Holy crap, guys. I think they found us.
Who is this hacker named Sup Forums?
Holy crap, guys. I think they found us.
Who is this hacker named Sup Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
Wew lads
we gonna be on TV today
We're on tv all the time now. we're like celebrities
Are you a hacker from 4chin?
We are the media now.
I think it's funny that instead of trying to get the "alt right" to explain what it is (even though the concept is stupid), they instead have the biggest opponent of it explain it.
Better do my makeup then
This is such an alternative statement, user. wow
the 'alt-right' is that homo milo and breitbart. Sup Forums won't even be mentioned, and is a liberal cesspool outside of pol anyway.
I heard he was a system administrator
does someone know when will HRC talk about this shit?
This Fortune guy sounds like a real jerk.
In 2 hours and 50 min
Not a chance in hell they talk about Sup Forums. At best they mention reddit. Most likely they will just gun at breitbart.
It's a reaction to Trump's outreach to the black community, they are desperate to falsely brand him as racist.
Don't a lot of "alt right" fags post here too, reddit and read breitbart and drudge report?
Are we the baddies?
It's 10 am PST
>hillary decides to focus on the alt right for a speech
>suddenly 24/7 media focus on the alt right
what is going on here?
We wuz infamous n sheeeeeiiiit
>new-friend thinks the hacker Sup Forums even cares
Its that guy who always used the heaven id on Sup Forums I'll bet go annoy them.
>Not a chance in hell they talk about Sup Forums.
Agree. There is no way they'll step into this den of vipers. Frankly I hope they do.
You are 100% correct in this statement.
We're going to need to buy a dog and get an alarm system fitted.
you guys at this Sup Forums have been doing an awesome job providing me my regular news bits, I prefer the honesty of the Sup Forums media verse
>At best they mention reddit.
reddit is conde nast publishing this owned by one of those news firms already
we're the wild child
>Are we the baddies?
only if you want to be
english teachers in japan are the biggest beta faggots on earth
why dont you come home and be a real man?
>tfw bought curtains
Reminder that shills are here and they're losing in many of their shitty polls anyway. This is their last hope. Trump hasn't even fully pivoted and he's only 3% down in polls where democrats are oversampled by 10%
>yfw she draws attention to the alt-right and makes it stronger
How many hours until the speech begins, Sup Forums? I don't want to miss it.
Fire up the wiki warriors and pollute that page to be unreadable
When is the speech happening?
> Liberals make up Alt Right
> No one really knows what the Alt Right consists off
> No one really around that says he is a part of Alt Right
> But somehow Trump is to blame for all of this
> Even though he's the opposite of Alt Right
And the most ironic thing;
> There is no Alt Left.
At least when we tell lies, they are usually semi-funny.
I have a bad feeling about this. 1 in 10 posts on this board are blessed with dubs. 1% of all posts, kek blesses with trips.
If we let in too many newfags they will take our dubs! Kek only wills good happenings if the true believers get digits. We have to shitpost more to make up for our diminishing numbers and to drive normies away. We can not let the ignorant masses control even a tiny fraction of our meme magic.
You should visit /lgbt/
>This page was last modified on 25 August 2016, at 07:13.
>This article is semi-protected until Januari 17, 2017
They are locking it so normies only read what they want them to read
the term "alt-right" was coined by Richard Spencer and encompasses far more than just greek fags and jews.
the white lady was surprisingly fair
I think 10am EST. But she'll probably be late because she has to drain her catheter.
>4chin famuse agan
An user said they tried earlier and editing was locked.
Hackers on steroids..
> that he is extreme
> that he has this dystopian view of the future
So having a dystopian vision of the future means you're an extremist now?
What we should do if she directly points us out is act for a few days like we really support Clinton. Make all the threads and shit. So that if normies come they are like what the fuck is this bitch talking about. They practically worship her and they are Nazis.
Then after a week we go back to business as usual.
I think she could lose even more credability that way.
> Democrats want to steer this false narrative that the Alt Right consists of Racists and bigots, and that Trump leads it
> Republicans take public pride in their race and the plan blows up in Hillary's face
This couldn't have gone any better.
oooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh mmmmyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy ggggggooooooooooooddddddddd
Hmm.. I wonder how to make this trending?
Watched the video and so far they only slightly addressed the fact that "the republican party has abandoned the conservatives and they feel alienated" but then they just moved on straight to the white supremacist boogeyman. Completely missed the point that no one in their right mind like Neo-cons and the Neo-libs that exist. Whereas the "alt-right" term also encompasses disillusioned liberals.
GAME PLAN: we meme up all the disillusioned liberals being part of the "alt-right" thereby disassociating the "right" and just leaving us as the alt. An alternative to getting fucked in the ass by politicians for the last 16 years.
> The nazi frogs
People completely lost the meaning of what a nazi is.
>that banner blocking the asian qt's feet.
Why do they think we support Trump and not Clinton?
Because the majority of Sup Forums supports Trump and hates Clinton.
The fact that they refer to us as just 'Sup Forums' should say enough too. They don't know what they're talking about.
To add to this we need to spam Bernie on twitter replies, Bernie getting fucked by Hillary to be specific. Also any Hillary redpills; infact from thinking about it we should only be dropping redpills against Hillary and not even reply to what they're trying to bait into.
>interest by region
Here's another vid from FOX:
>female author
into the trash it goes
when is she even giving her meme talk?
I hate that nigger bitch.
I would Chris Brown that bitch right in the face.
Lets get #NazisforHillary trending.
The comments are overwhelming in trumps favor.
we create the news. we are the dreamers of dreams.
Surely this Sup Forums fellow can't keep getting away with this.
Kek Vult
We must endure
Is Trump the hacker 4-Chin?
she couldnt say "steve bannon" without melting down
>Everyone on Sup Forums is "alt-right"
They can't be this retarded, can they?
Nobody mentions the alt-left who openly calls for the genocide of white people and theft and murder of the prosperous.
They can't even distinguish between boards.
I mean, this is an alternative website after all.
Also we're all racist and love frog nazis.
/po/ really needs to be shut down. we cant allow those walking holocausts to stay here
yeah they can be
For any CTR ITT, here's an explanation of Sup Forums
Come back when finished reading. There will be a test.
Who is this beauty
Why are Asian westerners always leftists?
You know the Milo's and Shapiros of the world were the kikes who co-opted & rebranded /pol as "alt-right"
this is a jewish conspiracy against chan
Guy's post your Hitlery memes to #NazisForHillary so we get the most exposure as possible
They go to lefty schools and get lefty degrees (they usually do well too and get high grades)
I had a dream that Hillary called out Reddit and 9gag as the communities of the alt right
Kek will protect us. Dont worry.