours for millennia and they still claim that

Self hating Iranians are pitiful desu

Prob misread your comment I'm a drunk Iranian diaspora and I hate the faggots with an identity crisis. We aren't white

No only zoroastrians, fucking Muslims stealing our history. Fucking faggots should stop naming their children Mohammed and stop sucking Muslim dick if they want to associate with us. We are not them and they are not us. Zarathustris are pure while Muslims are not.

Vietnam and Laos

Only the retarded Iranians. Who are very vocal online.

We're on the same page, then.

>falling for the alcoholic Jew

My philosophy on alcohol is that if you drink to get drunk instead of just a pint at the pub with your friends or some other social stuff (wine at dinner), then you are a hedonist running away from your problems.
Who hurt you, user?

>lol, baby cited a source and he is le epig winner xDDDD
Two sources, you faggot.

>You live in a white nation, you are either sympathetic of white plight or you hang from a tree. You bite the hand that feeds. Your ungrateful ass moved to the US for a better future, and now you spit on the face of those who wish to preserve their future and bloodline. Oh wait, I forgot that according to this coincidence, there is no reason to preserve it amongst our populations.
I would literally punch you in the face if you said this in front of my face. This is not a refutation of the sources I gave.


>Logical, does explain similarities if they are related, to some degree.
What the fuck are you saying? How many times I have to say all these sources show Europeans are a mix of Proto-Indo-Europeans from Southern Russia, Anatolian Neolithic Farmers, and Dark-skinned blue-eyed mesolithic hunters in varying degrees? The sources all substantiate this. For example, Southern Europeans have significantly less Proto-Indo-European percentage compared to Norwegians in Northern Europe. Does this make them difference races? At what point do we say a race is one or separate? That's the lumpers and splitters problem, faggot.

For example, it could be argued Iranians are same race as Armenians, we plot very closely, but one could say there is still some difference enough to warrant a different race. At what point do you draw the line?

We were never closely related to you guys genetically, even during Achaeminid and Sassanid times. However, we may have a lot of cultural parallels and such.

This, the word Persian came from the pars(now Fars because Arabs don't have a phonetic P) region of Iran. Those from Pars were called parsis who Greeks began to call "Parsians" which eventually became Persians. The current Muslims occupying Iran now are more closely related to the Bedouin tribes that destroyed the sassanians than they are to the sassanians themselves. The bastards don't even keep dogs how can they claim to be Persian?

M8, if you're a Muslim Iranian you are probably more closely related to Muhammad than you are to any zoroastrian shah.

Our nation literally began with Indo-Iranian tribes mixing with dark-skinned Elamites, who had a sophisticated culture for the time (look up Shahr-e Sukhteh). This is somewhat analogous to Europe of Ancient times, which had dark-skinned mesolithic hunters and Anatolian neolithic farmers.

Should the Indo-Iranian Proto-Indo-Europeanss have avoided mixing with the Elamites and thereby not give rise to a culture? Should Proto-Indo-European migrators have avoided mixing with the Anatolian Neolithic farmers present in Europe at that time?

Do you realize just how much people mixed in the past or are you that dense?

The middle east is all about culture

Our peoples never cared about genetics so I don t know why people care about it now

Europeans have contaminated us with their racialist bullshit


Actually, I am Buddhist. I told you this. Stop this shit.

>Europeans have contaminated us with their racialist bullshit
I AGREE. Fuck Islam btw. It resists secularization. I don't disagree with this one bit.

All genetic tests shows not only are you wrong but parsis are more closely related to Indians thanks to generations of mixing with locals

I wholeheartedly wish Islam never got hold of Anatolia, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, and Syria. Damn fucking shame. Arabs practically wiped out ethnic Egyptians.


Do you know closely related Iranians plot to Ossetians on autosomal DNA? Do we, Armenians, Azerbaijanis, or Tajiks plot more closely to Ossetians?

Ethnic Egyptians are still there they weren't wiped out

Yeah if it weren't for that religion we would maybe know peace in the region

Were you born a Buddhist? What turned you away from Islam? Was it the fact that they literally destroyed Iran and dragged it's name through the mud?
"the locals" there are no locals in India, depending on the province they settled in that could refer to any caste of any region. Not to mention the higher castes of Hindus and Sikhs are more closely related to ancient Persians than modern day Iranians. Also I'm an Irani. Way to generalize an entire group Mahmoud you bigot.

>I posted two sources, why won't you listen to me when I say we should breed with each other waaaa

>This is not a refutation of the sources I gave.
Wasn't supposed to be.

>I would literally punch you in the face if you said this in front of my face.
Schlomo, you are 5'2 and overweight. I'm 6'7, have 9" dick, and make over 100k a year working as a chef at Wendy's.

>Does this make them difference races?
Different cultural identities, different history. Not a great genetic difference, but this does not warrant miscegenation. Shill harder, Schlomo.

>For example, it could be argued Iranians are same race as Armenians, we plot very closely, but one could say there is still some difference enough to warrant a different race. At what point do you draw the line?
See above. Different culture, history, etc. Might not be a large genetic distance between the two, but it does not warrant miscegenation. Even if there is a 1% uniqueness, fight to preserve it.
The most valuable possession you have in this life is your own people.

This post was not directed towards you. It's about alcohol, Schlomo.
Kek, you want to extend the morals of a people thousands of years old to our modern civilization? Because they bred (out of necessity, I would imagine) does not mean this action is warranted in our modern culture, maybe in your homeland Israel, but not in nations where people value their identity.

>ancient European ancestors
>dark-skinned Alberto Barbarossa's
You literally shilling for a history of cuckoldry.

I am loving every laugh.

From my own research, the Ossetians seem to the be closest descendants of the Scythians. I actually look like one, and I do think the Ossetians tend to have Proto-Indo-European.

I think I saw an autosomal DNA study that showed how some Iranians in the North are very closely related to Ossetians, but I am not sure.

>Even if there is a 1% uniqueness,
You are so fucking retarded.

>Was it the fact that they literally destroyed Iran and dragged it's name through the mud?
Don't talk like a traitor.

Shut the fuck up, faggot. Our culture literally began with the ancestors of the Ossetians mixing with the dark-skinned Elamites of the South. I have attached a pic of Ossetians.

Also, the dark-skinned Elamites were more technologically advanced at that time, so it's not as simple as dark-skin = bad and light-skin = good.

But yeah, I look more like an Ossetian myself.

Who cares

It's uncanny how similar my mom looks to that woman...

One of these days I want to visit the Ossetians and see how they live.

How do Iranians who claim themselves as part of a superior race deal with the fact that their culture,country and religion were all dominated by us "subhumans" for centuries?