Polish right wing activists burn isis flag and threaten the jihadists

>polish right wing activists burn isis flag and threaten the jihadists
how does this make you feel

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>implying ISIS is a threat

well it certainly is less of a threat than those guys in the vid m8

Like she has a daily mental breakdown like so many other woman and that marrying her would be a bad move.

God damn, polish sounds awful.

fucking racists

he put on some weight

>that guy slaps your gfs ass and says kurwa mać
what do you do

he's a fearsome lookin' dude. i am sure that ISIS is quaking in their sandals

roll over and cry for being a little bitch
cant handle polish superiority

Polish and Russian are basically the same language.

>What? No they aren't!

Yes, they are.

>Here are a bunch of links to prove you wrong!

Still the same language.

no they aren't ameri-kun. it's not like american and british english which are really 100% the same

It's alright mate, better that any durka-durka language anyway and that's good enough in my book to keep it.

Are they though?

This guy is still alive? He was a meme back in 2006

d-dzień dobry

Polish sounds like a autistic version to someone who knows Russian

So does Czech. Souther slavic languages are hard to understand with russian but you can still make out some words

Ukrainian and Belorussian - failed versions of developing something out of russian

fuck isis. burn them to a crisp and send them off to those 40 virgins they wanted so badly.

really makes you think

>mentally handicapped guy
Yeah, nice, man.

> 1 attention whore

You go Poland

No man, this is just bullshit. While all Slavic languages sound alike, you're just completely wrong. I cannot understand Russian for SHIT.

That's just because you're a retard


Useless bullshit.
If you want to fight mudshits, kill them and burn mosques locally. Threatening such a geographically remote organization ain't doing shit.

i'm not so sure monsieur, seems to be working well

whoops hehe

forces you to contemplate

Not at all.
I learned both. Sure it has similarities, but phonetics tells you right of the bat that it's Polish.

>burn mosques
B-but we don't have any?
I mean we have this tatar one, but tatars are bros, and it already looks so miserable nobody should ever bother to burn it.

Now thats some hardcore, almost orthodox level shit.

>Unable to see low level bait

Really lietuva

Are they gonna sabotage ISIS plumbing systems?

Did he take that flage off the German embassy?

>Now thats some hardcore, almost orthodox level shit.
Nigger, just look at this priest!

Ty kurwo XD