/polsi/ - Self Improvement

/polsi/ - Self Improvement
The politically aware man is always improving.

This thread is made so anons can discuss ways they work to improve themselves, as well as steps they have taken to get a better life in the past.

My take on it, is that we need problems in our lives; we are addicted to solving problems, they shape us, build us, and make us the people we need to be in this world. Without any problems, we won't live up to be the men we know deep inside, that we should be.
>it's important to have the right problems in our lives else we make up problems that move us in the wrong direction

I want to split this thread into 2 parts; problems that we're working on, and solutions to problems that we've solved in the past.

This is just a raw draft, I want to add links and a Sup Forums bible with a simple list of steps we all need to take to make it, any feedback is greatly appreciated.

Now tell me what you've learned in this life and what you're working towards.

Step 1. Stop watching porn

Step 2. Lift

3. Take a dump before going to the mart.

Reading and working out general then.


3. Read the bible

Jewish tales? No thanks there is a bunch of classic literature to read if you lack of values and a set of morals.

Step 4. Stop eating animals


Why is a slav in swastika? Aren't we niggers, untermensch and need to die?


4. Take pants off before shart.

eat lots of fruits/nuts

will boost your power over the day

enjoy the litle things (inb4 fgt)

im driving 4h a day by train and my handy got stolen, so no music anymore
Im focusing on the nice things around me and kinda live for the cigarettes at the stations, even some small talk is always fun

Jesus was the original anti-merchant, he was against these Talmudic Jews and warns of them in the latter times.

>need to die
nice meme

You fell for that meme, eh?
All whites were aryans but Hitler believed the Poles and Russians were under too much jewish influence, thousands of Czechs and Croats as well as slavs from other backgrounds fought with Germany in WW2.

Hitler was a demagogue that said anything that was suitable for his current political situation. He wanted to ally Poles and called us aryan but when we joined up with the allies we became untermensch :^)

dont watch porn and dont play vydia. everything will be only better from there

Just questioning Sup Forums's logic, that's all.

>lifting when you can just do pushups and pullups, and most importantly, fucking run

1. Workout (a combat sport like BJJ, Wrestling, Boxing, MMA etc. would be good to learn along with working out too if you have time and enjoy it)
2. Be able to fix things around house
3. Have a passion
4. Get education/trade for a career that actually produces something
5. Never stop improving, no slacking off for long periods of time
6. Know who your enemies are
7. Know who your real friends are
8. Start judging women off of their actions not off of their word
9. Always be the one in control of your life

Pretty good, I can build on this

fuck off this meme feels so forced

Some men want to look manly, other take hormones, run and pretend to be women.

>look manly
As I said, faggot. Functionality over looks, always.

>falling for the christianity jew

Come on, user. Don't embarass yourself. Christianity is and was just a sub-section of judaism. Make your forebears proud, swallow the pagnism pill.

Sam Hyde did BJJ, I think. Cool stuff.

Become a wizard instead of a loser who has sex and waste time, energy, money on females who give you nothing in the long term but pain, sadness and torment.


muh dik

What do pagans actually believe though? I've been looking for anfew weeks and I just can't seem to get to grips.

Anglos had Wotan not Odin and besides he determines the outcome of battles and Christians won in the end so clearly Christ is stronger than filthy pagan Gods, also my ancestors for over a millennia have been Christian.

As a fellow Anglo-Saxon our paganism was similar to the Norse but with more animistic elements, it had many festivals and deities, there was no absolute morality and Gods were not all knowing and given very much to human like emotions so often pagans would try to appease their God's. The main Gods were Wōden (odin), Þunor/Thurnor (Thor), Tīw//Tir,, Frige, Freyr and Ingwine. Anglo-Saxon beliefs were not monolithic and were an 'evolving' tradition, there was often worship of nature and many great mythical stories of great heroes and such. Germanic paganism is a branch of the same false religion that Hinduism stems from so also had sacred swastickas and put emphasis on the cow as for centuries the cow was the staple food source, indians eventually stopped eating it and merely so it as a sacred creature but the reason it was sacred to begin with is due to it's importance as food. Although reconstructing the original Anglo-Saxon belief system is near impossible and most modern 'pagans' are just doing guess work. Besides Christ is Lord.