Choosing sides in the war on Sup Forums

Alright guys here's our chance. Strike them when they are at their most vulnerable. Sup Forums will be focused on surviving the onslaught that will soon befall them.

This is when the lurkers of Sup Forums, the silent majority, moves in to change Sup Forums's rhetoric. Many of us silent lurkers are not as extreme as Sup Forums. We're not racist. We're not Nazi fan boys. We don't believe every conspiracy.

Yes that is us. And now is our chance to make this a decent board open to all political discussions with common sense and rational thought.

Who's with me? Let's string together some decent threads and make this board something we can all gain knowledge from through debating and awareness of world events. Prepare for the new Sup Forums. Sup Forums reborn

Other urls found in this thread:

Remember the subversion tactic OP

No, we're bringing an end to Sup Forums's hatred, intolerance, and irrational behavior!

We expose you for what you truly are! Trump loving fascists that want to kill all blacks, Muslims, and gays just for being different!

Hey shill there is no fight inside pol everyone here have their opinions, our political incorrectness give us the freedom to say everything and shows who we really are unlike some other sites. Pol is the board of freedom from every taboo obstacle. Go somewhere else cuck.

Lurk more

You claim this but the reality is different, people from every country and faith is here, muslim,jews,christians, hindus, atheists, people from pakistan israel Australia and more even blacks womans lgbts etc are here, your presumption that we are all the same here shows your repressed racism, you don't want to hear other people opinions just yours.

>tfw with you
>tfw you're an insincere troll

if only this were true! but Sup Forums suppressed my political beliefs and told me to fuck off. No more! We are free to fight back!

>Trying to stir up Internet drama and role playing
Go outside. Talk to people. Get a life.

All you have here are oppressive atheists and some really fucked up Christians that want to bring the crusades back against the muslims! You all sicken me!

Shill, we call that free speech.

Try not being obvious in your next thread.

Dude I'm hype for crusades 2: electric boogaloo

What do you expect that everyone accepts your view? And plus what kind of view you post?

you speak of free speech, but want to strip freedoms from Muslims, gays, and blacks! stop your hypocrisy!

See! this is exactly what I mean! How barbaric!

No my view correlates with the exact aspect we should all accept. Freedom! That is my view!

Oppression, ah, strange word to use, we don't care about it because as i said before we are an heterogeneous community everyone express their beliefs you can find muslim that praise for what happened in paris, you can find minorities that support trump, you can find jews that talk shit against palestinians(same thing with pakis and indians, or japan and south korea), you can even find people that support a lgbt guy when he was under depression. We are what the left craves so much, a community where everyone can say everything.

Barbaric? What's barbaric about wanting to help destroy the ultimate evil ideology? What's barbaric is throwing gays off roofs, stoning women, lighting people on fire, fucking goats, and worshipping a war mongrel as a god. I think it's very civilised actually to want to stop such a belief system to prevent it from corrupting and destroying what we have been building for about 1000 years

I hate it OP. I feel like the kike are trying to make me pick sides. Some influence is forcing a divide amongst the people. Theres a clear narrative being developed in the mainstream media.

Either you are for the kike shillary or you are for the "racist demagoguery" that is Trump.

Let us come together brothers and set aside our differences. We MUST define what brotherhood, equality, and honesty means before we let the kikes decide for us.

You can say what you want, your comments will not be deleted(if the topic is not relevant for political views or post pornographic pictures) but don't expect everyone to be happy if you say something especially if you shitpost

say anything yes but get away with saying anything without getting eaten alive by your hateful rhetoric and intolerance is different. I am trying to make a movement to change that rhetoric in Sup Forums and make it a happy and accepting place!

>Many of us silent lurkers are not as extreme as Sup Forums. We're not racist. We're not Nazi fan boys. We don't believe every conspiracy.

nice assumptions, you fucking shit cunt

Ever thought of, oh I don't know, working to save those few Islamic radicals from their violent beliefs? Changing hearts is a much better option than genocidng an entire religion and race for small extremists groups.

this thread is retarded op is always a faggot

Exactly. There is not just one side or the other. We can fight back, we can show a humane side that promotes freedom and acceptance!

>create a movement in a board called politically incorrect that ban being mean against each other
Are you retard on purpose or your born retard?
Do you really expect to destroy a board that can really shows our nature and by our i mean mankind, if you want a safe space go to reddit.

You know this board goes further than that. its not just shitposts. its when someone posts, hey maybe not all Mexicans are murderers and rapists, and then the Trump fanatics tear em apart. Its time we were able to have decent discussions here!

a safespace is not what I ask. I ask for decent debates with intelligent people. not the shitty "Trump is based god and everyone else can gtfo" arguments

Just ignore the people that you don't like to talk with, you can easily find people that agree that not all mexicans are but some are, and we like to joke about stereotypes. But you are continually insist to the argument that people here are mean of course this is politically incorrect board not kiss your boo boo board

Look it up

>Many of us silent lurkers are not as extreme as Sup Forums. We're not racist. We're not Nazi fan boys.
gas yourself faggot

Go to /politics/ in cripplechan

So you want people to agree with you? There's literally no argument you can provide that disproves Trump is the best option for president

Oppressed how?

Being told to fuck off doesn't mean you have to. That's Queer Tier reasoning.

You're free to lurk, comment, spout any ideology you want and be challenged on it. As is happening now. Enjoy the freedom you rodent.

kill yourself
even jews on pol support /natsoc/ and are opposed to international jewery

Trump has no grasp of what 35% tariffs would do to our economy, will spend billions of dollars we don't have a wall that won't work, and will "try" to deport 11 million illegal immigrants which either he will fail at or he will become the next Hitler because at least half of them will "accidently" die

you are whats wrong with this board

Well when anti western ideas are indocterinated into these people, it's a little hard to sit down with them, have a cup of coffee and explain to them why everything they have ever believed is wrong and evil. The majority of these people, yes the majority not
>Muh small extremist group
Want the west dead and under Sharia law. So in all honesty the best way would probably be to either build the great Wall of Europe and keep these dirty sacraens out or just glass the entire middle East.

You keep using that word. I don't think it means what you think it means.

>few islamic radicals


Well it helps when your country's military hasn't killed the last 2 generations of their families. Stop preemptively striking entire countries and MAYBE they will sit down and have a cup of coffee with us and talk without worrying that we will put them in gitmo

It's more -- far more in fact -- than just a few and they've made it clear their hearts aren't open to being changed. Is yours?

Well maybe if they didn't fly a fucking
Into the side of our buildings I wouldn't want them all dead. God could you imagine if you autists were alive when the Japs bombed us at Pearl harbor. What should we have just sat down with those barbaric gooks and tried to get them to understand that imperialism was over and they need to stop? That they need to just join us in a nice comfy party here in America? No we should have nuked them like we did. And we should do the same to these fucking sandniggers who are demanding refuge in my country so they can turn it into another one if their Islamic shitholes

This why Trump is the perfect candidate he have an isolationist political view, hilary will continue the wars and starts even more

>a wall that won't work
It astounds me that there are actually people who think this. It's such a simple concept to grasp.

There's nothing wrong with this board. Do you not see the inherent value in and necessity of free speech?

Fuck you shitlord, I'm a lurker and you do not speak for me.

I am racist and misogynist, and there are some conspiracy theories that I may believe. I'm not a "nazi fanboi" though

And we went in there with boots on the ground and planes over head for the past 15 years and has it made the world any safer? No, instead we created more resentment and more radicals who want to bomb the western world. This isn't Japan. They don't accept honorable defeat after being nuked. They will continue to fight with terrorism until we get our hands out of their homeland which we've been meddling with since the fall of the Ottoman Empire. That's why we've driven them to flying planes at us. They don't know what else to do when they've been fighting us for generations.

never said anyone wanted Hillary

well. not exactly. we more or less just want them to go back and enjoy the freedoms they have in their own countries. as for gays why should we care their bloodlines all die out in a single generation anyway.

Lurk moar
Or you need to go back >>>reddit

Do you think gun laws keep criminals from having guns? Do you really think a wall is going to stop illegals, who will fly in, sail in, do whatever they can, sometimes just go through customs with a passport to visit and then just stay. you don't know how easy it is to get in this country from Mexico. Its super fucking easy. Wall or no wall

But you talked about US don't involving in other wars, the elections are near and the favorite candidates are only these two.

Imagine this. They can't go back to their own countries because we're blowing those countries up. oops

Sho sho shill
Also sage this fucking shit
We are free from your views
Everyone here is equally in terms of hatred we can and hate and troll whatever we want

Building a wall helped Mexico and Israel to stop ILLEGAL immigrants and decrease the terrorist attacks in the case of israel and the number of foreign criminals in the case of Mexico

>only 2

I am so tired hearing that I may shoot myself. Never, will I EVER bring myself low enough to vote for those two candidates. I will protest by voting third party so hard that maybe through some kind of ripple in the force the electoral college will consider doing the same. They won't. But god I wish they would.

trump is anti-war

Zemo did nothing wrong.
Tony and Steve chimped out.

Ok, say this line here _ is a wall

Ok this is the wall at Guatemala: _

Ok this is the wall Trump wants to build ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Compare keeping watch of the Guatemala wall and the Trump wall. A little harder to keep guard and to maintain the Trump wall wouldn't you think?

There are no conspiracies except the Jew

Know what's super fucking easy? Understanding what walls do. Which you apparently don't considering you're asking me in earnest whether a wall can address entry via air or sea transit (you forgot the underground tunnels btw) or overstayed visas. Those avenues will all be addressed via other means. The important takeaway here, aside from learning how to walls, is that our US border patrol council made history when they endorsed a presidential candidate during the primaries a few months back. Go tell them a wall wouldn't work. Let us know how it goes.



>Whites calling Jews demonic.

Now that's funny.

>Trump has no grasp of what 35% tariffs would do to our economy,
Apparently you don't either. Most stuff already has some tariffs on it, it's the sole reason we even have agriculture in this country still. Plus we have some pretty heavy tariffs on things like steel from China. All he's talking about is increasing them. Most of this country's history we have had tariffs that gave preference to Americans and American industry and it wasn't until the early 1900's that those started to get broken apart, right about the same time we started to get sucked into what would turn into globalism just a few decades later.
>will spend billions of dollars we don't have a wall that won't work
Israel, a country like 30 times smaller than us, has a wall that is about a third to a quarter as long as the proposed wall on our Southern border. If Israel can do it with far fewer resources then America sure as fuck can. Also we already lose over a hundred billion a year to illegals, it'd be a net savings.
>and will "try" to deport 11 million illegal immigrants which either he will fail at or he will become the next Hitler because at least half of them will "accidently" die

>Sup Forums will be focused on surviving the onslaught that will soon befall them.

The only "onslaught" will be wrought by summerfags all collectively going back to school with a bang aka massively trolling(read:pretending to be retarded) the stormfags.

Looks like It's already started...

Okay, you're right I should address this. My best friend is about a jew as jews get. His ancestors were the Russian Jews they you may have heard of. He's super smart, is currently attending law school at GW on a full ride, and makes thousands of dollars of investments in stocks. He knows that people think jews are behind everything. Let me tell you something that he told me. Jews don't fucking care enough. All they care about is their own money. They have no organization, no secret plan, no involvement in politics. They prefer to run banks because they are the ONLY ones good at it. They want to run their banks, stash their money, and be left alone

They've been fighting us since they existed you dumb shit. Islam itself is a political ideology of conquest. Just because we got the upper hand after 1800 or so doesn't mean we should feel any guilt over it.

Muslims are essentially that faggot bully on the playground that picked on you for years until you hit puberty and stomped a mudhole in his ass. They have no moral authority to complain about anyone else's genocides or imperialism.

did CTR get a budget increase? you're memeing is getting better! perhaps it's from all the time spent researching and shitposting.

still, you've got a long way to go before you're even at Indian levels of shitposting

Do you remember that US have already Border patrols and a wall can only make their jobs easier?

The Mexico-Guatemala border is 541 miles long. the US-Mexico border is 1,989 miles long. The US-Mexico border is about 3.8x the size of the Mexico-Guatemala border. The US also happens to have about a GDP 14x greater than Mexico, and a population 2.6x that of Mexico. If you honest to God think that a country the size and as wealthy as America is, can't built a less than two thousand mile border wall with modern security measures, you should be euthanized


the only reason Harley Davidson is a thing right now was because of an absurd Regan era tariff on imported motorcycles. This protected a fractured American mainstay long enough for it to reorganize a bounce back. Now they are more popular than ever!

>Hakuun Yasutani

The border patrol just wants more funding. Their fences don't work so of course they know the wall won't. Let me tell you want the wall is really meant for. It's meant to keep us in. If Trump ever becomes president (which he won't) the first uprising against him will be slaughtered. and then everyone will want to flee the country. But Trump will put the nation under a quarantine. No flights, no boats, no nothing. and then you will remember "oh, we have an open border! I can escape that way!" so you will race to the border, but it will be too late. For the Trump wall will have already been built, and you are trapped on the wrong side. Trump will then line you up with the rest of the would be escapers against the wall and mow you down with his giant machine gun turrets that he used your money to buy.

I'm just kidding! Have fun with those nightmares!

Nice job baiting the gullible faggots OP, here have a (you).


I dont give a fuck about your friend, I am part jewish and the group known as the jews needs to be fucking exposed for what they are. Go take your #NotAllJews #NotAllMuslims and eat a fucking dick. Noone cares about the irrelevent ones. It's the overwhelming disproportionate responsibility that group happens to bear for most of the evil in the world.

Thank you

Better than most whites desu senpai

Japan is our greatest ally

I'm a lurker and you're completely and totally incorrect.

Nice try, CTR Shill.

>There are people taking this shit bait
Seriously, be ashamed.

The only valid response to this is >pissing in an ocean of piss

This so hard. Shillary is as hawkish as can be.

it's all just memes, people who would stomp little niglet to death are like 1% here, i just want them darkies out of my europe

>trump is literally hitler
>fances/walls don't work against illigals but they will work against Americans
>Mexico is the only way to run away from US
>forgets about a fucking leaf in the north

What time is Hillary's speech?





If you think anyone will trade with us with 35% you're insane. They'd get cheaper deals elsewhere. He'll kill our trade.

We paid for Israel's wall and just about everything in that country. Maybe if we hadn't, we'd have money for a wall now.

Also, Mexicans bring value and wealth into the country in the form of labor doing jobs no one else wants to do. They buy our shit and we pay cheaper for their products because we pay them low wages. They also pay sales taxes, property taxes, and even income taxes depending on their employer (pretty sketch when they're illegal but thats the employers fault if they hire them illegally). They help the economy.

This is my first post after lurking here for about two years and you're wrong, I am racist af

You're obviously a shill

intelligent ppl will not want to debate you. lurk more and gain power.

Sup Forums is a board of peace. Everything written here is satire. Some choose to don a awful persona, but just dark humor.

Gee, Who could possibly be behind this post?


>Also, Mexicans bring value and wealth into the country in the form of labor doing jobs no one else wants to do.

If the mexicans weren't around to do that labor, the people buying the labor would have to raise their prices to attract legal labor. Why do you want to keep illegal Mexicans impoverished with shit wages?

Holy kek, I need to collect this pepe, here's an artistic one for you

>They've been fighting us since they existed

No they fucking haven't. Under the Ottoman empire after it was done expanding, the middle east was very rarely ever involved in war with the west for a span of hundreds of years. Then we started fucking things up there after world war 1. We've really fucked things up over the last few decades and that's why they want to kill us so badly. Some just look to religion to justify their bloodlusting rage. Its not the religion though, its the hate they have for Western world for killing millions of their people

Establishment wants war, not that braindead bitch Hillary. She's just a whore who serves

But it still won't work. how frustrating will that be for you hardcore anti immigration people

I already said here

Ohhh we're talking numbers now. Is 20 trillion a big enough number for you? because that's how much debt we have. But another what $30 billion for a wall won't hurt right? nah the $800 million it would take to maintain it each year won't hurt either. Just raise the taxes a little more. Just like Bernie wants to do to make education "free". It'll be fiiiine