What are the blue pill versions of black pigeon speaks, Stefan molyneux , crowder ect

What are the blue pill versions of black pigeon speaks, Stefan molyneux , crowder ect.

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Gordon. Until you understand his esoteric meaning.

Peer reviewed articles published by credentialed academics.

>memeneux and crowder
one is a jew and other is cruzmissile who openly calls Trump not republican

if you wanna feel like you wanna kill yourself, just watch Onision.
aynthing Buzzfeed comes to mind as well.

Sargon of cuckadad

Molyneux is technically not Jewish.

well he isnt
that's why he has support
because everyone got sick of cuckservatives


Trump is pretty not Republican though.



Peer review would promote this garbage

his mother is and that makes him a jew, no matter if he's atheist. Atheist jews are the worst

he's also the kind of person who doesn't take sides in many issues because he's afraid to make other side mad. He's also not funny

goddamn neo-Sup Forums is cancer

Are you retarded?
Trump is probably the most Republican in years.

The party was hijacked by neocons when they shot Reagan.

The joung Blerks

His mother wasn't Jewish, she was half jewish and was brought up by the Jewish side of the family, and abandoned Judaism.

That makes Molyneux a quarter racially Jewish.

You mean like the papers Stefan cites? :^)

Do you think it's redpilled to say that jews aren't in power?

>Says he'll force businesses to stay in USA or pay a fine
>Minimum wage bullshit

Just another politician trying to have the widest appeal while losing any kind of ideological posture that may have once existed.

i was talking about trump not being a republican

>What are the blue pill versions of black pigeon speaks

Implying you're not him you worthless piece of shit. That's like a coca cola rep saying:

"what are the shit tasting versions of coca cola: pepsi, dr pepper, etc"

It is. The Jewish conspiracy is exactly the same as the white male conspiracy.

Just as SJWs hate white males for being more intelligent and occupying positions of power so attribute it to trickery and manipulation (patriarchy), stormfags do the same with jews.

He's republican but we haven't seen a centrist since the 80's in office.

No, because he doesn't read them or do a literature review of the rest of the field.

>literature review of a field with very little literature
>it is necessary to publish a literature review
wew, someone got an A in their first year professional studies class

There is a video of Stefan saying he was "very handsome" in his youth, I've never watched a video of his again after that as I realized in that moment he actually thinks of himself as a "higher being" than the rest of us.

Nothing else can explain how an average/ugly person can actually think he is handsome.

There is actually a ton of proof Jews are pieces of shit. They literally control everything.

why does israel not contribute tax money to an all white state founded on the principle of white identity?

because you're wrong

SM is a ride-the-wave sort of disingenuous guy. He's not blue or red pilled because he's just a mirror for market forces that decide what he talks about. The rest *are* blue pilled.


MSM, huffpo, CNN, etc.

Got pretty riled up there, huh shlomo?

why does he look so much like jim sterling? is it genetic to be a cuck

But he was pretty dashing.

Esoteric jahanism is the only true redpill

>well he isnt
No he "isn't conservative", he's by definition republican by being the republican nominee.
But it's not the conservative party anyway, those cucks have had their chance and failed time and time again.