Why aren't there any high IQ people supporting Trump?
Why aren't there any high IQ people supporting Trump?
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Because they have careers
Because drumpf supporters are stupid :,) #ImWithHer
>High IQ people go to college.
>2-8 of hardcore liberal propaganda.
>50/50 chance bernie or trump to be honest.
>mathematics and physics are hardcore liberal propaganda
Libs love tossing money at "science" goys like Elon Musk
Better question, if people vote Hillary, can they really be considered high IQ?
I was a physics major who minored in mathematics and I'm voting Trump.
This desu
Thank you OP I have finally seen the light. I am now #mentallyhill
cuz most of them are still retarded and easily influenced by media and are not interested enough in politics to develop an opinion
smartest people i know here are religious conservatives
>smartest people i know here are religious conservatives
Bold fkn lie
> 128 IQ here...Trump ftw
No one voting Hillary can be considered intelligent. A society of midwits brainwashed into thinking they are some sort of intellectual elite. It's a global phenomenon and it's the most potent weapon in the globalists arsenal.
Serious question - why are communist indoctrinated faggots all degenerate weirdos now? Shining Path was a literal paramilitary terrorist organization that was founded by indoctrinated college kids and their professors. What has changed?
>No one voting Hillary can be considered intelligent.
So astrophysicists aren't intelligent?
The Cucknadian is triggered
>thinking people who cherish their heritage and understand history are retarded
125iq here. Stem deg. Engineer. Voting Trump. Sage
If you were an engineer you would understand statistics and probabilities.
>literally no business/finance/insurance/ accounting/economics
Are business owners and professionals conservative? Better leave them off
anybody with iq of 115 can finish any collage with enough effort yet their easily manipulated by half truths
I can't believe they take the effort to perform and publish polls by age, gender, fag or not fag, and now by profession. Orwellian as fuck if you ask me.
apparently they are not, leaf
>people with an iq of 115 can become astrophysicists
I think you are confusing voting Trump with voting Republican. Pic related: typical republican voter.
Dirty leaf, shoo
>people who wouldn't be caught dead voting for a republican would rather vote for a grotesque exaggeration of a republican
If they're so smart why is the government defunding space programs?
Mathematician here, voting for Trump
You must be young. A title means nothing by itself. How many of these highly intelligent people do you know personally? I've worked with many considered top-tier and very few are extraordinarily intelligent.
There are thousands of "astrophysicists" in the world, but generally like any job there may be a handful of geniuses, the rest are following along earning a living.
Finally, why would you take advice from an astrophysicist how you should live your life or run your affairs? You've got a very skewed view on intelligence, or a dumb enough to think that anyone with a degree/title is a genius.
If you were a mathematician you would understand how meaningless that statement is.
Also nice source for that infograph faggot and thank you for Correcing The Record!
Threadly reminder I'm voting Trump
It's based on party donations. It's the most accurate way to measure this.
since when is astrophysics hard?
people consider laplace transformations hard cuz they dont understand fundamental logic in math yet everybody can learn it
>what has changed?
The soviet union collapsed, the infiltrators who are doing the indoctrination no longer have a country to go back to and their goal is no longer take over but instead a mission to take the west down with them.
>No mention of goldman sachs or saudi arabia
Say what you want about hillary, but she is the worlds best cherry picker.
>Meaningful data from 13 people
Yes why is this so hard to believe?
>posts a universal negation
>posts a shitty .png file that disproves it
Fuck off leaf, you're a trisomy 21 victim so don't talk about IQ.
calm down, nigger
148+ here, voting Trump
Got tested two weeks ago, maxed out the test. Posted proofs in an earlier thread, but phone died and I lost the picture I had.
what website is that picture from?
>lacks basic grasp of logic
>le maple nigger strikes again
>Everyone in this thread has self-proclaimed gifted intelligence
How awfully convenient!
how does it feel to be a minority
Maybe their lack of IQ has increased their common sense.
So we're essentially watching a scifi movie where the mothership is destroyed but the drones don't die.
Because smart people know that we need Hillary for president. After she takes away all the niggers' guns and keeps them in ghettos on welfare it will be easy for the police to finish them off
Are you Ukrainian, did your phone also have pictures of a tank you destroyed?
>maxed out the test
Trump posters ffs
Yea it's the people who got their guns illegally, that the bans will affect. not the law-abiding white gun-owners.
GTFO this site, you fucking shill
Every hardcore liberal I've known was a complete shithead who only believes in their little free handout doctrine to feel morally superior. PS. This chart is bullshit, why would the medical industry or any of these private industries be pro government/restriction, use your head you fucking retard
Engineering student, voting for trump
Answering on the assumption the you're correct an easily ignored if likely explaination (outside of just lol Hillary better) is in the rapid information processing of a high iq person. Basically, while a high iq implies an easier time amassing knowledge and processing information it also means the person is more vulnerable to misinformation unless they take steps to immunize and prevent their brain from rapidly taking in and filing away bullshit info. A stupid person, by contrast, is forced to think very slowly which gives more time to see bs info for what it is. So spamming bullshit at a smart person vs a dump person is like throwing water at a sponge vs an oil puddle.
That being said I'll vote for whoever I believe is most likely to bury the trans pacific multinational corporation entrenchment treaty.
>learn this ONE WERID TRICK to get petroleum geologists to love you
High IQ people tend to think that they know how to run the world better than everybody else.
Most of them naturally fall in line with the Socialists as it's about ruling, errr, governing other people and creating a perfect society.
Proof or bullshit
>148 IQ, can't figure out how to use a charger
Why are there so many fucking shills here? Fuck off back to 9gag and tumblr you sweaty niggers
Because we're too busy thinking about shit to appear in their biased bullshit rigged polls. Jesus fucking christ are they retarded?
Many here in Sup Forums are very intelligent. But we all had our own journey to becoming redpilled. A lot were redpilled before we ever came here.
How would they know what our IQs are?
smart people know we're 100% fucked no matter who we pick because the election doesn't matter, Trump doesn't even pretend to stay steady on issues, Hillary's bought by TWC, Johnson's the same FOR FREE, Stein is a meme, Harambe will never get into office.
>hurr durr I need my safe space where everyone agrees with me
then go to tumblr or some shit where you can block people you don't like you pussy
Rofl. Kangaroo setting it straight
IQ 156 here, measured in a professionally supervised non-online test.
I'm shilling for Trump on social media. Not because I believe he's going to do everything he promises, but because I understand that change has to be gradual. He's an asset to me as much as I am an asset to him: he serves to shift the Overton window back to the right a bit and make certain views and interests socially acceptable again. And I might not be American, but what happens in America affects all of us.
Blatant lack of knowledge while pushing your liberal "beliefs." Isn't discussion. It's shilling.
Here, want me to teach you how to download 9gag, so we never have to see your sorry sight again?
this isn't data for trump vs clinton
well it does matter because when hillary becomes president and imports 5 million more voting terrorists (democrats) the GOP is offically kill
>disregard negative liberty
>create grievance culture
>create grievance currency redeemable in the political realm
>cultivate sjws to do their heavy lifting and pay them in said currency
>sit back
Doesn't matter, there's butthurt bernie fags voting for trump, and pathetic cuckservatives voting for hillary.
This is what really tells us people's views of issues
why do leafs make the same bait threads?
He wasn't implying the fields are liberal propaganda, but American universities have turned into liberal brain washing facilities over the past 50 years
155 IQ here and I support Trump
Statistics and probabilities? Sure.
Polls, though? Polls have proven time and again to be completely unreliable. It's wise to spend less time fixated on polls and more time getting out there and convincing people to join your cause. That's how Brexit happened despite the last five polls and even the private exit polling done by investors all putting Remain comfortably ahead.
IQ of 140,000 here and I support Trump.
>Average IQ of blacks is 85
>99% vote Hillary
This isn't a poll. It's based on party donations. It's as reliable as clockwork.
He's destroying the conservative right. If he wins, we're going to be neutered of our nationalism in thirty years. If he loses, the Republican party will never recover. We need anti-big government, not more socialism.
Trump is the death of the republican party. What we need is to develop a new face for anti-government, pro-capitalism politics, one that will make people shake in their boots, not laugh and shake their heads.
Polls are a representation of statistics and probability, if they're fairly conducted that is.
Polls have a margin of error, and most of these polling stations don't release how they got the numbers, so there's that reliability issue there.
Recently many pollsters have been caught manipulating results in trump vs hillary, where they remove independents and 3rd party candidates, to skew the numbers in hillary's favor, while the real results obviously will include those.
You sure you have 156 IQ mate?
>mfw normies IQs are not even in the 9-digit range
Retards. As in my phone is completely smashed and burned up. DEAD dead. I don't get the full report (it was part of a psych evaluation) for another two weeks, my tester had just shown me the scoring sheet and I snapped a pic.
I don't have any reason to lie for you chimps, my ego is fine. IQ tests (I specifically took the WAIS-IV) only provide reliable results up to a certain number, because to "fail" a specific task means failing three in a row. Because I failed only when there were 2 or 1 left within each task, I "maxed it out."
Therefore, my IQ could be at anything at or above 148, the ceiling of the test.
>Trump is the death of the republican party.
And this is bad how? Some of their principles are fine, but that party kinda does need to get the fuck out of the way because they are basically democrat lite at this point.
Because it doesn't benefit them to have the middle and lower class grow, also because they feel good about ruining their country for a nonsensical ideology
And we're just supposed to believe you user?
>We're the retards
Next time you post something on the internet to strangers, and don't want people to question your legitimacy. Provide the proof
in debt college stem meme kids want free college and arent voting trump? gee what a surprise.
fuck off everyone knows Kokoro-chan's IQ is 1'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'000'
Muh big government
>We need anti-big government, not more socialism.
That sounds a lot like cuckservatism, though. As George Lincoln Rockwell put it, it's caring only about grabbing your money bags and totally ignoring underlying demographic and economic realities that might cause the proverbial earth to swallow you up later on.
In this world, in the century to come, the strong will rule while the weak will be ruled and exploited. That's how it is, simply put. If you just advocate for a small state, politicians and bureaucrats (who want to save their own careers) will simply pander to others who do want a big state, and they'll be taking even more from you. The best you can do under current circumstances is support politicians who make rational ethnic self-interest more socially acceptable. Donald Trump is such a politician.
>"Religion" mostly Democrat
Smart people naive and autistic.
So I completed a BA last year, I did political science. In my entire time there, I don't think I encountered any cultural marxists who were staff. Student union, sure. But even the feminist who taught a class on activist politics was critical of third-wave feminists.
Is this meme of liberal propaganda being in universities reserved for the US and UK?
this assumes that the virtue of high IQ means they are somehow not still voting for their own interests, and a voting for "the greater good" because they are smart.
similar to the Brexit where people with high levels of education of course vote against it because its limiting their options, while people who are not educationally advantaged find the EU to be contrary to their interests.
No, it's more like you said-
I'm not sitting here thinking that the idea situation in the US is small state government. Let me explain-
Trump is, yes, a response from angry belittled white people who are tired of SJW crap. But in the US it's deeper, it's an anger at a system that doesn't work. Increasingly extreme isolated ideologies make compromises impossible, while the election process has become 90% of the job that elected officials actually perform.
We are being choked out by overlegislation, because making laws is easier than getting rid of them. All I want are more people willing to remove bad laws and social programs.
Neither are there any high IQ people supporting Hillary. If you have a working brain and inquisitive mind it only takes a couple hours of actively seeking information to come to the inevitable conclusion that murrican political system is beyond retarded and has very little to do with democratic voting.
Ya #I'mInHer too user
how smart do you have to be to "Build a Fuken Wall"
Here you go, you tards. Found it saved on my other laptop.
Because they want to continue stealing money from idiots with no checks and bounds.
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