I don't get it Sup Forums.
What are they trying to say?
I don't get it Sup Forums
is time for anschluss
That when muslims kill other muslims its Germany's fault for committing anudda shoah
"Oy vey, open your borders/assholes even more you Goyim!"
Syrian girls also write their diaries with pens from the future.
>Anne Frank today is a Syrian girl
So she's propaganda?
wtf I hate border now
yeah, throw her in a concentration camp and let her die
If you can't tolerate refugees then you are basically Hitler.
Israel can take her in then
Q: What's brown and hides from Nazis?
A: The diarrhea of Anne Frank.
Wtf I love having to pay more taxes so refugees who rape and murder and refuse to work and who are like 85% military aged men can come live off of those taxes and continue to rape and murder in their new houses while driving their current year cars now.
All because of this conveniently release picture that was taken by a child murderering jihadi in Isis controlled territory.
Thoughtful, is it not?
So both are used in Jewish propaganda? I agree.
((((((NYT Opinion)))))) is really pushing this hard.
muh 6 gorjillazillion
Does that make Obama and Clinton Hitler since they are the ones that support the Syrian rebels?
>arm rebels against Assad
>Assad defends himself and kills some rebels
>use the killing of rebels as the excuse to support rebels and depose him
I don't understand the intended effect. Do they want a massive wave of muslim immigration into Europe? It's like they WANT the West to fall.
Israel was promised to Jews by G-d you silly goy. Stop being a racist and deny Jews their god given rights to own their own land.
Besides 6 million, do you even remember you nazi?
Wow. Saudi Arabia really should open its borders. Really makes you think
they're both fake propaganda children
Arabs are the new Jews
and Arabs are the new Nazis
Arabs are to Arabs as Nazis are to Jews. Therefore let's move all those Arabs to our magical clay of peace so that they will magically stop shoahing each other!
Syrian Sunnis are being targeted for extermination and forcibly relocated (spoiler: to us)
Meanwhile, niggnogg leader of the free world is fighting climate change.
Really makes you think...
They need to be gassed.
Sheeit, we missed that one too?
Oh no she's bloody and crying! QUICK!! OPEN ALL BORDERS
So Islamic State are the Nazis? Good thing our based Slavbros are kicking their asses, just like last time.
I think they're trying to say that we are evil if we don't allow uncontrolled immigration from the third world. I'm bad with subtlety though.
>if we don't allow uncontrolled immigration from the third world
You already did that Sweden.
>Anne Frank today is a Syrian girl
Okay, come back when she writes a diary.
huh... makes you think...
Anne Frank's Diary was actually written by her father. Now that the copyright was running out, he affirmed this so that they could keep making money of it. Yes, kikes are that fucking scummy.
Not enough to have done it. Gotta keep doing it.
Welp, time to fire up the time machine.
Gave me an erection thinking about abusing loli Anne Frank desu
That this is a misleading lie too.
Post this on twitter if you dare.
Still never read it.
Well the only interpretation I can see is that they are saying the situation in her country is the same as it was in Germany or wherever Anne Frank was captured in Nazi territory
Lucky that shit is half a world away and none of our business
>anne's father
Wait a minute, how could her father survive and she be dead? Did she even exist?
Syria is Auschwitz 2.0
damn her husband really messed her up that day.
>muh 6 million
>grown man is stronger than little girl
is this somehow confusing to you, what are you some kind of nu male weak wristed sissy boy?
Wow, they actually went there.
It's fiction to be ignored.
It's the False Equivalance fallacy.
Great, now we can actually fuck Anne Frank!
That white people are to blame.
t. Jeff Mangum
>What did they mean by this
Something is gonna happen in Syria. They didnt care for 2 years and now its hitting top news again. Dunno if Turkey offensive is a part of it, but surely there will be some American or Pro american offensive
>you missed this one, boris
No no it's all Bush's fault, Obama dindu nuffin
They noticed you built a lot of windows since last time...
I hope she died again
God damn it comrade, we have to work harder next time!
How could he? He has an alibi. At the time he was on the back 9.
If syrian girls are anne frank then Sup Forums are rabbais
>what is Russian airtrikes on Syria
>what is ISIS
That syrian refugees should be gassed.
>what is ISIS
You mean ISIL
>Anne Frank today is a Syrian girl.
Not today. 15-20 years, sure. They better get out of Europe while they can.
That we should gas the Syrians?
>Evil Nazi typhus
I would polandbro but im not black so no twitter account
bullshit the baby isn't a black muslim
>post story
>Spin narrative
>Do whatever the fuck you want
>What are they trying to say?
Zionists were behind the Holocaust, the idea of placing Jews in concentration camps so they could eventually be sent to Israel once they could finish their deal with the British, but then WW2 fucked it all up.
And now Zionists are behind the war in Syria.
Holy shit man.
>desecration of corpses and standing on the grave of children at the same time
this is a new low even for the jew york times
>made up sky fairy promised the jews something
>What are they trying to say?
That russians are evil nazis?
Don't you all ever get tired of slimey kikes?
Are you trying to b8 me CTR?
We love Jews. With Jews you win.
They're telling us that the modern version of a girl exploited for political motive who never endured what we are told she endured is a syrian child.
Feel bad for them, goyim.
Why would we lie about this?
Please don't think about her handwriting or ballpoint pens.
No I get tired of them because of shit like this.
Btw Hillary should rot in hell.
>dem smooth sexy Hitler legs
She will die and Chelsea will get over 100 million dollars for doing fucking nothing.
>we don't want them, please make our problem yours, and stop worrying about your own problems
gud one :^)
Wtf I hate Anne Frank now.
It's literally another shoa. And it's white people's fault again!
She was not hidden from a forign government, she is not Ann Frank. Her story has about as much credibility as Frank had tho :^)
Anne Frank was a post-war holyhoax propaganda written by an older jewish man. all the anti-assad propaganda is the same, since Israel wants to landgrab Syrian soil in the chaos of war
so yeah they are the same. jews emotionally manipulating good goy into waging war for jewish profit
[citation needed]
Pic courtesy of those guys that cut that kids off sad photos division.
Both are pieces of Semitic garbage and Devil's agents.
Good lord, Anne was so cute.
>New York Times
On the same list as the WaPo, HuffPo, and Salon.
When will you outlaw propaganda rags like this, America? Will Trump do it?
Bloody psycho-kikes are at it again ...
>Jews, it is now known, engaged in huge campaigns of lies, but, again, this is more to do with media control over newspapers and cinemas than anything else. But emotionally charged events such as Pearl Harbor and supposed mass deaths of Jews were used in a way perhaps typical of Jews: they cared nothing for their victims, and this attitude is useful in arranging propaganda campaigns, just as a butcher isn't too concerned about the animals giving meat. "Oy vey, dem goyim actually care about dead children so let's use lotsa dem in our campaign" seemed to be the type of procedure when scripting Nuremburg.