Stephen breaks out The Late Show's Thing-O-Meter! to test whether Hillary Clinton's latest email scandal is really a...

>Stephen breaks out The Late Show's Thing-O-Meter! to test whether Hillary Clinton's latest email scandal is really a thing, or not. Drumpf supporters, prepare to be dissapointed.

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he is such a faggot. He was funny before he got his own show.

Now look at him. Look at that hair and those glasses.

I hate these pampered liberal talk show hosts

I wonder if all the recovered emails are strictly personal emails as she claimed multiple times (not under oath sadly because she was never questioned under oath, gj fbi)

He donated to the foundation same as Maher. You can find out in cfg.

Yeah the whole "Colbert is just a character" thing masked his stupidity a little until he got this show

>watching this shit

> denying the emails
> now
> across all channels
Maybe Assange really does have something big?

Carville silently sits in the audience waiting for Steve to say the foundation needs to close which is the code for to time.

[Hope your affairs are in order](

> MSM can't sell Hillary to the general public
> Hey, let's use talk shows and celebrities


It will take me years to get over the "pickle jar physical."

People still care what Colbert thinks?

Go back to fucking plebbit

thanks doc

Is he still in third place in the ratings and close to be canceled?

>Yeah the whole "Colbert is just a character" thing masked his stupidity a little until he got this show

That mask would be ineffective now, the stupid just got too big.

*cough cough* can I get a double dose?

God damn the Liberal media have officially left all coyness on the wayside are in full on desperate mode, not even attempting to hide any bias.

all I got left is this offbrand

It is almost like the media is working with the NC to push the "noboby cares" narrative

He isn't Jewish as far as I know but all he says sounds like


Liberals. They aren't even aware that they're being led by wolves.

thanks doc

wow i'm convinced now!

I think it was less that it was a mask and more that he suddenly came under immense pressure to basically be a pro Hillary PAC when he moved to Late Night, there are those few moments where he seems to let it slip how fucking annoying he finds being told how to run his show

If anyone knows how far Colbert has fallen, it's Colbert

Oh well I guess that clears that all up.

Nothing to see here.

He was never funny.

Really, l i t e r a l l y, makes you think

Holy shit, Stephen looks like the biggest cuck ever right there. I think it might be the glasses and that facial expression.

He was likable on Comedy Central because that personality was funny and people like that, most might even agree with what he said but now he's a leftist shill that never, ever strays or questions the party line and inserts politics into the show that's supposed to be about comedy.

Yeah, CBS is much more mainstream and is absolutely working with Hillary Clinton.
Comedy Central is owned by Viacom who is working with Hillary but because of the removal from directly being linked, once in awhile you'd get something fantastic from him.

He was fine when he basically just made fun of the stereotypical conservative personal and left it at that, but Jews wanted him to be like the current year man and explain why people having this opinion are totally wrong

hey just like his ratings!
>not a thing!

poor washed up john oliver, sad.

I used to watch his show on Comedy Central a few years ago and it was pretty entertaining, but this was just unwatchable; did my taste change or Colbert?

It's a bit scary to consider that him creating his own Super PAC was done live on The Colbert Report and mostly done as satire to should how ridiculous the practice was and how easy it was to set one up, how people could donate anonymously and PAC's didn't have to say who they got the money from, how collusion between candidates and PAC's could work legally even though it was illegal (instead of speaking with the PAC directly they could just make an announcement that they wanted X to happen, and the PAC would get the message and do that), etc.

Now it's a real PAC doing real shill things. It's ironic, it and really Colbert himself have all become the things they once satirized and made fun of, they've become the corruption they once tried to reveal by making fun of it. They've gone from being the comedians to becoming the joke.

who the fuck is this colbert guy everyone is talking about ?

That's it. I am now a #clintoris

not like it matters kid sounds like a loser to me.
Cmon guys n gals lets go be winners n pick up chicks n dudes.

oi mate lets blow this shit show


I couldn't say it better myself.

Probably both. But just think about it, 5-10 years ago, most of the shit that is common public discourse was unthinkable back then and the worst of our problems was the debate over Iraq.

Now we're actually having people advocating that racism against whites is justified, SJW shit, and all that. It was never this bad.

but don't be like the clintons and get auto immune defficiency.

>He was likable on Comedy Central because that personality was funny
>it was pretty entertaining

who are you people

shit, look what obama did to the oval office.
>lets jet broskies

i always thought what he did with that super PAC was pretty fucking genius but now with his new show he seems like a fucking puppet its so hard to watch

Someone post the image of the Iranian dude that was executed for potentially being a spy, all because of hillarys emails.

I enjoyed watching his show in the beginning because he would argue with liberals in a funny way and poke holes in their logic. But then he shifted to being a conservative dumbass caricature and it stopped being funny and just like any old political comedy show.

What i really dont get is how all those political comedy shows never make proper fun of hillary. it could potentially be hilarious. They are shooting themselves in the leg just to boringly shill a candidate. A no holds barred, biting political satire/comedy show thats attacking everybody equally, and equally hard would be amazing.

But no, all we are getting is the 'intellectual' leftist comedian, who always plays it way to safely, and the outraged rightwing guys who only ever get angry and keep repeating that the end is nigh.

>internet conspiracy theory that Hillary suffers from brain damage
>it has been debunked
What? How? I'm not saying she has brain damage but how has it been "debunked"?

>goes and does his calculator shtick
I found it hilarious in the past, but then he apparently milks it with his shitty music people?

His dismissal of actual treason is fucking disgusting.

>Look at that hair and those glasses.
I think he might be wearing lipstick too.

>be media

Yesterday's satire is today's reality.

This is disgusting.
