What is Sup Forums's opinion on hedonism?
What is Sup Forums's opinion on hedonism?
Nothing wrong with pleasure in life but don't live for pleasure.
I'm hedonist. What else am I supposed to do in this life besides enjoying primitive basic things?
Starting with the 1 on the very left, which is the best ass?
I would have to say 3
Sup Forums is a bunch of closet homos so of course they are not into hedonism...muh degeneracy and all. I'm all for it so long as its consenting adults and everyone takes care of themselves, doesnt let their partying spill over or harm anyone other than themselves. Its called freedom, pursuit of happiness
2, easily.
yes 3
What is that silverstar next to your ID?
3 fags get out
2 3 4 1
Do you know how you can get more?
Blue>polka dots>>>red>>>>>>>>>>>>black
2 > 1 > 3 > 4
3 easily.
>dat gap
It should be irradiated from society with brute force methods
>Its called freedom, pursuit of happiness
It's called degeneracy, because you succumb to your low urges without any resistance. You take the easiest path of life, like an animal.
On the other hand lifelong celibacy is the noblest, because it requires the greatest effort. It's the celebration of everything what humanity stands for.
It's a gold membership's star. do you like it?
This is correct.
Degenerate. Nothing wrong with enjoying life, but mastering your urges is a virtue.
1 - 3 > 2 - 4
I see you're a man of taste.
This true Aryan knows what's up.
Taste in tiny asses. 2
2 > 1 > 3 > 4
I first was religious. When the faith started to fade, I started to look into the mysteries of the world to justify my belief into the supernatural.
After a while, I realized I had to surpass the uncertainty to form a coherent cosmovision, and I didn't like that.
The next step was to get rid of every philosophy that needed to surpass those doubts. It was then when I reached nihilism and hedonism, as a logical consequence.
After some time, I realized that something was not working. My justifications for the norms in my life dissapeared, but the norms where still there....why?
I then realized I will never escape to myself, and that what was happening to me was not a personal characteristic, but something I had in common with every human being. I was the result of myself, my environment, and my education. Trying to get rid of that would be like trying to stop breathing, sleeping or eating.
There was only one solution: Accept nature as my religion, and my instincts as the doctrine. And I found this was the hardest phylosophy, because I had to listen carefully to myself, and even more carefully to what was around me.
Of course other people would have a different subjectivity, and therefore, I had to be prepared for the dicusion, and even from the confrontation. It was then when I accepted violence as a necessary part of the world. Trying to supress it would be as futile and absurd as trying to supress any other consequence of our nature.
So my answer is: For me, it was just another step. For you, I don't know. Whatever feels good for you. It didn't work for me.
Hope this helped, greetings.
>You take the easiest path of life, like an animal.
Being an animal is really fucking tough, actually.