Why are millennials so lazy?
Why are millennials so lazy?
Hello Generation X,
Why don't you fuck off? Kthx.
Hello Generation Y,
Why don't you get a job, buy a house, and start a family? Kthx.
Pokémon go lure manager?
Sign my ass up
>2 years of college to play a mobile game
Degree devaluation is real
How can any true conservative support a game which involves evolution?
Degrees are worth nothing, it's just a basic requirement. it's you're real world experience that actually matters.
>Must have Debtgree to play meme game
Flush this society down the toilet
Hello Generation X,
Maybe you shouldn't have sold your houses to Chinese and made jobs rare? Kthx.
is this what millennials think a job is?
>look mom I posted it again!
What is with the constant slide threads today? Fuck off you fucking shill. Saged, reported.
>part time job
>requires degree
it will be interesting to see what happens after everyone pays a shit ton for degrees and then they become worthless tho
Get an army of debt slaves; scared, frightened and willing to take any shitty job they can in a fragile and uncertain market.
That's fake, yes?
I mean, every inbred monkey could slap lures onto every shop, assuming that is what this is about. Zero requirements necessary.
Or have you reached the point where everyone is expected to flat-out lie about their qualifications?
Hello Generation Y,
Maybe you should try putting in a tiny amount of effort? Kthx.
>walking around town putting lures on prime pokestops
>requires a degree
what the fuck
What the hell is a lure manager?
>A degree gets you a part time on call job
>degree requirement
All jobs should require degrees.
So, are you just using degrees as some kind of retard filter since it's basically impossible to fail highschool anymore?
jobs that used to require just high school now require college.
some retail stores are now pushing for department managers, not the head honchos, department managers, to have an associates degree
>Job playing Pokemon go
> must be older than 20
> must have a college degree
What the fuck went so horribly wrong in our civilisation
there is nothing wrong with requiring all employees to have a degree.
>no jobs for unskilled labor
>no jobs with degree
>get/create a job providing a service in popular entertainment
90% of us are milennials anyway. Never understand these threads trying to get us to devour each other instead of help each other improve.
no. but its a slippery slope. that change happened in less than 15 years. kids nowadays have to spend 13 years in school minimum. 17 soon. then what, 20?
The problem is you aren't trying hard enough and you think your better than an honest days' work
Nah, I've got a decent job, but I recognize that I was extremely lucky. It also still took me 4 years. I've worked since I was legally able to and have never stopped. My first job was manual labor on a shrimp boat, so go fuck yourself with your "milennials arent tuff liek me" role playing.
The crushing blow is that I work with boomers and late Gen X'rs and constantly have to hear stories of losers being chronic pot smokers with no high school education and 3 DUIs, yet they were still allowed to join the military or stumble into an entry level job. Things have changed, I adapted and got lucky. Many other millenials have adapted but still weren't lucky.
Rent and food prices continue to go up. Gas prices are difficult to budget since they fluctuate so much. Taxed to death as soon as you hit the middle class bracket. For some reason cheap used cars are hard to find now, bought my first shitbox for 900, can't find that deal anymore.
I've just been financially strangled my whole life. Always breaking even, always forgoing parties and a social life for more certificates or work hours. All for what? To realize at my late 20's I still haven't lived life while older shits who got to party and get 3 different wives pregnant and divorce them all in the same time frame call me lazy?