What is this face type called? And why is it so common among leftists?
What is this face type called? And why is it so common among leftists?
Compulsive mouth breathers
fishmouth syndrome
It's called pepe face (no space)
shoot me face
>What is this face type called?
Fish mouth.
Righteous indignation - as manifested by mouth breathers
He used to be redpilled
Innsmouth face
Alien invasion isn't coming, it's going on.
It's the face my sister used to make when she always thought she was right and that nobody just understands her even though she never was right. Pretty much the same applies for them
Mouth breather faggot form?
A trait among communists.
fetal alcohol syndrome
I have never, ever met a female with fish,outh who was not:
1. Unpleasant
2. Unstable
3. Leftist/feminist
4. Shitty lay
Roberta, if you're reading this...I MEAN YOU.
Hate to tell you are right.
Seems more like a dumb horse mouth.
Well combined with your proposition, we could make a seahorse face I guess, which actually kinda relevant since seahorses are feminist's kinda gods because males take care of the infants and shit.
Makes no sense but it's not like they are doing none to begin with so...
Fishmouth syndrome. Deriving from constant mouth breeding.
Fuckin kek
>shitty lay
Just slap them once you are like 5 min into fucking,
If she don't awake/reaction after this. just stop and leave ,She is dead inside.
fly catcher
>Just slap them
I don't think most people understand how fucked up feminists are. They all come from abusive childhoods. If they even had a father, they were usually neglected or abused, if not outright molested by a male family member. They grow up both hating men, but being unable to get off unless they're beaten and treated like trash.
Feminists are all over the BDSM community. These 50 Shades freaks all fantasize about rape, and hard rape, because it's the only thing that can still make their giny tickle.
Feminists gossiping about their latest rape is the same as jocks gossiping about how supermodel hot their last lay was. (She was totally a 9.9 bro.) There is a reason everything is rape to them, but they never report any of it to the police (a non-feminist always reports it first, because they don't understand) -- to a feminist being raped is the same as a Sup Forumsack pretending the 4/10 you're fucking is actually an anime character. The fantasy is better than the reality, and it's the only way you can stay hard.
it is the face of people that expect everything to be handed on a silver platter to them
What went wrong with him?
Fish mouth.
perfectly crafted to catch bait
What is this race called? And why is it so common among leftist
>pro tip: white race
feels good to be black
Where the hell is Aland
That's their O face. They're so high on their own sense of self-righteousness that they manage to reach orgasm
between Sweden and Finland apparently
Alandhu akhbar
Fishmouth Syndrome
>Small nose
>less air to brain when mouth is closed
>Harder to think rationally
This is why I slap them ,
Fuck it I am trying to have a fun, a conection with someone,
And they are lazy laying down tinking
>Dick # 268496099286
Fuck feminists and his cheap relationships and his lazy sluts and fat cunts .
I love women but I want to purge with fire this sluts .
>A land
Did they just give up on naming your country and say, "fuck it good enough"?
Is there a Bland and a Cland?
Beats me
It's Åland, nor Aland, fucking burger.
It's actually Åland.
>Compulsive mouth breathers
Agreed. My mom lives in Brooklyn and asked me " why do all the kids look like that now?" I told her that liberals need to breath through their mouth to get as much air flowing as possible to their oxygen starved brains. She believed it.
>mouthbreathing subhumans are the enemy
This. I hooked up with this SJW on OKC once. Red hair, problem glasses, Prius with Bernie 2016 stickers... the whole nine yards. She was REALLY into getting choked out and calling me daddy. Shit was hot but she wasn't that good in bed, just kinda layed there.
Aland abounds in strengths and gifts, of beauty rich and rare.
Perhaps it's their way of taking in more air to prepare for the inevitable lecture and screaming they're about to unleash about checking privilege?
Nigger, what drugs are you on?
You need to put the "this is bait" fish with them to complete the set.
It's "Åland"
Poor chris
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
Arguably channer influence
I'd say he was at least still bound for a similar fate
I don't know but talking about funny / weird lefty faces I get reminded of this video
looks like it really stimulated her neurons.
It is utter contempt backed by 100% conviction.
This is only possible in low IQ individuals.
Pic unrelated
My sister is a feminist. She did not have an abusive child hood. She sat on the couch all the time and turned into a fat bitch.
Feminism teaches women that they are all women are equally beautiful, therefore men not finding her attractive is the result of some form of bigotry. It encourages laziness and low standards, so it should be very appealing to a useless slag like her
Looks like I have to cancel our wedding
No one could have predicted it
>Let me tell you why you're wrong so you can be wrong before you're wrong
Yo dawg.
It's called contempt.
here's your explanation OP
I call it,"The Before face'.
I honestly want to just stick a hook in their mouth and
Genetic dead end.
Bait them to support Islam over sodomites.
we call it labial incompetence in dentistry
That's incredible.
hated darkies, homos, jews and so on ...
you faggots made me buy contacts because I didnt want to fill the nu male stereotype god fucking dammit now my eyes hurt thank you
>self-righteous, smug indignation
not ocean
Faces of inbred peasants who received a degree in women's studies and cultural Marxism
Fetal alcohol syndrome.
The real nu-man bean
At least post the good one
You guys realise that we don't have 'Å' on our keyboards?
Sup Forums found him through sonichu, when Sup Forums was mocking the entire Sonic fanbase for being the most autistic ever, CWC was already fucked before Sup Forums
HOLY SHIT, I just checked people's photos on FB and anyone with teeth showing is a liberal.
It's the stupid glasses they wear. It has a solid (non-adjustable) nose piece, so it pinches their nose and compresses the sinuses. This leads to the mouth breathing.
Holy shit.
OP got memed again
No he wasn't, in fact he voted Obama in 08
Side effect of braces.
post bernieslut hentai