Laced Heroin causes 60 overdoses in 48 hours

I support legalization of drugs so we aren't throwing people in prison while Purdue Pharma profits. Any /wv/anons up yet to comment on how the heroin situation is like where they are?

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>Waste of space junkies die
>Something worth giving a fuck about

Pick one and only one, cunt.

Rich people are magically immune to addiction? What about Prince?


>degenerates dying

If it's laced, wouldn't those people basically be poisoned by the cutting agent rather than OD'd on heroin?

>current year
>having young people unironically on heroin and or synthetic opiates

Kek. Just how shit does your drug policy have to be to achieve this, and why are it only Anglos, slavs and literal third worlders that do it?

they overdose on the opiate mixed in with the heroin, yes.

What happened was that we pushed synthetic Opiates here in the U.S. like oxycodone and hydrocodone that aren't used anywhere NEAR as much in Europe so you guys just don't understand. The drug companies claimed they were magically less addicting than morphine or heroin initially. They also marketed them for a wide variety of unapproved uses, which they were sued for, and lost. But now doctors give people pain pills in rural parts of the U.S., people get tolerant and run out of money to afford the expensive RX pills or street versions, and turn to cheap heroin. Increasingly its laced with fentanyl which is about 60x stronger than heroin or carfentanil which is even stronger.

>'Our drug laws are retarded and we're letting the government and industry fuck us with them willingly and knowlingly'


It's bad in New England. Glad I stopped shooting up 10 years ago. Im so lucky I never got a bad batch. Good wake up call , no regrets.

>giving a fuck about junkies for whatever reason
I feel bad for you son.
Rural Ohio is pretty fucking bad because of heroin now a days though.

Rich people can afford to do it right. Poor people die from shit like this.

There's heroin in your country? Holy shit that's degenerate. How cucked can you be?

>Junkie robs people to feed his addiction
>Junkie kills people to feed his addiction
>not omething worth giving a fuck in a decent society
lmao drugs amirite?

No, Prince died from Fentanyl recently. He didn't do it right. Plenty of rich people die from drugs. They can afford to pay for pills where they are pre-dosed so they don't get sold an unusually strong batch of heroin, and remember, heroin is MUCH cheaper than synthetic pain pills, and they can afford to go to rehab but they still die and lose everything.

Why did you do it?

My cousin who lives on the otherside of town is an addict and he's destroying his mother and father. I've had to talk to my uncle encouraging him it was worth living because this piece of shit is truly making my uncle contemplate suicide because after every time he gets out of jail or an expensive rehab he's back on the shit.

I don't want to make it my own blog but I don't comprehend why any young person who has their whole lives ahead of them would turn to such garbage.

Every day I thank God I wasn't born American.

>killing your customers
Sounds like a bad business practice.

>Implying there's a way to be a successful heroin user


Its China who mixes it in. Think about it, if you are shipping drugs across the border and you add something 100x stronger you only need to ship less powder, customers are happy at getting something stronger, China doesn't give two fucks about hurting Americans.

And nothing of value was lost, by all means legalize it too so we can be rid of even more wastes of space.

Natural selection at work, nothing more.

I hear you man.
I know a girl whom I had a crush on is into the stuff.
Her mother is devastated, she stays out all night with strangers at the beach shooting up heroin.
Her mother was really spiritual and kind of a hippy.

It's pretty sad, I remember she used to be a good girl, used to cook me dinner but things changed fast.

Honestly, I can't say why I did it. Pills were everywhere and by the time I started heroin I was fully reliant on opiates.

The high felt amazing desu.. but after about 3 rehab stints I finally realized how fucked I'd be. I did the whole A.A thing but that lasted a few years. Now you couldn't pay me to get near that shit. Praise kek, I'm luck af for being able to escape that life.

Legalize all drugs.

If You are a junkie that wants to risk pumping shit in your arm...go ahead.

We won't miss you.

I support the government poisoning more drugs and getting rid of degenerates.

Heroin addicts are left wing radicals mostly

Good riddance

>Waste of space junkies die

He already answered
Being rich doesnt make you less of a pathetic junkie

This is a government program I could get behind.

laced heroin or just pure heroin?

Junkies probably been slamming garbage, and when some pure shit comes through it fucking wrecks 'em.

Night night sleep tight.

>John Belushi
>Phillip Seymour Hoffman
>Heath Ledger
>Chris Farley

Yeah only poor people die from drugs, retard


Junkies never see clean shit unless they have good connections. Dealers will always cut shit (usually with Aspirin and other such drugs) so they can increase profit.

Exactly. Liberty and freedom, may the consequences catch up to you. If it doesn't kill you, the taxes invested from the legalized drugs can help.

When you logically look at the problem of addicts, the only effective solution is to kill them off. Now going round and shooting people dead in the street is a problem. But leaking drugs with lethal doses or adulterants is another thing.

The government has been telling people drugs are dangerous.

I'd prefer not to subsidize someone's self induced rapid declining of health or housing.

Stop being fucking degenerate.

At least pot heads and alcoholics can contribute to society.

They should just go shoot the heroin addicts in the face and save us all the trouble of dealing with their selfish, self-destructive behavior

Rich = better quality drugs, more consistent doses (probably), have faster access to ER
Should cut chances of death by like half

This happened in my town a year or two ago. It was amazing. Half of the junkies dropped dead in one weekend.

Heroine addiction has recently been popping up in a lot of wealthy white suburbs, but hey I'm sure it's no big deal haha.

drug dealers and pushers should all be gassed

Peter is that you?

Actually heroin is almost impossible for a junkie to OD on if it's just heroin.

A junkie can take a dose that 100 times the strength of a recreational dose and it doesn't even phase them.

Now it just fucking kills a new user but the addicts are hard to kill with pure heroin.

Most of the OD from heroin could be safely ignored in that the user isn't actually going to die unless they choke to death on a liquid.

If dealers actually used inert filler their users would be in overall better health. But they seem to be set on mixing in any crazy shit they heard was good to mix and that does a lot of damage.

The new advent of these other drugs is baffling to me; wasn't heroin addictive enough? A heroin addict will do anything to get another hit.

Au contraire, they'd be paying taxes on their filthy habit.

In Spain there's cannabic associations where you can get weed legally, but since they're not "selling" per se (legally it's a collective plantation for personal use) there's no tax on it.
If the idiots made it properly legal they could tax the shit out of it like they do with alcohol and tobacco.
It's keeping drugs illegal that costs a lot of money.

And nothing of value was lost.

>Actually heroin is almost impossible for a junkie to OD on if it's just heroin.

please dont go around actually quoting this.

>Just how shit does your drug policy have to be to achieve this,
CIA imports heroin from Afghanistan(they use chartered FedEx planes to do this which are lead through customs with no inspection) in very large quantities to fund black ops such as fostering and supporting proxy mercenary forces such as Isis.

They've been following this model for a very long time and Isis and Syria is just the flavor of the decade.

The war on drugs is simply just a war of managing drugs.
One of several very excellent books on the subject
This interview goes heavily over government drug smuggling.

For all the "redpilled" self claims on this forum it is almost entirely Ignorant morons thinking that acknowledgement of crime disparities in races and other genetic realities is even a major or pressing part yet they couldn't tell you the first thing on anything actually important in world affairs let alone even scratch the surface on actual government conspiracies and covert operations it's quite pitiful
The only reason heroin is a problem is because of the government

>Implying there isn't a fuckload of opioid rehab programs specifically catered to CEO's
>Implying the vast majority of invisible opioid addicts aren't high-functioning members of society

Why do you hate freedom so much?

>It's keeping drugs illegal that costs a lot of money.
Only if the drug providers are exporting their money.

If they keep it within the economy and spend it then you haven't really lost anything.

Its still a public health problem. Call them degenerates, say they are worthless, etc. but we still pay for police and medical staff to take care of them. They are still humans. There are costs associated with arresting them and giving them medical care. Saying you hate them doesn't fix the problem.


The massive cost involved in "enforcement" aka management is extremely taxing on the economy and our liberty as well.

In the book "The science and love of Alcohol and Caffeine" by Stephen Braun (1996), he writes:

"Longtime heroin users, for instance, have been observed to require ten thousand times the dose they injected when they began their habit. Their brains adapt to heroin to such an extent that they inject themselves with quantities of this narcotic that could kill a person not tolerant to heroin." (Page 168)

corner boys arent lacing the shit, its the high end dealers who ship it from china who are cutting it to add more weight and then selling to distributors, which possibly cut it even more before its sold to gangs who usually arent going to cut their shit

Done in one.

Being free to use drugs includes the consequences that come along with it.

>If they keep it within the economy and spend it then you haven't really lost anything.
>make a lot of money selling drugs
>start spending frivolously even though you have no apparent job or income
>not going to be suspicious like at all
how dense are you? Drug money generally leaves the country into offshore bank accounts and shithole 3rd world countries where the fatcat druglords are at. The money made by smalltime dealers that is spent locally is just peanuts.

>how the heroin situation is like where they are?

most of the junkies near me have jobs, cops, EMTs, lawyers, judges

all high on smack all the time

Yes, we all start out with 100mg having us feel great. Then we go up to a gram a day. But a 2 gram shot can kill 95% of heroin users in the USA.

Please don't go around quoting things, and then pretending you know what those quoted things mean and pretend they are your own beliefs. Come up with original thoughts.

>I'm a bleading heart libshit
gas yourself

>not letting them losers inject that carfentanil and die off
>not letting mexicans kill themselves and their junkies
no saving for murrica i guess

>The only reason heroin is a problem is because of the government


Go and educate yourself on the Opium Wars.

China attacked the worlds leading super power twice in an attempt to break the opium hold on their economy. It wasn't really ended until the commies took over more than 120 years later and just killed the junkies.

They say Mexico's economy would collapse if drug money disappeared over night. And that money isn't coming out of junkie mexicans that are poor as fuck, it's coming from burgerland.
Drug money is basically subsidizing Mexico.

so have you read anything about the so called CIA drug running and how it connects with the previous major strike point in the global narcotics trade the Matheson firm?

I'm not, I don't give a shit about junkies ODing, but I'm not a 12 year old edgelord who needs to scream it from the rooftops to seem edgy and keewwwl.

>The massive cost involved in "enforcement" aka management is extremely taxing on the economy and our liberty as well.

It's a minor cost and legalization is not a proven cure to dealing with addiction and junkies.

>where the fatcat druglords are at.

then we force those fatcat druglords to invest their money in publicly traded firms, the real money in Heroin is in the chemicals needed to refine it, only 1 firm doing that across the globe

Except your ID of rooftops is an anonymous image board comprised of 90% lewd loli images.

I think you should take a step back and evaluate your life.

>It's a minor cost
Except it isn't. Police, justice system, jails... it's a huge waste of money just for jailing some junkies.
>legalization is not a proven cure to dealing with addiction and junkies.
No, but neither is prohibition. However legalization would spare a lot of wasted resources trying to persecute and prosecute druggies.

>Go and educate yourself on the Opium Wars.

whats interesting is how long it took Matheson to get a foothold in Japan with opium, took them 200 years and still hardly anybody buys the shit

another interesting fact is that the Chinese will only accept gold for their product, they will not accept fiat currency

smart motherfuckers

Do long term heroin addicts have a huge resistance to heroin or not?

You can't kill a junkie with just heroin. Otherwise the morons would all be dead.

What is really baffling in why you think a fact based reply is bad and how I should just make shit up and go with my feels on a technical point.

Is Heroin really still a big moneymaker? I thought nowadays it's coke and synthetics where it's at. Still, seems kinda naive to think illegal drugs will somehow improve the economy of a country that isn't an important producer.

>junkie robs and kills people
Not if these good people have guns.

Caring for heroin addicts is a drain on any economy at the end of the day. Sad to say, but if the fear of the next hit killing them doesn't get them off the shit then they may as well be culled, it's no life being hooked on that shit and even when they've kicked it, that hunger will be with them until they die.

>Do long term heroin addicts have a huge resistance to heroin or not?


>You can't kill a junkie with just heroin.

a muslim beheads a christian every time you post this

>a fact based reply

you're delusional

Who is producing it then?

>Is Heroin really still a big moneymaker?

Heroin is fucking huge, it's not just the profit from it's sales, it's the political control it offers, it makes people docile and unable to think clearly, if you're trying to rip off a nation with a fiat currency heroin is your new best friend, you couldn't do that without it

why do you think all the major American and European political dynasties were founded on the pig and guinea trades?

thats heroin and slaves to you land lubbers

most of the refining is done in France and Turkey

Oh shit, I just got BTFO'd

Nothing of value was lost

>>It's a minor cost
>Except it isn't. Police, justice system, jails... it's a huge waste of money just for jailing some junkies.

It's a drop in the bucket VS the cost of healthcare even if you subtract junkies and their costs on the system. Or the cost of pension programs. Pic related, half the US budget goes to keeping old people alive.

>No, but neither is prohibition. However legalization would spare a lot of wasted resources trying to persecute and prosecute druggies.
Prohibition isn't a good solution, removing the user demand base is. But unless you are willing to go full China it's not going to happen.

>I'm from Moldova

There's no need here for insults.

>(((high-functioning members of society)))

Do you have a source for this? My impression was acetic anhydride is used to refine it and its a common industrial chemical and this is done in Mexico and Colombia.

If your dope kills somebody,.your clientele increase tenfold. Dealers are known to put out hot shots when business is bad where I live.

isn't it time to pray to mecca?

Well mate you're just delusional then if you don't think junkies build up tolerances to heroin.

The idiots ODing in my area are faggot rich white kids who were allowed to do whatever the fuck they wanted.

They started on pills, then worked their way over to heroin. They're fucking morons and deserve to die.

Some liberal bitch who quit my company a bit ago emailed us to tell us a family member died of a laced heroin overdose.

Blocked the email address on our exchange server and lol'd at the email itself. Maybe if you still worked here id deem it acceptable to send to employees here.

And roughly where is that? That's really fucked m8

I'm not trying to dox but could you post your city or state so I can get a sense of where it is an issue in the U.S.

there is no "heroin problem" its a very niche drug at this time
but if i ever would commit suicide is by opiates od

nigger I was a junkie I love drugs I love reading about drugs, you are retarded if you don't think I haven't lost friends who have been decade old junkies to a shot larger than they should have shot up

Washington State here. White trash LOVES them opiates. The one and only time I ever drew my CCW, the guy had tried to rob me...when I pulled my gun, he was crying and begging me to shoot him so he could get painkillers at the hospital.


>yfw fentanyl is so fucked that some major dark net markets have started banning it from being listed

Denmark isn't Sweden :).

But Moldova is like the shittier version of Romania, right?

Jesus Christ, I just did a bit of research. You guys still have fucking tuberculosis.

>started banning it from being listed

yeah, black markets were founded upon morality. this definitely happened

Actually from the start Silk Road had a policy that you could not sell harmful things like guns or poisons and heroin was ALWAYS hotly debated.

>It’s why they brought together a tri-state coalition — Ohio, Indiana and Kentucky — to talk about the dangers

The idiotic state governments made it so difficult to get pills that they pushed their opiate addicts to heroin

Awhile ago there was a story where there was a sudden HIV breakout of over a dozen cases in some rural county that had never had it reported before.

Ah yes the self experiences of a drug user, clearly more accurate than a scientific study or decades of medical research.

You buddy almost surely died from a laced dose rather than an heroin over dose if he/she was a long term user.

This was Cincinnati. This was Harambe's revenge.

Well I live outside of Ithaca Jew York but this is common place in tons of places.

>implying I should care about that flaming faggot