>What do you mean, you don't like the immigrants? Are you a Nazi or something?
How do you explain yourself?
>What do you mean, you don't like the immigrants? Are you a Nazi or something?
How do you explain yourself?
When the only fuckable girl is in a wheelchair
Yes. Sieg heil.
Maybe it's part of her costume. One can hope.
raepfugees for holidaycamp
Maybe that's her costume. You know, she's the tech-support for those apps, kek
>white girls
implying thats a problem
>Hot wheels
Better question is why are you talking politics when you should be trying to get into their pants
> I have no strong feelings for immigrants and other cultures.
> But I really care about my own, and I love it.
> Immigration is destroying just that, and our politicians are refusing to realise and act upon this.
So the politicians are the ones, I don't like. That's it
Story of pic?
Just an instagram picture of a bunch of girls from my area.
I prefer the term rational thinker.
What do you mean you like immigrants?
Are you degenerate trash or something?
goddamn, wheelchair girl is hot as fuck.
is she really crippled?
she can immigrate her norsk pussy right on top of my huge American cock
Look how skinny her legs are in that picture, she's a cripple for sure.
Let's be real, she's probably dating a Chad kek. She has 10/10 face.
She's paralyzed from the waist down after a car accident when she was 8.
She's single, as far as I know.
damn, that's sad. she's lovely and has a great smile.
Where's the based axis japs with the walk-assist power suits.
>blonde qt
>nice body
>low self esteem
>will be reliant on you
>into nerdy shit
>disability not genetic
>one day might have powerful robot legs you can use to lay waste to your enemies
hope you're going to make a move on her norselad
Why don't you get directly into wheelies area.
Queer Tier.
>blonde qt
She's actually not blonde, she just had her hair bleached in that photo.
>nice body
From the waist up, maybe.
>low self esteem
>will be reliant on you
Not at all.
>into nerdy shit
Not really. She sings in a choir, other than that, I don't know.
>disability not genetic
That's true.
>one day might have powerful robot legs you can use to lay waste to your enemies
That's far out, man.
lmfao virgins eating that shit up. stay thirsty, friends.
im not a nazi, im just a racist asshole
She can't run away either. That's +20 right there.
Stop being a retarded child and marry her.
You explain yourself, do you like getting raped and assaulted by people who immigrate but don't care to integrate and hate your culture before even moving there?