Why do liberals have to butcher everything in sight, including Stephen King novels?

Why do liberals have to butcher everything in sight, including Stephen King novels?

It's like you don't even know who wrote this stuff.

Stephen King sells the screenplay right to each of his novels and novellas, for $1. Also, should kill himself with extreme predjudice. The reason you hate Stephen King is because you're literally autistic, and you are simply unable to relate to regular, everyday people that he captures so brilliantly. You know, people who aren't autistic faggots like you.

but user, his prose just isnt that good

Wew lad this post

Still mad there won't be a hot 12 year old sewer orgy in IT.

his prose is serviceable and be can good when he actually puts in the time. He's writing entertaining pulpy stories with characters the reader can get invested which is all he sets out to do and succeeds in spades.

you're just spouting >muh prose, because you think that's all their is to books. I bet you don't even read. Wow, if only The Stand were written by Woolf or Faulkner! finally remarkable prose could come to a hackneyed cheesy story of good and evil in a post apocalyptic story where the bad guy wears boots and a denim and jacket kys you autist.

For being libshit, every woman on this show is the most unlikeable cunt.

Stephen King is the literary equivalent of television anyway.

Even King would agree with you; he says he knows how to write an interesting story, but has a tin ear for language. Fortunately, there's more to good writing than just pretty prose.

to be honest i do think he can put together an interesting and engaging story but its a slog actually reading it. thats why i prefer competent film adaptions of his books. no need to be so hostile, user.

>no need to be so hostile, user.

I'm sorry, I've just had a stressful morning.

That pic disturbs the shit out of me. What the fuck is that?

Boy or girl?

were all gonna make it bro

Yeah you're a moron. That dude turned out to be a psycho killer. His bigot dad was technically the one in the right.


Didn't you see the last ep? Turns out the faggot roofie'd and raped the dumb girl. Also the hippie bitch set the church on fire with the rest of the people inside.

Gawd he fucking turns me on. Would love for him to dump loads down my throat.

>roofie'd and raped the dumb girl

on-screen? was it hot?

Maybe not everyone is interested in reading "serviceable" pulp. Maybe some people have more, how should we say, refined tastes.

>he says on Sup Forums

*punches faggot*
*punches faggot in the ass*

The Mist has been one of my favorite Stephen King stories for decades. I've loved it since I first read Skeleton Crew when i was in my early teens. I enjoyed the Tom Jane movie, even though I thought it was odd to give the story an unhappy ending when the story ends with a hopeful one. This is pretty much the opposite of what happens with book adaptations and I thought it was unnecessarily grim. Aside from that, I thought the Tom Jane movie captured the spirit and characters of the original story quite well.

I couldn't make it through the first 10 minutes of episode one of this series.

Neither. He also shot his dad and his mother went nuts because he was such a faggot.

>he doesn't know patricians secretly browse Sup Forums to laugh at all the plebshit posted

>he doesn't know that actual patricians come here for the cheese pizza and diet coke