Why do you hate her and call her a rapefugee?
She just finished high school with highest possible grade average, she dindu nuffin
Why do you hate her and call her a rapefugee?
She just finished high school with highest possible grade average, she dindu nuffin
Other urls found in this thread:
Why do you make a thread about a completely average immigrant?
She has to go back
Picking outlets..
>thinking with your dick
Go back to Africa
Is she Christian?
>implying anyone is taking muslims christians in let alone those from syria
wow she looks stereotype Syrian woman too
source: i'm Syrian
She has to go back.
i would allow her to rape me
I really need to race mix with her
Clearly not Muslim, there is a wine bottle on the table
All those screaming doctors and exploding scientists will do wonders for our economy.
Hope she doesn't get killed by one of her relatives in an """"honor"""" killing.
I'd fuck her in the ass and then contact ICE to deport her ass back to her shitty country.
this meme has got to go
muslims are degenerate drugged up losers, just look at europe's prisons
both are sunni muslims, the muslims you see on television are just a skewed extremist image that comes from the gulf, the levant has what you would call moderate islam, or the soufi sect, the peaceful islam.
i'm a christian and i have a ton of muslim friends, i'm telling you the problem isn't them, it's the fucking kikes and their allies in the gulf.
Not a male. It wold be OK if the refugees were 100% female.
implying a pure syrian waifu would sleep with a pimplefaced neckbeard like you, amerifats can't even compete with big Syrian dicks.
ever wonder why your women are pro refugees? they can't wait to get a taste of our culturally enriching semen.
Is she christian? Orthodox?
This. Women adapt to whatever culture they are surrounded with. Meanwhile men chimp out because of pride. This has been the way societies have conquered each other for centuries, kill the men and breed their women.
Unfortunately women are also more likely to adapt to modern degenerate pop culture as well. They really have no individuality.
Hey Pierre, how's the 6th arrondissement doing with all the nigger Somalians walking around in Burqas?
You clearly fucked up your country.
Shut the fuck up.
Would let her choke on my cock before ramming her asshole without any lube but spit and blood.
Exactly, as if these brown whores will be marrying white people.
They come to our fucking country and live in shit areas like Dearborn, Michigan and marry their own people.
They don't assimilate and they can go fuck themselves.
>dem cheeks
>that hair
>that ass
>those legs
>those slightly meaty arms
>even has decent tits
That Mia Khalifa?
look at this Syrian girl, she's a sunni muslim, she believes that people should not judge others based on their religion or skin color, she's a muslim because she was born to a muslim family, she's an arab because she was born in an arabic country, yet you hate her for things that are not her fault, how would you feel if you went to prison on a false rape accusation? this is how we arabs feel all the fucking time, people don't even give us a chance to show them how cool we are, they're just so devoured in racism that they don't see who the real enemy is, the eternal kook that's trying to turn us against each other.
Fuck off back to your shithole, Mehmet.
forgive them father, because they do not know what they have done.
absolutely disgusting
Fuck off Akhmed.
Islam is a disease.
If you move to another country you should either convert to Christianity or become an Atheist.
Don't bring that garbage Sunni or Shia bullshit to Western countries.
You fuckers are literally visitors to our respective countries. You haven't set a brick, or built communities, architecture, art, music, etc. You fuckers just come and enjoy our welfare system and call yourselves part of our communities.
If I came into your house and raped your whole family and then took over your own house, how would you feel?
I don't give a fuck about Arab qt's. We have plenty of qt's here that are dtf.
thats a christian
another christian
this girl is 110% a christian,there is no inbred 'stache and unibrow on her face
And they don't age well either.
They look like fat mexicans when they turn 40.
I hope the French will hang your kind soon.
She has to go back.
>They look like fat mexicans when they turn 40.
also this
>>They look like fat mexicans when they turn 40.
And they're willing to cheat if they know any other language other than durka durka.
>can't even compete
You know why pockets of whites pop up every so often in the Middle East?
Literally our best, Seals, Berets, CIA, are covertly dicking all of your women.
correct my Nordic brother.
We can all have our dreams.
Soon. Maybe the Day will come.
>implying marrying foreigner does not grant them citizenship
>If I came into your house and raped your whole family and then took over your own house, how would you feel?
like this: youtu.be
>this girl is 110% a christian,there is no inbred 'stache and unibrow on her face
islam is a religion not a race, stop embarrassing yourself
my kind? what is my kind like? how can you spot MY kind? we're here to build our future, if you didn't want us here you shouldn't have funded terrorism and extremist muslims in our countries, now it's time for you to reap what you sow, so shut your fucking whore mouth and sit aside while MY kind takes over your fucking country with our hard work and dedication, while you go on your precious little board online to whine about not finding a job because of the fact that you're an incompetent and insecure little bitch.
humans are all equal, and anyone who says otherwise is either a racist or a kike.
looks like the sandnigger version of chloe
Go back to Syria and take you and your disgusting women with you. You are all waste of air, without the west you would still be 2000 years behind of things. Noone needs you in this world and eventully you poor 3rd world country shits will be removed. I hope it's soon.
She is a rapefugee. I would rape her alright.
I want to impregnate her while shouting Deus Vult
>all those girls
>same religion and ethnicity
prove she is of the same nationality as you?
post her ig or something
you are allied with the people destabilizing syria and now you are robbing it. You should feel bad
Fucking cuck
Fine. Women age 16-24 unmarried with no children and a healthy bmi are allowed in, but that's it. Happy?
I don't care about dead muslim kids, akhmed.
Stay the fuck away from our country.
You towelheads have been shitting on this planet forever because of your shitty religion that's stuck in the 7th century and literally shit tier compared to Christianity.
You bring all the bombs and deaths onto yourselves.
If you weren't so greedy about oil and maybe got off your fat asses and changed your society, you'd be in a better place, but you monkeys want a leader like Sadaam Hussein that will whip you fuckers and enslave you and keep you in check or else you are all like zoo animals.
stay the fuck out of the united states
>Post her Ig or something
>with our hard work and dedication
> I know a Muslim, he didn't blow
himself up!
>i'm syrian
>check flag
The French are waking up, day of the rope is near.
I'm a bit skeptical, but I guess there are some.
>95% of "refugees" are able-bodied, 18-45 yo males
>focus on that one woman who finished highschool
t.western medias
>I don't care about dead muslim kids, akhmed.
racist bigot
>Stay the fuck away from our country.
racist bigot
>You towelheads have been shitting on this planet forever because of your shitty religion that's stuck in the 7th century and literally shit tier compared to Christianity.
racist bigot, also >You bring all the bombs and deaths onto yourselves.
does american democracy count as bombs?
>If you weren't so greedy about oil and maybe got off your fat asses and changed your society, you'd be in a better place, but you monkeys want a leader like Sadaam Hussein that will whip you fuckers and enslave you and keep you in check or else you are all like zoo animals.
seems like you're the only mad animal around here.
>how can you spot MY kind?
pretty easily.
>Fucked up cranium bone structure
>Brown / bronze skin
>Allahu Akbar
>MY kind takes over your fucking country with our hard work and dedication
>Hard work
>whine about not finding a job because of the fact that you're an incompetent and insecure little bitch.
someones mad? I actually in a good mood since I just got two shitskin Mudslimes fired for being incompetent idiots.
we'll never make the same mistake and hire filth like you for any position of value.
Manuel labour in some hellhole is what you can do. Basically you are worse than Slav shits.
>humans are all equal, and anyone who says otherwise is either a racist or a kike.
obviously they are not. Why else do we praise athletes and geniuses? Its you fuckheads who are diluted and think we are all born the same. We are not.
oh and I am a racist.
Call me a bigot, I don't care Akhmed.
Your kind is not allowed here or any western countries unless you assimilate and come legally.
I don't give a fuck about your shitty "culture" of opressing women and anti-faggot behavior.
You either come to Western countries to escape your shitty countries like a guest, or you stay back and have your sister raped by your best friend named Muhammed.
Now fuck off and I'm glad Arab kids are dying, it helps keep your population down.
Fucking waste of space subhumans.
She looks like a spic her nose is too small to be Arab, you sure she didn't cross the boarder to the US? Dose not matter we need to build that wall, and you do too, you guys might actually have it worse at least Mexicans cut grass instead of heads.
She is cute though, I would fuck then send her back to the desert.
oh sweety this is Damascus, the capital city of Syira, it's just that your media doesn't want you to see us as human beings, i'm here to redpill you that's all.
Her son will be stabbing your vag to pieces at an Eagles of Death metal show in a few years. (With a knife)
With what? pussy? No fuck off.
oh wow, they have 2 good looking intelligent women!?
Send 20 million more, we're bound to get atleast 5% women, 0.1% of which will be like these girls.. SICK
Nah, fuck off, leave and never come back
There is no proof they're syrian.
No proof again.
No proof of their origin.
No proof yet again.
No proofs.
>your media doesn't want you to see us as human beings
>it's just that your media doesn't want you to see us as human beings
quite the opposite in fact. Western media does nothing but whine about "muh poor Syrians!" and "muh poor Muslims!".
>i'm here to redpill you that's all.
by posting a picture of two sandcoons? Whats wrong with there mouths, jaws and eyes?
oh and why is one of the covered in a trash bag? Acid victim?
by showing you that we like to party just like you do, by showing you that we look just like you, by showing you that we love life, and we love to dance and sing and get drunk, yet all you see when you look at us is a bunch of terrorist and backwards people, how do you think that makes us feel?
you boyz get so engulfed by the media's hate train that you forget to see us for what we truly are, reel humin beans
Look these women and children in the eyes and say they're not welcome.
Wow, so many rude people here.
Here is a cute Syrian girl contributing to society more than most of us here ever will and all you can do is talk bad about her, that's shameful behavior.
>reel humin beans
O.K you got my user.
10/10 bait
this thread is a psy op
Thats a second gen immigrant daughter
Dude,just prove it,you just posted a bunch of photos,maybe you took them off google
>cute Syrian girl
does this increase the sandcoons value? That it is cute?
>contributing to society more than most of us here ever will
by finishing high school?
You got me confused Norgebro.
She is studying medicine, that's one step closer to real contribution than most will do in their life.
But this is the average Syrian woman though
Any nudes of this absolutely delicious cum recepticle?
Quality thread Sweden 2.0
She does not wear a hijab, so she is not a true refugee.
You don't look like us, faggot.
If you love life then stay in your shit country and make your country better instead of coming and sucking our lifeblood like leaches and lowering standards.
Fuck mexicans and fuck ayrabs. and niggers.
>we're here to build our future
Do that were you come from. You have no future here.
>Look this particular attractive smart woman aren't mudslime great!!!
Not an argument
Wtf I hate Trump now!
Syrian women should be kept as sex slaves in their home country. When crusade time comes, we will use them as comfort women.
fuck off ahmed piece of shit go back to Algeria
>literally a tatoo of a cross on her back
you're like the FREE CANDY van man. Baiting with one thing and then switching to something completely different.
>the refugees are qt, they said
>they are just like you, they said
>you will not be mugged and raped, they said