fak off
fak the king
cock sucker
I miss when early Sandor. Truly the GOAT character in this series.
Because of this dogs cunt, thoros is death!
At this point every time Sandor says "cunt" it's basically fanservice. This show has become so pandering.
Any man dies with a clean sword, I'll rape his fucking corpse!
>you gona die for some chickens?
>someone is!
is he going to end up with sansa?
fuck the gingers desu
Little bird.
He and Beric are the only things keeping me interested desu
Sansa is the only one capable of taking his huge cock.
This, plus Gendry and Tormund.
Pretty fucking bummed that Thoros is gone, boys.
So when is he going to go all benjen v2 and then do cleganebowl?
God damn hoopleheads think game of shits is a good show
The scenes of them all travelling b4 they saw the first white walker were comfy
him and tormund's scene was amazing
dum kont
fuck is interesting about Gendry, cunt?
>You're not my real son, Clegane!