Why don't Americans learn a second language?
Why don't Americans learn a second language?
Why should we?
A lack of brain function from consuming nothing but Taco Bell cheese sauce is the primary reason
None are relevant enough. We'd have to learn every language in the world.
I live in New Hampshire where everyone speaks English. If you don't: you're fucked and cant survive but somehow still get generous welfare payouts.
Travelling is expensive. I've never had a passport and I'm nearly 40.
Spanish is gonna be useful for your wife's kids
So we can identify immigrants on the day of the rope.
>white auslards ever being known for speaking a second language , or having an IQ above 16 for that matter
You should speak some French to them. It'll really throw them off.
For some reason I just can't "get" other languages. I studied Spanish for several years in school and tried to practice it on my own with Duolingo and stuff but I can never understand anything more than very basic sentences spoken very slowly. Since actual spics talk a mile a minute and slur their words it's impossible to actually converse in any way.
I imagine any other non-Romance language would be even harder.
Why don't all Canadians just kill themselves?
They lack the brainpower to do so
>never left US
I can't really comprehend that
Our nearest neighbors for several thousand kilometers are headcutters and America lite. We don't need to know another language when there's no one near us to bother talking to.
We were forced to where I went to school
so, RIP again dumbass
Oh please as if the language courses we were forced to take in middle and high school actually taught anyone how to speak the foreign language.
>Americucks known for having a high IQ
Mate, you're falling behind just about every first world country in education. Come back when you can tell the difference between the Civil War and the Revolution.
Because you're Mexico in denial, learn Spanish
English speakers are the least likely to learn another language in the world period. Not just Americans.
So speak for yourselves moose/kangaroo/emu/sheep fuckers
Too busy pooping
Fuck off Abo and your billabongawongatongakangurru language
Because the jews push spanish on all the fucking children in school so Americans learn to hate other languages.
you sure?
maybe you just sucked at it
not trying to be rude but i am fluent in Spanish and I dont even want to be
Fuck you, you ruined christ chan you faggot.
Shitting in their pants is their second language and a form of wallmart communication you stupid leaf.
Nah mate we hunted the Abos to extinction. It would of been cruel if we let them live.
>Ms.Tyreese Jackson's 7th grade remedial Spanish for 2 hours a week didn't teach you anything
I took 3 years of German in highschool, got an A every time, and I still can't form a coherent german sentence.
kys leaf, you retarded french wannabe faggot
>americans are too retarded to learn other languages
>they are literally too retarded to understand the mental health benefits
>why should I exercise my brain
After you learn Russian.
Of course you can't, Canada is a third world shithole. Americans have no reason to leave.
Shit's hard. I probably fucked that up
We do, we just don't care to use it because English is the global language. Thank the British for that.
Learning languages is a years long process m8. Duolingo and some courses on youtube and other websites will get you to being able to read Spanish but speaking and understanding native speakers takes a while. Just don't be lazy and give up.
I speak English, French, and Mandarin. And I'm not a leaf, your countrymen are too weak willed and ignorant to learn
I know four.
German is likely to be a dead language in our lifetime so that's going to be pretty standard.
Please don't encourage them to take on more languages, they have already mutilated English.
Sorry leaf
If I was American I'd refuse to speak faggot unlike you
To be honest it's good enough to understand, how long as you been learning?
>not speaking at least 4 different languages
lol niggers
3 years aren't enough i guess
i started to learn english in 2nd grade and french in 6th grade i think. also can't form a single french sentence. but learning a second language is always useful.
If Mexico ever got its shit together more than the Southwestern US would probably be fluent in Spanish
Until the start of WWI a huge chunk of the US spoke German, so it's not like we're against the idea just for most of the country it's simply not needed
>Not going to a much poorer country so you can get a shit ton of stuff for close to no money thanks to your valuable currency
I got drunk for multiple days in a row in multiple countries for less than 15 Canadian bucks. Find your vice, go to another country and then exploit it for almost free.
>inb4 you lose money on your plane ticket on the long run
Who cares? You get to pretend you're a prince from Dubai and fuck sluts for a short moment.
There are other languages?
About 3 months? Using マンガで学ぶ日本語文法 mostly
Why should we? We were sated by the based English Empire so we will stick to based tier language.
I live in NH too. You should really try to visit another country sometimes. I don't get why Americans don't travel its not even that expensive to get to the UK or Iceland, even South America can be affordable as fuck
>French wannabe
Top fucking kek
>hurr durr they mutilated it
>oy vey they spell it color and honor and gray!
>our poor English!
Because they haven't yet mastered their first one...
We do it's called sharting in mart. My dream is to shart in the marts of Europe. There was only one messenger Harambe and one God Praise be to Kek. #ImNowHillaryArtillery
Shit senpai, I've been on djt for some time and never seen anybody use that, best of luck in any case senpai.
Because niggers are factored into those statistics. Take niggers out of the calculations, we jump up nearly to the top of the heap.
I learned Italian. I stayed in a small town outside of Viterbo for a couple of months, and I have to say: fuck dialects.
White Americans make Auslards look like functioning retards
Like American sign language
It's in the guide, though. Japanese the manga way.
why doesnt every country just learn english instead of 5 differnt difficult languages which you'll never use again.
would be time waste.
The fresh off the boat Africans thanks to Lutheran charities have that covered.
It's called living nearly paycheck-to-paycheck.
There's no grantee I will be awarded the time off of work months in advance when flights are dirt fucking cheap.
The USA is big enough anyways. If I can make it to old age I wouldn't mind living the RV life and live at campgrounds across the country.
i feel you. Those mongrels in my colonies bastardized spanish that now their version is called "neutral spanish" JUST KILL ME ALREADY.
What are you talking about? He is from Canada, he might as well speak French if he's in East Canada.
>mfw I speak English better than 95% of Americans
>mfw it's my 3rd language
>mfw top notch education is free in my country
>mfw I look at inferior americans
That's not the whites. Our numbers get brought down because whites only make up 63 percent of the country. The rest are functionally illiterate nogs and spics. Our average is pretty fucking good if you test out the muds and it were just the whites.
to preserve
>muh culture
>complains about Americans
>lives in Toronto and doesn't know french
Because American English is the language of business around the world. Fuck off, you French faggot.
Same reason we don't have to leave our country by the millions
We defeated the English - what we speak and what our Constitution is written in is American.
Because most of us don't need to. Everyone speaks English and the continental US is roughly the size of Europe: the distance from New York to Los Angeles is slightly shorter than the distance between Lisbon and Moscow just to put it in perspective to Europeans.
No that's the Aussies.
wew, I guess it is, never saw it.
What language would that be per need ?
Spanish ?
Yeah I understand that, where in NH are you? I'm in Manchester and it's turned to shit so fast
3 languages master race indeed
use rosetta stone I'm picking up german recognition quickly because I try to think of the picture in german do to the way they set up they set up the program
They have enough troubles with first one.
Considering Mexico is the only significant country we share the continent with, that's probably a good idea
>tfw my grandfather immigrated from glorious Switzerland to the USA.
>tfw I could have been a smug Swiss poster
>instead I'm just more American cattle
Just kill me.
well english is a germanic language, so you might find it easier studying something like dansih
it broadens the mind
literally makes you think
If you don't use it you loose it, so it's a waste of time if it isn't a part of your day to day life.
It's over for America man Mexicans will be the majority, by 2044 and this place will in time become a third world shithole it's not impressive meeting people who speak Spanish in America these, because half of them are fucking Mexican plus of your white you don't need to learn a worthless language so if you can speak both English and Spanish I guess it's cool but whatever English still needs to be spoken in America but were becoming cucks to those fat asses.
Perché mai avresti studiato l'italiana che è una lingua inutile? (la più bella del mondo ma inutile)?
Boh, siete strani voi mangiamcdonalds
I learned German a few years ago, before the mess started but now the way things have been going I regret learning German instead of a language of a based country like oh let say Poland or Russia or something.
>Why don't Americans learn a second language?
They haven't even mastered English yet :^)
Amigo please learn ponctuation.
pizza spaghetti ravioli mario
We still speak with British English? Go and put some 'cilantro' on your 'freedom fries' while sitting at your 'aluminum' bench faggot.
I can still parse some written French thanks to those classes, but you're otherwise right.
Europeans and folks from Dad's Land have a perspective problem when it comes to the United States. If I drive 6 hours west from where I'm currently sitting in Kansas, I'll JUST be coming up on the Colorado border.
If I start in Paris and drive six hours east, how many different countries have I already passed through? Can't be arsed to look at a map but several.
Geography alone creates a massive disincentive to picking up multiple languages in the U.S. because until the large-scale hispanic migrations began, we spoke exactly ONE language a 1000 miles in each direction from the center of the country.
Because the American brain can barely handle English, let alone two languages.
lel English only mother fuckers
more like eurofags cucked to learn the best language
All americans are taught Yiddish and Hebrew in school