Is this bullying in a nutshell?
Is this bullying in a nutshell?
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holy fuck. what do you have to do to have your entire pack turn against you?
it's the social Hierarchy user
This is what happens to leftists in the animal world when they show weakness.
Everyone else kills them, before they get the whole pack killed.
reminds me of middle school.
>I personally have a very deep respect for these wonderful creatures, I don't like to see an animal suffer, just like anyone else. But this behavior is a part of the pack to became stronger every day, it's in their nature, we all must accept it.
Its literally how they keep their strength.
By getting rid of the weak links, who advocate for open borders.
Sad thing is that there are people who can read this and agree but will never ever even consider it when it comes to humans.
>In all honesty, why was this wolf being pestered by the other wolves? How is that "benefitting the pack"? Was that wolf sick or something? Could they small inferior genes or something? I know a lot of people defend this animal behavior as being natural and beneficial of the pack as a whole....but, as a human, sitting back and just looking at this depressing footage, it still makes no sense to me. Can any animal experts explain what's going on here?
This guy would get attacked in a second.
>This doesn't often happen in the wild. For one, wolf packs are almost never any where near that size, so it wouldn't be any where as brutal. Two, in the wild, the wolf that was being attacked would be able to get away, and wouldn't be cornered like that. Three, the idea of omega doesn't really apply to normal wolf packs, seeing as they mainly have the alpha male and female and then their offspring. The 'omega' role usually only comes into play when a group this big comes together or outside wolves that aren't in the family join a pack.
Cucks aren't tolerated in the wolfpack.
>Three, the idea of omega doesn't really apply to normal wolf packs, seeing as they mainly have the alpha male and female and then their offspring. The 'omega' role usually only comes into play when a group this big comes together or outside wolves that aren't in the family join a pack.
The nigger is literally the omega wolf.
How does a wolf pack treat a nigger encroaching on your female and children?
Its more natural than homosexuality, which occurs in penguins.
He keeps fighting.
Mike Tyson was bullied as a child.
I don't buy this whole "bullying makes people stronger" bullshit. I have never been or bully or had problems being bullied, I was more of a class clown, while my brother was bullied all his school life. Now he's a weak SJW, bullying seemed to work the opposite way.
REminds me if middle school, as some other user remarked. Back then, I was the weakling.
Couple years later, I was the bully, adn you can be sure as shit I got mine. What doesn;t kill you, strengthens you. You can see the wolf starting to retaliate near the end.
Well take it from someone who was bullied by 90% of everyone for years after he moved to a new school, it builds character and it does make you stronger.
What the fuck is cyber bullying, have you ever been beat up by 7 people at once? Then shut the fuck up.
Omegas turn their back away from the pack but fuck the females of the pack while the Alphas and Betas battle it out, if my understanding of NatGeo is correct.
bad memories cropping up lads
Because now there are people who are on the side of the bullied that protect and enable them.
I thought we were past this. Even after the anime/weeb crusades, we still have cringy fag lords like this guy.
Wew lad.
>REminds me if middle school, as some other user remarked. Back then, I was the weakling.
>Couple years later, I was the bully,
I know that feel. I turned against all the people who were my friends. I still feel bad about it.
> what happens when you go inna woods with government mandated pinned 5-round magazines
I work in a dog day care and have seen this happen multiple times, even with domesticated dogs
there was one dog who was prone to seizures, and when he'd seize the fuck up all the other dogs would instinctively rush him. you'd have to fight the other dogs off cause they'd literally be trying to kill the dog mid seizure
be vegetarian faggot
>No dogs with serious health problems allowed
Problem solved, lawsuit avoided.
Even animals know how to use Eugenics better than humans.
look at his tail
he was asking for it the entire time
>tfw epsilon
It's natural, like giving the weakest member of your friend group an inordinate amount of shit. Sorry but that's life if you weren't weak it wouldn't happen
Wolf was a BLM disruptor, he was saying fuck the patriarchy! We are all equal, gibs me free meat.
And the wolves had enough of his bs
When some random nigger tries to mix with the wife and kids, he gets fucked up.
I literally never said the word "cyber" in my post once, I think you are hallucinating
Jesus the comments on the video.You cant watch anything animal related on youtube because the comments give you cancer.
Wolf confirmed for homosex, based pack removing degenertes.
>body language
i know nothing about wolf body language and even i could tell he was a fucking scared weakling
Honestly, look at that wolf's face compared to the others, thats a ugly wolf, a nerd wolf. he stands out in a bad way. what do you think is going to happen?
lol they have to sign a waiver before the dog can board
I have seen dogs get wrecked. tails bitten off, eyeballs falling out, ears torn off. some of those dogs don't fuck around
pic related
Bullying is healthy since in enforces social norms.
However the problem is that many people imagine curbstomping someone or setting them on fire when they say bullying instead of just slight ostracizing, taking someones lunch money for being a fag or spray painting their bike pink.
This happens mainly because teachers punish the one who gets bullied if they try to defend themselves and they don't step in because there's not enough evidence and never will be for them to step in
that's a man's hand
>while my brother was bullied all his school life.
And you and your father let it happen?
>pic related
How do you not choke that dog out?
Yes it does, how do you think Columbine and all the rest of the school shooters got the will and determination to shoot it up?
Bullying used to make people strong before our culture started glorifying weakness.
poor doggo :(
I have never felt the need to own a gun more than after watching that video.
Fucking normalfags.
i really dont get the hover hand.. Like shit either put your hand or her or have it by ur side u dick weed
the pic was from a Malamute vs St Bernard fight.
I would pin one, and the other would come rushing back in. I ended up with stitches in my hand, both arms, and my leg. think it was something like 10-12 total
normally you can just start whooping one of their asses, and the other will back off. those two specifically just absolutely hated each other
>fell for the bullied meme
If you don't make the first move on an aggressive dog then their natural instincts will win against your thought-out strategy every time, because they don't have to think. That's why so many dogs get shot by the police, they're trained to take assertive measures against animals.
The only time I've ever successfully subdued a dog that was already in the middle of an attack with my bare hands was when it was so distracted attacking my friend that I managed to get it in a headlock. Took every ounce of my strength to keep it in check.
If you can get the drop on them though, like I said, then you can do pretty much whatever as long as they don't overpower you.
Tell me more, please.
If I ran a kennel I'd keep stocked on those stick noose things and some of that foamy pepper spray. No way I'd wade in between that fight with my bare hands.
No that's Islam in a nutshell
Grab both of dogs back legs and lift him up(like a wheelbarrow) they instantly chill the fuck out.
Kick in nose at range, gouge eyes when wrestling.
wow what a bunch of nigger wolves.
leave that wolf alone fucking faggot dogs.
I found what you wrote interesting and I want you to tell me more about this subject.
Dogs are much weaker than humans (well, normal fit adult males, anyway), so if you can grab it well you've won. It won't make that easy, but it's literally all in the grab.
That's if you want to subdue it gently.
Otherwise you can just fucking punt them in the guts a few times with a steel-cap and they'll fuck off pretty quickly.
Dogs are intimidating because they are loud, pointy, and they go balls out full throttle, but they're not very big or smart.
>Bullying is healthy since in enforces social norms.
how about social norms but without bullying? dumb cunt.
Yeah usually one decent kick sends them packing unless they have some actual beef with you personally
>twist a bit
>bite your dick
Too risky, I'm sticking with kick in the face.
totally different in humans
first you have to understand a few things
humans domesticated certain animals, everyone knows that, sure, but most people do not understand or know that humans also domesticated themselves
now before you say it, yes niggers are less domesticated breeds of humans, they are more violent, but they still have some level of domestication
no pure "wild" humans exist currently, all humans have some level of domestication
now when you combine that with a ridiculously high level of intelligence, you suddenly cannot apply terms like alpha, beta, or omega to humans.
that sort of shit is just a meme
so "bullying" in a wild wolf pack & bullying with humans cannot be compared at all
bullying in humans often occurs not because the target is weaker or "beta/omega", it is that simple
the slightly less domesticated humans group together in packs & will target the humans which exhibit behavior that indicates they are of a higher level of domestication
these humans (highly domesticated) are often less violent, more intelligent, and are, at least to some degree, repulsed by the pack mentality exhibited by the less domesticated, more "wild" humans
they may even begin to show sign of asocial tendencies
anyways, they're endless reasons why this bullying happens
it could be to impress the pack (of wild, less domesticated) of humans
it could have nothing to do with the pack & just be a personal reason the less domesticated human has
(maybe the human cannot attack whomever they really wish to dominate, so instead they use this random human as a substitute)
We can't just kill people when they do things wrong you moron.
brutal. even chickens do this though, so there must be some benefit to the fitness of the gene pool that results from constant intra-group violence, otherwise the behaviour would have been selected against long ago. damnit Sam Hyde was right again
what if you had multiple dogs on you? (the way they're designed to kill us) at that point it's basically have a knife on you or get dead right?
I got shit in highschool where people would treat me like dirt for being an outcast, then i exploded on them after a few months, give them a couple of king hits and watch them as they burst into tears, honestly it upsets me when these make judgement, bullying is not a nice position to be in, especially when your told never to fight back and report it to the teacher and your avoidant when someone trys to prove themselves against you
I thought omega for animals meant that they simply live outside of the established hierarchy
Great plan if you can get back there. Done it a couple times when a dog started getting aggressive.
>Kick in nose at range, gouge eyes when wrestling.
I've done the kick thing when I was wearing sufficiently thick boots, but there's no fucking way I'm putting my hands anywhere above the jawline on an aggressive dog.
Okay. My grandpa bred pit bulls for 10 years, and one of my friends is a dog hoarder. What do you want to know?
>Dogs are much weaker than humans (well, normal fit adult males, anyway), so if you can grab it well you've won
This is entirely dependent on breed and amount of aggression.
But we do.
It's called death sentence or in a broader sense, life imprisonment
Those who get bullied, are usually not fit for society anyways, because being so weird, perv or dumb.
Those who bullies, do fit in society, but are the lowest cast, so they have to upkeep their status bullying weaker, or they get thrown out of society themselves.
Usually it still happens eventually, if bullies cant stomp on weaker people anymore.
feminism, not even once
One of my mates at school was a big dude., Not particularly fat, not particularly skinny, just big and tall.
He copped so much shit from this one group of kids in the school whenever he wasn't around us, and it got really fucking bad sometimes. Vandalism and beatings, the such like. His parents were absolute cucked faggots, and told him never to hit back.
One day, however, he had had enough of their shit. From what I heard, the three kids that were hitting him got the absolute shit kicked out of them. Naturally, we all though this was really cool but he was really upset be the whole scenario. H had never gotten into any fights before.
The teachers, principal, and all parents involved knew the kind of dropkick the kids he fucked up were.
But he got in shit. He got several detentions, and the teachers made him too afraid to ever fight back again. Haven't seen him since, though something less sever happened to me instead in high school later on.
Fuck the school system.
Looks more like a case of "teach this guy to stop being a fag" to me... what's wrong you a fag?
But not for breaking minor social norms.
Yup. In the wild this would be possible, but in a zoo this is different.
There are many solitary predatory animals that in normal circumstances live in packs
>what if you had multiple dogs on you? (the way they're designed to kill us) at that point it's basically have a knife on you or get dead right?
Even then you better hope they don't get a hold on your knoife hand.
a lot of that stuff isn't very effective. plus it's tough to actually react, get whatever you need, and then break up the fight. by then, usually somebody has already won, or it's ended
I typically just kick one of them in the face with my heel, and then pin the aggressor. usually a kick to the face is all it takes to break up a fight
It's why lefties are always on the edge and aggressive - they literally try to fight nature itself. Including their own.
I carry a knife because I'm worried about a dog attack, this neighbour has large dogs in 70% of households, and they sometimes roam freely.
How effective is a knife against a dog and where should I strike one if it attacks me?
I love dogs but if any fuck with me I'll kill it
It's a sign of submission, if he didn't put his tail like this he would get a worse punishment by the pack.
>I've done the kick thing when I was wearing sufficiently thick boots, but there's no fucking way I'm putting my hands anywhere above the jawline on an aggressive dog.
I said in arms length.
Which means when its about to rip your neck out.
Kick in the nose is preferable.
Is it worse to fight one large dog or a lot of small dogs?
>omega orbiters in wolf packs actually get all da pusie
>what if you had multiple dogs on you?
Grab a stick, get into a corner, and pikewall like its 1499.
If the dogs are coming at you with no heed of their own health you won't stop them, though. The idea is to make yourself more difficult than they are butthurt.
>This is entirely dependent on breed and amount of aggression.
Unless you're going up against some fucking monster dog like a malamute you have a significant strength advantage over the dog. If you don't match the aggression of the dog you will be on the back foot, obviously, but there's no way a 50 kilo German Shepherd is going to overpower a 90 kilo adult male through sheer brute force.
>have you ever been beat up by 7 people at once? Then shut the fuck up
keep working on that character
And that's why he was the omega male.
Once again, you misunderstand.
Bullying is acceptable because it shows somebody when they're being faggy/retarded/degenerate and when they're falling in line.
Falling in line is good for most of the humanity because if you don't learn to fall in line you'll never be important for society and thus will eventually be completely ostracized and bullied by adults instead of kids.
if you remove bullying you get what's happening today. especially when retaliating against bully is seen as bullying too and thus it has zero tolerance policy.
Let the faggot solve it by himself, if he is too weak and comes to you then step in and solve it decisively instead of pussyfooting around, but only if they actually come out and accept responsibility for running to authority to solve their problem for them and thus loss of social status. Don't step in if they don't ask for it.
Also if the whole school starts bullying them because they went full retard and posted a picture of them sucking dick them tell the parents that homeschooling/changing schools would be great option instead of ignoring it/trying to protect the tard.
but what is a fag? what defines undesirable behavior?
>people here unconsciously thinking he is a beta
Nope, Beta's submit, this guy would not submit to the group.
Actually when you hit ctrl+f "beta", you will see that no one did.
>The nigger is literally the omega wolf.
Wolves aren't cucks, nature doesn't allow itself to become a cuck, it will kill you.
Until a couple decades ago, so would humans.
No that's not.
Bullying is happening in current society, except it's now against violent type of guys rather than weaklings
Leftists submit.
Right now they are submitting to Islam/Blacks against their own race.
Either get into a position they can't reach you or get in one where they can't surround you or attack from too many angles at once.
>plus it's tough to actually react, get whatever you need, and then break up the fight.
My grandpa kept one of those noosey-stick things hanging on every cage. Never more than five steps away. Still, you're right. It's mostly about acting quickly and intelligently. Neither of which I view as possible in a fight between two large dogs. To be fair, you're probably more experienced at it than me.
I'd rather fight the one large dog. A pack of, say, miniature pinschers attacking me sounds like a nightmare.
>Unless you're going up against some fucking monster dog like a malamute you have a significant strength advantage over the dog. If you don't match the aggression of the dog you will be on the back foot, obviously, but there's no way a 50 kilo German Shepherd is going to overpower a 90 kilo adult male through sheer brute force.
Yeah, I get what you're saying. We've got a total body strength advantage over dogs, and if we can use it quickly enough then it wins us 100% of the fight. But try grappling a raging pitbull that's gone berserk from the neighbor's dogs being in heat with just your arms, that's what I'm getting at.
Neck or side would be the most immediate targets. Depends entirely on context. Usually though, if it's a pet, you can just ignore it or be friendly to it. Your situation, if you're really worried, I'd carry a pocket of dog treats.
They arent submitting, they are forcing the borders open, forcing tranny and pedo and beastiality shit etc.
Its not submission, they are actively promoting genocide.
Video related is not submission, its direct advocacy for genocide.
Well yes, but they will never acknowledge that as bullying because for most people bullying = violence nowadays, especially for americans.
dogs have significantly thicker skin. going up against a malamute vs another type won't make a significant difference. they can dish out the bites left and right, at no expense to themselves. getting bit hurts like a bitch (though you won't feel pain for a few minutes)
if a dog is seriously coming at you your best bet is to kick it in the face repeatedly. MAYBE you could try choking it out, but good luck, you'd be better off just kicking it til it loses interest
pic related, one of the dogs that caused pics in my other posts. beastly ass malamute
The Pack is Gay...
That is the wolf who didn't want to be gay, so the other fag wolves turned on him. Observe how he is protecting his butthole.