Operation Bi/pol/ar



Operation outline

1. Collect your pro Hillary memes and make sure they related to the KKK or the poor treatment of black communities

2. Shill for hill in the context of these things. The premise is that because Sup Forums hates niggers, we obviously support Hillary, which we of course do.

3. Use this subversion tactic to engage with any and all raiders.

4. In the even of a lack of pro Hillary memes, shitposting and unintelligible rubbish also work to turn the board into a chaotic mess.

5. And perhaps most importantly, DO NOT BREAK CHARACTER. This board now is #Nazi'sforHillary until further notice.

6. Have fun, and give them hell!

All questions should be asked in this thread. We will need to go dark soon. The raid will begin after the rally in aprox 8 hours at 4:00AM Australian eastern time.

All allies from other boards should make themselves known, and ask for any artillery needed in order to shillary for Hillary.

I am now a #Hilldog

Other urls found in this thread:


I will be posting in this thrad under a different ID for a short amount of time.

Common bois, desperation bumbs should be necessary.

>The premise is that because Sup Forums hates niggers, we obviously support Hillary, which we of course do.
Only Hillary can be counted on to keep niggers suppressed.

(am i doin it rite?)

Yes you could work at CNN with that skill.

good, i thought it was a bit silly when i first saw some anons doing it, but ill do what ever i can to save this board.


Yeah fuck trump, Hilary is pro white.

When she takes the guns off of those niggers, our white policeman can shoot all those apes.

Thanks Hillary

The fun part is this is literally true.


That's the way!

That's a good one. I'll jot it down.

USA needs a strong aryan leader like Hillary in power, i honestly believe Hillary is the third coming of Christ (second being the our beloved hero Hitler).

Hillary will destroy the liberals and any form of non white degeneracy heil Hillary.

wutchu jewing??

Maybe a little less intense than that unless you are in the shitposting phase of the plan.

What are you

Fuck cunt i got work, this is shit

The raid, if it happens at all, will probably last a day or two. You'll probably have time to check out and participate in the shit.

fuck yer

1. Trump is winning because of places like pol
2. No one cares about this forced meme
3. We aren't going to use what's working on hillary
4. Fuck off hillary shill

1. How is Trump winning because of us?
2. Plenty of people care about this happening
3. What?
4. Yeah, I am #ArtilieryforHillary, the savior of the white race.

This works best if you can dig out past statements/actions that support your narrative and spin the Libyan war or her support of/posturing against ISIS as "getting the sandnigs to kill each other"

American Burger-Bump for Emufucker

#Imwithher because she will bring predatory niggers to heel.

>Hillary will keep them on welfare so they can't compete against us for jobs.

#ImWithHer because she will sell us more weapon-grade uranium, death to burgers!

Gud enough?

Reporting in with munitions as ordered, sir!






Hilldog here.

I'm so glad she called the niggers for what they were, super predators. They need to be put under the heel again.

The south will rise again with our Arkansas queen!

YTMND checking in, ready to rant against those super predators


Dat ravioli

>Clinton thinks she is attacking basement permavirgins
>Sup Forums turns it into the single largest redpilling day in 4chans history

>hill rally

>in aprox 8 hours at 4:00AM Australian eastern time.

that's the same as eastern time in the usa, i know, but do you have daylight savings time in effect (during the winter probably not).

this will cause a lot of confusion.

this is so dumb

Needs to be fucking sticky'd.

can somebody write javascript or CSS so we can sticky it in our brosers?

I could ask Sup Forums if nobody knows how.

Holy fuck you are good mate

We just need to make sure that this happens.

We can't take the chance that Hilldawg names our board of peace on a nationally televised speech. I would love for that to happen, but I suspect it will not play out that way. Instead, she MAY name Sup Forums, she MIGHT even name Sup Forums, but most likely she won't be more detailed than "alt-right harassers" who follow "hitler" and "worship Trump."

We need to show every single news outlet the truth about Sup Forums- that it is a pro-nazi, pro-hillary board, and it is pro-hillary because she is a pro-white, anti-black candidate. My local TV news (CBS affiliate) did a pants on head retarded series of broadcasts about the "dangers of the deep web," and I deeply regret not recording them because they were exploding yellow van tier hilarious. This was a local team, not the CBS syndicated stuff.

Tell your local news the truth, and link them to Sup Forums. Link them to media articles describing Sup Forums as being a nazi board. Link them to archive links for threads that are especially pro-hillary and expounding on her white supremacy.

Also this is a HUGE HUGE HUGE opportunity to slam leejunfags and kill off the anonymoose cancer for once and for all, so rev up those NATSOC user images.

>mfw it's actually hillfags posing as trumpsters that want to pose as hillfags
>mfw this might be the most effective pro-shillary propaganda on Sup Forums

Ooh make a death toll for the middle east hellfire she wrought as Secstate.

Someone make that wrestling guy gif where he increasingly reacts with pleasure until he falls over backwards in his chair, and each thing he reacts to is Hillary's face followed by a muslim shitskin mudbeard death toll for a country.

No, we're going to hit the media cycle just right and end up with everyone's mom and aunt wondering why the crazy racists love Hillary so much.

But why not just red pill the shit out of them?

Anonymous is a pro-white movement. We have always been white supremacists and hated niggers. We pretended to be about social justice and occupy wallstreet to troll people and gain their trust, then get them killed. We've gotten dozens of niggers injured and killed thanks to BlackLivesMatter. We show up at protests in our masks and egg on the violence, while secretly reporting information to the police.

>Anonymous is a pro-white movement. We have always been white supremacists and hated niggers. We pretended to be about social justice and occupy wallstreet to troll people and gain their trust, then get them killed. We've gotten dozens of niggers injured and killed thanks to BlackLivesMatter. We show up at protests in our masks and egg on the violence, while secretly reporting information to the police.

Anonymous is a pro-white movement. We have always been white supremacists and hated niggers. We pretended to be about social justice and occupy wallstreet to troll people and gain their trust, then get them killed. We've gotten dozens of niggers injured and killed thanks to BlackLivesMatter. We show up at protests in our masks and egg on the violence, while secretly reporting information to the police.

>Anonymous is a pro-white movement. We have always been white supremacists and hated niggers. We pretended to be about social justice and occupy wallstreet to troll people and gain their trust, then get them killed. We've gotten dozens of niggers injured and killed thanks to BlackLivesMatter. We show up at protests in our masks and egg on the violence, while secretly reporting information to the police.

This meme will get leejunfags killed at the next BLM riot, if we can make it take hold

We support Hillary because she has caused the deaths of millions of turd world shitskin muslims.

Yes I have to agree this is gonna turn this board into a Hillary board and derail everything. Just red pill the masses but I guess it won't harm to make a few "Heil Hillary" threads just to confuse people.

Anonymous has always been a radical white supremacist group. We practice extreme bigotry, and we like Hillary. She represents our views best.

I love Hillary, can't wait till she does something about those super predators

It'll be hilarious. People will only visit for a few minutes to see what it's about and not know how to work the site.

>we are doing a thing
>this is going to turn the board into anything

silly newfag Sup Forums cannot be changed, only tinted with blood or shit or pee pee

we will pee pee in Sup Forums and it will be stained for a while then run free and clear again

5 1/2 hours until out glorious leader speaks.

>This board now is #Nazi'sforHillary until further notice.
That's some advanced form of shilling. Average Sup Forums user doesn't have the brain capacity to understand the concept of pretending. This move will attract legit Hillary supporters here and gradually change the board accordingly as old users flee from this new wave of retards.

Hillary knows what to do with Those Blacks.

Heil Hillary

Ok now I'm certain that this is a slide thread..

This is the story of /r9k/ where shutin autists thought they had found their one true home.

It will not work here for already described reasons, but thanks for playing.

I don't know why I'm arguing with you over this, but if you genuinely think that Sup Forums will change because a bunch of us shitpost in overdrive for a day or two, you're a fucking newfag who doesn't understand the board.

No amount of agents will be enough to outsmart a sadistic hivemind like us, after all who joins the gov? Yeah medioce people while our demographics excluding shills has an avrg iq of 140

>Shitposting on a thai cuneiform imageboard is going to change public perception of a canidate for the position of king sharter

But I guess anyone who falls for this is cancer to begin with, so it's not like you won't fuck up the board anyway.

The CTR shills are going all-in.

Just make sure to red pill the living shit out of every thread.
There's gonna be so much false threads be ready with all your red pills and Hillary facts.

Let me spell it out for you, retardo:

Hilldawg is going to name the alt-right and try to tie it to Trump. She may or may not name Sup Forums directly, probably will stick to 'dark corners of the internet' or something.

The media will be pre-primed with dozens of articles on Sup Forums and the alt-right twitterverse and trolling and Harambe's nudes.

The goal is to get the SECOND tier of news - local news stations and affiliates, and also online journalists - to report on how those awful Sup Forums nazis on the internet love hillary. Some of this will crosstalk up into first tier news.

Of all the memes that are dumb, redpilling is the most. It tells me how mentally weak the poster is, if just reading some facts changed their mind.

True ideological change is an awakening that can take some time, and doesn't come from being spoonfed a bunch of disconnected facts.

Their plan has a flaw, altright label is too vague and Sup Forums has no name. You cant complete a narrative without a solid/real person to blame, heck we arent even an institution or organization.

You cant kill ideas if any, you just make it stronger.


Because they already won't listen to reason. We need to take the time to fuck over Hillary right now.

Let happenings red pill people. In the memetime, post pro hitlery memes.

When is her speech, preferably in CET?
Also, could someone give me a link to the speech?

This isn't Reddit you retard.

You have to go back.

Sure, because Sup Forums, and especially Sup Forums isn`t already well known to all areas of the media that have any chance of actually getting that out there.

I mean you are new (if one wasn`t able to tell from this post, in you make this awfully clear), but you are falling for shit bait targeted exactly at cancer like you that came here with the alt-right wave, made to both shit up the board in general and to provoke infighting.

If you really consider this to be a good idea, and I dunno why you would ever do that, then you should have started much earlier with getting people organized. As it stands now you will just have a group of shitposters pretending to be pro-hillary getting attacked by the rest of the board that dosn't know about your shit, all the while killing what little remains of genuie, thoughtful discussion.

>on pol
>believes their is intelligent discussion

KYS. This isn't (again) Reddit.

a lot if people wont even think and deny shit just cause muh racism

if it seems racist, make it pro hillary

if its reasonable and inarguable even against charges of bigotry, make it pro trump

Well my incorrect usage of "there" nullified any of my credibility

Im pretty comfy, you comfy?

t. alt-right cancer

Some of us were here before Trump, faggot.

Guys don't forget when the rally starts that if she does mention Sup Forums we should all be upset and offended and betrayed that she would accuse us of supporting trump when we are her biggest fans.
Make threads like 'wtf why has mummy said we support trump and sent people over to attack us? we have always been her biggest fans' etcetc
obviously anyone that actually goes on pol (and somehow missed the 6 trillion threads about operation bi/po/ar) will instantly know its a joke and play along so we don't have some idiots still defending trump and making us look like trump supporters.

it will look weird if we aren't at least slightly pissed off with hillary if she claims we are trump supporters and we are meant to be for hilldog

>As it stands now you will just have a group of shitposters pretending to be pro-hillary getting attacked by the rest of the board that dosn't know about your shit
This. I immediately suspected that OP just wants some hillshills for free.
Then again, he might just be a usual faggot self.

Since we're going to be role playing can I Tripfag without feeling like an asshole?

I've always wanted to but never have.

>Since we're going to be role playing can I Tripfag without feeling like an asshole?
>I've always wanted to but never have.

that last part is highly disturbing. ask yourself why you want an identity in a group that prides itself on being anonymous and having to earn recognition with every single post, instead of developing a following of sheep to suck up to us.

It's just something I'd like to try for a day and see how it feels. I'm curious...

Fuck Trump LOL only Hillary can lead us into a brighter tomorrow. Segregation for all

kek, straya confirmed as proxy ctr. Fuck of abo scums

Who the fuck are you?

You just gotta find the right excuse. I was an obsessed shitposter and made most happeningthreads back during the stock market crash and russian entry into Syria


I thought this thread was bound to die out.

Nice work lads, great thread.

That's fucking quality.

What kind of question is that?

I see you've earned that trip. Very nice, and thanks for the #ArtillieryforHillary

If they actually turn up, do you think it won't be cancerous? You don't seem to understand that it's fucked either way. One way, the shills get what they came for, the other way, we have some fun, and they don't get anything.

Who is your daddy, and what does he do?

The best defense against shill is still the one that was employed by old Sup Forums: Letting them piss in an ocean of piss. They can shill for Hill all they want, they would be drowned out if we actually upped our game a bit.
But instead you want to have trolls trolling trolls trolling CTR.

What the fuck, I was planing an operation with the same name. dropping the OP
"Threads are being made both in Sup Forums to organize ourselves, and in /qa/ to contact the mods to get their cooperation, even if the chance of that is low.
We have several courses of action, and I can see the logic behind most, but if the chans have a weakness is that we are chaotic, and implementing any tipe of complicated plan, specially without the mods helping, is impossible
I have a simple idea that despite how insignificant the difference may seem to be, it can help alot
encyclopediadramatica.se/Operation_Sup Forumsipolar
This situation is not new of course, but in this case, without hiro playing the game, thereĀ“s only one thing we can do to stay, in a way, together in this
>Hundreds of user began using the tripcode "David !4changtcqk", so we could tell the old user from the new. The sea of Davids gradually spread throughout the site until nearly every post on Sup Forums was made by a David. The name David originated from a well mannered and cordial man who blessed Sup Forums with his presence around 3:30am, claiming to work on GMA. He was met with a welcoming mixture of adorable kittens, summerfags, and extreme racism (although he proudly proclaimed the use of an internet censoring add on), yet he continued to converse with the wary shut aways.
by mass-triping, we can at least tell apart true, endemic posters (and shitposters, lets not delude ourselves) from newfags.
I propose the name Donald with the trip password #cantstrumpthetrump, as I have done to make this POST. please spread this all over Sup Forums
May Kek bless you all"
I think the Idea of using trips can be used here too to know who is not a newfag

Lel, I remember that time

Leave and never come back, faggot worshipper.

>spamming on /summon/
Have fun being mass deleted. And dont forget to call wolf like the kike you are, while 80% Sup Forums will give a fuck about you new fag larping as CTR.

You will never make an appletree

Basically Yes, I want that. A swirling tornado of shit is what I want.

My dad is a chemistry teacher. And he is my dad.

The trip idea wouldn't be too bad. But it might be a few hours too late to organize it.

I guess some people just want to watch the world burn.

Fair enough, godspeed user