Does your country have something similiar to finnish jonnes?

Does your country have something similiar to finnish jonnes?
What are they called and what are their general traits?

Other urls found in this thread:

Bumping for interest

He looks like what we call a fuccboi. Is he a fuccboi?

>typical teenage and preteenage kids who swear excessively, drink energy drinks and do stupid things out of peer pressure and try to act “cool”.
I think we call them "gamers" here.

Yes but in america they continue sometimes up to 25.



Yeah, we call them "germans"

That's some legit 10/10 white trash.


>underage drinking
>premarital sex
>other drug abuse
>does stupid shit - yolo, pepsi "live for now"
>liberal beliefs
>no respect for the elderly
>mocks traditionalism
>buys into cosmopolitan jew shit

I cringe every time when I see people in pickers flipping off like that, do these losers seriously think they look cool?

Tatid, klaaserid (tatt, klaaser singular)

>always ride on their scooters, even inside schools (the ones that you push with your leg)

>instead of ES they drink monster

>infamous for swearing with their high pitch voices

>think they're hardcore gamers while they have the shittiest ranks in competitive online games (bronze in LoL, silver in CSGO etc)

>future construction workers with severe alcoholism

>annoying as fuck

Yeah we call them "idiot dumbasses"

Pictures* fucking phone

Same difference, especially at that age.

We call them "faggots".

We call them faggots.

That guy looks like Jeb Bush.

So those who end up here are former klaaserid?

figures... of course Eesti has jonnes too :3

Great minds, user, think alike.


Pretty much. If they're in their 20s it's 100% that they were jonnes who terrorised their parents and teachers.

If you see any 30+ you should still be respectful though.





Goddam Finnish people are so ugly.
>British people are ugly too





Honestly all of these kids look exactly like the kids here



i love you finlan

I think out equivalent would be "p-12" but it's a pretty vague term. P-12 stands for "pojke 12 år" and was used to mock kids that drink cheap energy drinks, play cod all day and use "mlg" shit without any sarcasm. They used to post on "hamsterpaj" but that site is fucking dead

Yes, they are numerous around here. They are called "Ronny" or "Johnny" in the dutch speaking parts. The french speaking are identified as "baraki" (litteraly, shack dwellers).

Ayt ya up fo a stolen pint m8

Yup, we have Jontar in Sweden. Singular: Jonte, comes from the name, they typically play csgo and drink energy drinks, also love kebab pizza, wear sportswear and hoodies, drive mopeder


those are chavs mate

Pudgy young people who partake in energy drinks excessively ?

Uh, maybe. I guess so.

I wanted to say Finnish men btw bae

Then why the fuck do you want to live in their country, Achmed?

>drinking anything with taurine in it

We have only these.

looks like eastern europe, pham


I'd be stoked
They're like autistic ballet dancers

the be havin exceptebl amount of monhe


do you even have ES in eestiland?


we call them bontkraagjes.

>Even so, a study by the European Food Safety Authority found no adverse effects for up to 1,000 mg of taurine per kilogram of body weight per day.

Given that I weigh ~68kg, that's like 68g of taurine every DAY, with no adverse effects.

>autistic ballet dancers
Minorities take the cake on it though.


We have Brian's. Degenerates who like to drive around drunk/blasted off on amphetamines in their cheap bmw's while listening to shitty techno/hardstyle, usually screaming and throwing shit at people who aren't as degenerate as themselves, all the while endorsing sand nigger behavior.

Finnish men


I work as the manager of a drinks section of a grocery store

We earn more selling energy drinks to 15 year olds than we make from bottled water

Джoнниc этo шкoлoтa, a нe гoпники


sweden wishes
probably because no one in nordic countries needs to drink bottled water.

>manager of drinks section
you mean you stock shelves?

>implying any of that is bad


Its Proleten in Austria i guess


You realize that half these kids come to this site are the "alt-right".


don't mock traditionalism m8, you'll make the shart in mart mad



>that picture

I hate how all the dutch kids have started imitating the clothing of those fucking kanker markkanen

I used to be jonne
Drank appelsín while riding my snowmobile inside the town
Oh wait I still do that


>manager of the drink section

lol wut?

nice quads m8






it is america truly is disgusting.



I call them teenagers