Is it true Iceland doesn't have an army?

Is it true Iceland doesn't have an army?
Inb4 Google it cause I wanna know Sup Forums opinion

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what does that picture even imply?

and how could a yes or no question be an opinion?

>Iceland is world's most white country...
Checks out.

Yes because Iceland is a cold rock lost in some cold ass sea up north and doesn't interact much with the outside world on a political level.
So sure indeed they can pass up on having an army since they're an homogeneous population far from everything and living in subsistence.

iceland is in the middle of nowhere with no exports or resources and has no strategic value to anyone. they don't need an army

Isolated Nordic country with no real political footing, reserve in natural resources or role in geopolotics has no real enemies.
In other relevelations it's also been discovered that Iceland is a cold country.

It implies that we should be more like Iceland:
>homogenously Icelandic
>not attracting the wrath of the (((globalists))) with the scent of gold

It's easy to be the most peaceful country in the World, if you are a secluded island with less population than Luxembourg.

iceland is little sweden tb h

I bet you there is basically no crime as well.

This is what happens when you have nothing but white people.


Like many countries, they just hire the Americans.

It's actually a pretty smart way of doing things. Why would they need a standing army?

wat about da geothermals enregys

But they are in NATO that is an army :^)

post window pic of your destroyed town

good they should get 100,000 rapeugees then

they do have an army. its called america.

Iceland is a pretty fucked up place actually.


Yes. Why, are you planning on attacking?

Why is that?

They don't have an army. We invaded them in 1940 with ~700 marines to prevent the Germans from taking it without a single casualty on either side.

They may live to be the last white country on earth so they should probably invest in coastal defenses.

Nice :^)

There are several US military bases there. It's a resupply station in the middle of the ocean. It's very valuable for the burgers for coming over to Europe.
But they are just as delusional and stupid as the other scandinavians. If they could import niggers, they would.

Armies aren't just for shooting people, how are they going to react when a large environmental hazard shows up? Oh that's right, they do it like Liechtenstein and call foreign help and pay for it, great concept.

What if WWIII broke out? How will they defend themselves if someone attacked them?

>Jersey pedo

Just how new are you?

Yes, they have coast guards and that's it if I remember correctly
They're a 99% white country in the middle of ocean, they probably don't even need police

They do not need an army. If anybody fucks with Iceland they have a killswitch for civilization.

As soon as their country is in danger they will turn off eve-online servers, causing an instant worldwide beta uprising. And this isn't your average /r9k/ bottom barrel beta, these is the giga powerlevel autism elite wich is so far contained within the eve-alcatraz. Should this change, may God be merciful.

The thing is nobody wants to attack them because there's fuck all on that island

Good point, Eve is basically a elite training camp for the world's most determined AnCaps.

Why would you want to attack Iceland ? Do you want sheeps so much ?
That's basically the only thing there is. It's not strategically interesting.

Have to say I have a lot respect towards Iceland and their politics. They jailed their bankers and are very hostile towards political corruption. I hope they provide a great example on why parties like the Pirate party are needed to bring transparency to our politics and how the elite should be held responsible for their actions.

Homogenous European countries are peaceful, but it won't be like that for long.

I heard they just kill themselves so it doesent matter.

An Icelandic fag i know told me they basically just work as location for burger troops as closer station for europe so they would get protected by them very likely

Well ireland defends itself by having nothing that can be taken by force.

If you invade and blow up the infrastructure and office buildings and business leaves, what is left? Nothing.

So it's pointless to invade. You invade countries with gold and oil and other materials because even after everything is destroyed, there is something worth taking.

They managed to pull it off because the country itself is pretty small and the banks aren't big enough to fail. Granted, political corruption and bankers fucking everyone in the ass is pretty much a daily occurrence here and politicians could do something about it if they wanted to, but they don't.

I'm gonna vote the Pirate party on the next elections for lulz, every other party seems to be spreading their buttcheeks towards EU as of now.

>Liechtenstein gets my vote
I don't know how true it is, but it's still pretty funny desu

They have military deals with other countries, basically with NATO. Iceland does participate in crisis management missions, too.

in a tom clancy book the first move of the russians in a nato vs ussr war is to sneak into iceland, seize the airports and use them to lock the atlantic and deal massive damage to the american fleet.
Then they go liberator on the girls, not even kidding.

No army in Iceland, we rely on others to protect us.

Hahaha fucking cucks

Most white country is Belarus, 98% white. It's also a shithole.

you mean 98% slav

>half mongol

god damn, thats so funny


>inb4 Google cause 2st00pid

the rankings for "peaceful nation" literally give you negative points for having an army...

so the statement is stupid

Name the USA base in Iceland

Of course they have cuman and mongol ascentry but, well, they look pretty white, right?

most countries with small populations are peaceful, especially the Nordic countries

Oft course it has one. It's called US Army

someone please post the Iceland year book site. you will see theyve had enrichment.

They have imported a couple of African refugees who are now busy polluting the local gene pool. Like women the world over, those in Iceland have been welcoming the invaders into their beds.

Belarus is Ruthenian slav, they have less central asian admixture than Russia and Ukraine

they are a big aluminium producer and big power house. also, there are some plans to build an underwater powerline to iurop.


Better than Chinkapoor imo

>in a fictional book


Iceland locked up all the fucking jew bankers in jail and elected pirates into their government. They're secluded, have no neighbors, are almost purely white and have pretty much nothing of value on their island except energy and nature.

They are not going to be in a war unless they get infiltrated sometime. They don't need guns or an army.

Isolated Island nations are the best.

this is a politics board

are you okay libya, how is that civil war doing ...?

They are an Island nation, they don't need an Army they need a navy, you dumbass.

its practically over, there no more fighting and most the soldiers disbanded to join the newly formed military

ISIS are completely destroyed, only fanatics still roam around

and well yeah, we are doing great 2bh

All you faggots need to read a history book

good to hear, hope you can rebuild fast
Former P-3 mechanic here


I've been there. There is only 300k people. How could they have an army?

Was khadafi a tyran ?

>tfw I can unironically, literally see my older brother's apartment in that photo

do you support Hillary Clinton or trump

do you support assad

They've got a small reserve force and a decent weapons stockpile with about 70,000 people fit for service. They'd probably just form militia units and retreat to key strategic positions.

>70,000 people fit for service

Scratch that, they have 70,000 men fit for service, and an equal amount of women.

Pure autism.

Why are a county in a snow dessert, so successful and considered a first world country

but countries in sand dessert, are really shitty?

I believe the USA takes care of their defense. It's strategically important because Iceland is inbetween the UK and Greeenland. So if we can hold all three of those, Russian boats can't get from the Baltic and White Sea to the Atlantic.


The Brits invaded and set up a camp in Iceland and invited the Canadians and Americans over, it's not that hard.

Stay the fuck away cunt

Their frozen island in the middle of the Atlantic is very difficult to sneak up on.

If they have *any* warning, they can call the Americans. We could land significant forces there to defend them in under a day.

They have an army, the norwegian one. They are just freeloading on others like a bunch of niggers

Have you even been to Iceland?
They fry errything in fish oil. Even eggs. It's horrible.

It's easy to have a peaceful country when you don't have any mudslimes, niggers, or kikes.

>EvE Players lose Eve
>Forced out into the real world
>Create EvE in real life
>Destroy Iceland's aggressors from orbit
>Go back to playing EvE

>Asians are white

>calling others our for not being white
I don't concider you white. Half white at best, jew or niggers at worst

didnt the people of iceland mass express their willingness to take in refuges in a huge number?

>Is it true Iceland doesn't have an army?
every country has an army.

either an own or a foreign army that occupies it.

iceland is a nato member and has foreign soldiers 'stationed' on it.

Iceland isnt the most peaceful country in the world because of its lack of military
Its the most peaceful country in the world because it is 99% white, has low population density and no Mudslimes.

Also it's in the middle of a fucking ocean and has fuck all natural resources or arable land so they'll never be invaded.

where to get syrian proxy?

>That flag


Basically a nature reserve for whites.