How based is Romania on a scale of 1-10 (1 being Sweden tire 10 being Third Reich tier)?
How based is Romania on a scale of 1-10 (1 being Sweden tire 10 being Third Reich tier)?
Minus 50
saviors of the white race/10
hello gypsy
not cucked/10
> very few non-white people
> very redpilled, even the white trash hates niggers and gypsies and doesn't relax around jews
> very very very beautiful landscapes and areas
> ultra cheap to live in if you weren't born here
> nice tradition, amazing history
> it doesn't get more corrupt than this, you have literally nothing to choose from in politics, no good party, not even one slightly redpilled leader
> all good things were destroyed by communism
> gypsies shit up a lot of places but they're still a minority, still crime rates would decrease 90% in a city with 20 gypsies if you removed them all
has its ups and downs
It's ok. About in the middle.
I've been there and I'd say 4-5/10
there are a lot of gypsies stealing shit around, but the people are surprisingly nice
>very very very beautiful landscapes and areas
fucking romanians piss me off with this shit yes you got nice shit but so does every fucking other fucking country around us so shut the fuck up with that shit nigger
Gyspyhive / 10
That's even worse than Sweden-tier.
Redpill me on Caecaeasescscu
Romania looks run-down but Romanians are very nice people, like extremely nice for Eastern Europe/Balkans.
How's the economy and wages there? As far as I've heard Romania is pretty close to Lithuania when it comes to being in the shitter economically.
I'm from Lithuania and there min wage is 350 euros which is almost if you're single, but the prices are going up constantly. The economy is in the gutter and corruption which is a soviet legacy isn't going away any time soon, at least until the old generation dies out like the red roaches they are.
>3rd riech
This meme needs to end
Redpill me on Romanian qts
He did absolutely nothing wrong. Muie alora care ma contrazic.
3/10, we're BORcucks.
I'd sa
>How's the economy and wages there?
im pretty sure most "people" make around 300 euro a month
>Redpill me on Romanian qts
most bitches are 5's like the rest of the world romanian cucks love to say shit like the bitches are the best bitches but the truth is just a bunch of east euro bitch m80
We're a pretty fine country bro
Our minority are gypsies instead of niggers or muslims, so we don't have to deal with a lot of violence. Gypsies are mostly obnoxious and dumb, but at least you can usually rest peacefully at night knowing there's not some pack of niggers ready to rape your entire family. Also no one has guns, so that helps too.
Basically, imagine if the worst fear for you would be guidos. That's about it in 95% of the country.
Otherwise, it's a pretty boring country.
Transylvania is voted as the most beautiful region in the world.
I agree, my parents told me about how Orthodox Priests would go to the Securitate with information from people's confession for extra brownie points during the communist era, but we're still good Orthodox cucks even now, despite the priests being tied with the gypsies and politicians of Romania for being the lowest subhumans in the world.
Delta Dunarii is pretty unique tho
I agree with you about everything else, fucking Romanians pretending like Carpati is even comparable with America's Rocky mountains or the Alps lol
zingaro / 10
The Carpathians have the last significant patch of old growth forest in Europe and incredible biodiversity you fucking retard.
But it's fine, I'm sure the EU and rampant deforestation for a quick leu will take care of that.
2 many romanians m8
>On a scale from 0 to 10
>Writes a wall of autistic shit
1. Orthodoxy.
2. Traditional society.
3. Redpilled.
4. Homogenous society.
5. Very good IT-industry
>Russia rating us 8/10
Don't you have a Mart to visit fatburger?
Hitler tried to take what wasn't his and wasn't afraid to kill innocent people. Gypsies do the same thing everyday.
If you have money, you can live a great life in Romania.
You could say it's kinda like Russia except that we have freedom and there is less corruption and no actual oligarchy.
High-level corruption has decreased since more than 1000 politicians and rich people have been prosecuted and imprisoned for corruption. So, actually lots of politicians now are fearful about the consequences of taking bribes.
Our politics is indeed shit, full of mediocre people, but somehow institutions are working ok.
Many gypsies have left the country, but there still are quite many still around.
Gypsies and peasants ruin the quality of this country. If we had no gypsies and more people lived in cities or suburbs, and if we had decent infrastructure we would be a 7-8/10 country.
At least we have 10/10 internet. Best internet in the world relative to the cheapest fees for such a service.
We also are the country with the highest GDP growth in the EU right now, I think.
We only took about 1900 migrants who are lodged in special centres, and many of them don't really want to stay here, since our gibmedats are very low compared to Sweden & co.
Our borders have a natural barrier against migration in the South, where the Danube river protects the country from migration.
no pc bullshit/ young folks tend to vote right wing parties/ deep hatred towards socialism / 10
> young folks tend to vote right wing parties
ehh, they're right wing in the same way Merkel is right-wing.
social democrats are actually far more redpilled. They're the ones pushing for social conservative laws (pro religion, against gay marriage, pro fracking etc) or look up on antena 3 sometimes, you'll see them occasionally namedropping soros.
he was like saddam but white
ciorba de burta cu smantana e 10/10, great internet connection, interesting tv (dan diaconescu my nigga) shaorma la perfectie, the holland imported weed is like a heroin replacement, overall 10/10
Shame that you cant enjoy all that when you live in canal and all your fiber was stolen :^)
>Antena 3
you should see her without makeup
nothing interesting ever happens here, but also nothing dangerously retarded/10
can be quite comfy
The cons are pretty much universal for the Balkans.
Aren't gypsies just as bad as niggers?
I heard some pretty shitty stories.
>>and more people lived in cities or suburbs
>not wanting to live the quite country life
so what nigger? nice places is a pro, because if you had shit places like india then you'd put it on a con
eat shit the romanian mountainside is god-tier
we're building the biggest mosque in europe
>Aren't gypsies just as bad as niggers?
depends in what sense
in terms of being smelly and ugly and disgusting with bad tastes in everything, then yes
But gypsies don't do drive-bys and massive drug dealing or crazy shit like that. It's mostly pickpocketing, prostitution, jacking cars, stealing chicken from people's yards and other silly shit.
At least that's my experience.
>It's mostly pickpocketing, prostitution, jacking cars, stealing chicken from people's yards and other silly shit.
You forgot about stealing copper and sewer tops.
Not based at all, but at least not cucked either.
> Last stand against Islam
> diet-Sweden
> Ukraine
Yeah, we're fucked ...
He was like Hitler, but communist.
No we're building the biggest christian mall in the galaxy (pic related) with public money while education and medical services are shit.
The mosque is built by turkey with turkish money, which will bring more money from turism and related shit but christ cucks are retarded.
Actually gypsies in Finland hates these rapefugees. More multicultural vibrations will errupt when gypsies finally understand that every rapefugee gets part of their social benefits. Gypsies in Finland have better manners than nignogs or mudslimes.
gypsy tier (-14.88)
romanian state is the main contributor to the mosque.
cucked by gypsies
now cucked by islam
there are parts of bucharest full of hajis. garbage bag on head and everything.
Gypsies are pretty harmless. They just steal and from time to time beat someone.
>romanian state is the main contributor to the mosque.
sauce faggot
I'd honestly give Bucharest a 6/10
It's alright, everything is incredibly fucking cheap, but it's also low quality as fuck
The buildings are fucking ugly commieblocks and i keep wondering when a gypsy is gonna pop up from around the corner and stab me.
Their education is garbage, hospitals and universities don't even have soap or toilet paper
Corruption there is pretty high, like, you can pretty much pay your way through everything
And the women are average as fuck, i have yet to see a beautiful Romanian girl
The parks are pretty neat though and Romanian food is alright
He was the only person in Romania that actually built shit
Source: It took them 6-7 months to fix a cracked road last year
But he did contribute heavily to the spread of HIV and shit by cutting off hospital electricity and shit
>there are parts of bucharest full of hajis. garbage bag on head and everything.
Time to reenact history.
>Their education is garbage
You just visited a city...
the government still backs the project.
they partially quote him. you have to search into the video the full quote.
he says that it's a romanian problem (building it). this was after they got the land.
before they said turkey would build it.
colentina si pantelimonul e plin de turci, poti sa gasesti un vanzator turc / clerk turc cand vrei
t. romano-turc
>no pc bullshit
Lmao where the fuck do you live
>right-wing parties
Yeah liberal right-wing. Sooo redpilled
I study there, Romanon
Well, fuck me. Time to remove roaches.
Well I just heard the story from a romanian friend.
His grandparents lived in a small town close to bucharest surrounded by gypsies. While his grandfather was still around they didn't dare try shit but after he died they poisoned the dog and broke into the house at night. Eventually his grandmother had to move out.
Now my friend is unsure if he should sell the land for cheap and buy an apartment or try to live on it.
What's your university name?
>He did absolutely nothing wrong. Muie alora care ma contrazic.
Muie si tie comunistule
>Trying to trick me into revealing where i study so he can mug me on the way there
Not this time, Bogdan
You don't seem like the rational type of person. This verbal exchange is over.
what city? you lying fag.
>73 posts later and still no Hungarian posting
Abandon thread.
I literally graded Bucharest for you
>muh educaishun
>muh hospitals
Fuck off cuck. Every christian country in europe has at least one giant cathedral. What the fuck do we have? Wooden churches?
And then you liberal faggots complain that we're not as cultured as the west.
In what schools do you want to invest? In village schools that have like 5 students thanks to your insane abortion policy?
And how much more should we invest in hospitals that lack 30% of the personal?
fraiere ceausestii erau anti semiti si anti multiculturalism/multirasialism.
chiar zicea elena ceausescu ca e impotriva unei societati cosmopolite.
dupa ce s-au deschis granitele si toti spargatorii de seminte au invadat vestul s-a facut de cacat reputatia tarii.
what university? what did you study?
are you still here?
Bad scale, either place on either end of the extreme of the scale had some fucked up shit that made it fail the way it did.
If you want us to judge how libertarian - authoritarian you are rather than based, I'd say about 4, 5 - somewhere in the middle, without particular extremism in any direction, which is actually good for your country long-term when it comes to political arena.
How about Noua Dreapta?
In Bucuresti ba nu e clar?
How difficult would it be for a burger to move to Romania and get an IT job?
>Every christian country in europe
Yeah, because they already have schools and hospitals.
>hospitals that lack 30% of the personal
And why is that I wonder? You better be trolling and not a real retard.
This reminds me of a scene where rats attack a man with grocery bags, you guys are all on the swede, trying to get food or smth?
fmm nu stii sa citesti? l-am intrebat la ce universitate si ce pula mea a invatat.
daca mai e aici.
prostul copiilor ce esti.
it people are paid pretty much the same as in the west.
romania is an emerging it hub or something like that.
Theres a world of difference between country life in western countries and country life here. Its literally 3rd world tier with the most retarded illiterate and easy to manipulate population in europe probably. They are literally decades behind in everything: mentality, tools, way of life etc. . I have no idea how this will solve itself, it will take entire generations. They are responsible for bringing corrupt leaders into power, as all you need to give them for a vote is a bag of groceries (i shit you not). Imagine how easy they are to manipulate.
Literally no one is voting for them. They constantly get under 1% and i dont think they even take part in elections anymore.
Also the ND candidate in my town was a half-gypsy kek. He hates gypsies because he had to grow up with them.
>we don't have gay sex with black minors
we're so far behind
8 historically, 4 at this moment.
Back in the days they dared to send their soldiers to the fight against the Soviet Union and helped us win.
Now it's common for them to suck the more successfull countries' dicks and insult their bros in poverty.
>Yeah, because they already have schools and hospitals.
Cand au construit catedralele nu aveau.
>And why is that
Pentru ca sant salariile mici. Ce legatura are asta cu Catedrala? Sper ca nu esti atat de bou sa crezi ca cu banii pe catedrala ar putea creste salariile la zeci mii de medici pe termen lung.
Probabil ca esti.
>> very few non-white people
Solid 6.5
that's a meme party created by the security agencies.
most of its members are ex security agents or are tied to security agencies.
vrajeala cu medicii s-a dus. s-a stabilizat numarul de medici. nu mai pleaca. pentru ca sunt varza si nu-i mai vor aia din vest.
Well, by your retarded logic building cathedrals will bring them back?
>lives in poorfuckistan
>wants expensive cuckhouse
Check your priorities gypsy scum.
For what reason? Do they honour the Capitan?