What is Trumps exact plan for the 11 million undocumented citizens we have in America?
What is Trumps exact plan for the 11 million undocumented citizens we have in America?
Other urls found in this thread:
Donald Trump EPIC FLIP FLOP on Immigration, Now Pro-Amnesty
>Donald Trump EPIC FLIP FLOP on Immigration, Now Pro-Amnesty
Donald Trump EPIC FLIP FLOP on Immigration, Now Pro-Amnesty
>Donald Trump EPIC FLIP FLOP on Immigration, Now Pro-Amnesty
Donald Trump EPIC FLIP FLOP on Immigration, Now Pro-Amnesty
>Donald Trump EPIC FLIP FLOP on Immigration, Now Pro-Amnesty
Donald Trump EPIC FLIP FLOP on Immigration, Now Pro-Amnesty
>Donald Trump EPIC FLIP FLOP on Immigration, Now Pro-Amnesty
Donald Trump EPIC FLIP FLOP on Immigration, Now Pro-Amnesty
>Donald Trump EPIC FLIP FLOP on Immigration, Now Pro-Amnesty
Donald Trump EPIC FLIP FLOP on Immigration, Now Pro-Amnesty
>Donald Trump EPIC FLIP FLOP on Immigration, Now Pro-Amnesty
No one is going to be granted amnesty under a Trump administration. It's a Democrat-funded lie and a pathetic attempt to smear his campaign.
More shill misinfo.
Fuck off /qa/
Trump changed his position recently. He said he is pro-amnesty. Trump can not be trusted anymore.
>Trump can not be trusted anymore.
He wasn't trustful from day one.
the hill shill has flip flopped more times than you can count
>you should be a good Christian according to me, a secular socialist who has spent his life arguing against Christianity, and who's idea of a good Christian just so happens to align with my political ideals. Which are also anti-Christian.
So, as an atheist, can I now mock leftists for being bad atheists because they argue for basing a political policy on a vague interpretation of a 2000 year old story?
Yes. I full-heartedly agree. Gary Johnson is probably America's last hope for a bright future.
You can't be a Christian and turn away the needy. Liberals are closer to the message I'd Jesus than republicans are
> politicians lie
Trump already secured the conservative base. Now he needs the moderate vote.
No. Drumpf's voter base is realizing that he can not be trusted and they are flocking to Gary Johnson.
Trump Slams Clinton Foundation As "Most Corrupt Enterprise In Political History" After Latest Donor Revelations
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Choose one.
Hopefully, OP, hopefully we will be given moving targets for practice for xmas by santa claus Trump. Run and swim back across that river, Jose! RATATATATATATATATA
>every other nation can have borders and enforce them
>except white nations
>oy vey gevalt chaim chaim ba-shame, something something dat be rayciss
>never mind mexico's southern border to keep out the even poorer guatemalans
>you're white, so by virtue of existence everything you do be rayyyyycissss
Gary who? Oh thay koch brother shill.
Nah im not flocking.
Go shill some where that Hillarys people a flocking.
>August 2016
>still considering voting for trump
> You can't be a Christian and turn away the needy.
Yes, but they are not 'needy'. They have their own countries to provide sustain for themselves.
The Bible also tells Christians to don't be stupid.
They'll be found and sent back to Mexico, as they should be. Some will be given an opportunity to become citizens if they have a job and aren't complete pieces of shit, like the rest of Mexico, but most will just be sent back.
> Gary Johnson
> Drumpf
This is a good red flag that I should ignore whatever you say.
>Always Fat
>Always white
>Usually fair hair
Why are leftists so mean to fat people and so racist? I thought they were the tolerant ones?
Send them home, pretty simple OP. And yes, pic related is exactly what will happen except replace the fat porker holding a bible with soldier holding a machine gun.
he is not giving amnesty. he is just letting them stay, letting have a job, letting them have kids that will be american, basically letting them to do everything but voting in. they may eventually gain citizenship in a decade or so, BUT IS NOT AMNESTY YOU CTR shills!
Even Trump knows demographics aren't in his favor, hence this laughable pivot. Every future candidate will need to be careful to appeal to minorities. Accept it.
im of hispanic descent and im sure as hell i dont want fucking illegals in this country. What you are saying reminds me of that CNN article about trump appealing to blacks if he gives felons the right to vote back
> le 4d space shilling meme
His official policy is on his website, stop consuming the corrupt media, hillshill
This an is speaking truth
Deport most of em legalize the decent ones
I would vote for Rodrigo Duterte, but he isn't running.
meant for
exact same thing obama did.
>hur hur its on the official website even tho there are speeches and interviews of him saying deport all illegals no matter what
fuck off shill
Dude, I listened to exactly what her said yesterday, and listened to his campaign manager this morning.
Trump is now supporting the exact policies that Jeb! and Rubio were supporting that Trump criticized them for.
Trump stands for nothing. He will now lose his core support in this attempt to pander to minorities.
If Trump doesnt support hard line immigration we might as well vote for Johnson.
Thanks for Correcting my Record guys!
Sarcasm aside, it's funny how CTR has only solidified Trump support to the point of forcing us to think anyone against Trump is a shill.
It's like the boy who cries Record Correcting.
Somebody forgot about the right wing death squads.
>I hate illegal immigration
>So I'm going to vote for the open borders candidate
>What is Trumps exact plan for the 11 million undocumented citizens we have in America?
kill farm subsidies,
they can all afford to subsistence farm when they go home which they will do so they can be with their family, there may be a interim time where cheap grain is still available but Trump can help by pushing up the price of grain which will only harm a few business assholes and fat Americans who gotta have more corn syrup or else they won't shart as good
gee I wonder if those GMOs that people love have anything to do with American shart syndrome
are you a part of America's SS?
No, they're not. They just have different ingroups and outgroups. Ask them how much they care about white Africans. See what they say.
Here's a good rule of thumb: If someone claims to be enlightened, they aren't.
>He will now lose his core support
no he won't
people hate Hillary and Trump is still more entertaining
trump could divorce his wife and marry a really effeminate black guy and still win
eh, I think Mithras would have major problems with both groups
>Christianity is a cuck religion
>undocumented citizens
Not as good as Hilldawgs plan to give them amnesty, tax them, and saddle their kids with education debt they'll never pay off.
t. Shoah Goldberg
>you can't be a Christian and have borders
>pro abortion liberals are true Jesus worshippers
>holding a bible
Time to #feeltheJohnson
from memory this parable has jews just passing the jew who was acosted by bandits on the side of the road and not offering any help before the Samaritan turns up
go back to eog
you haven't heard of the holocaust?
>go back to eog
What the fuck is eog?
Even Ann Coulter said she wont support Trump without his hard line immigration stance.
But people who think about the economy know that we cant function without illegal labor. They pick our crops. The agricultural economy would collapse without Mexicans.
What I can do without, however, is the fact that homebuilders use illegal immigration. I would fully support routine raids on construction sites to round up and deport these leeches. Put the white construction worker back to work.
>totally not jewish guise also we need more illegal people to learn my economic theories for your own good
>11 million uncircumcised citizens
I'm not a Jew, I'm a Lutheran.
Same thing, basically. The Venetian Black Nobility (jews) took the protty movement as a geopolitical opportunity to break the power of the Church and retake jewish trade power over the ashes of the Western Part of the Roman Empire.
You idiot, why is it that America is the only country that needs millions of impoverished labourers to function properly?
Why is Japan okay, with 0 natural resources?
What about Australia? What about the UK?
You fell for a Jewish meme you god damn goofus.
>Black Nobility
Trump can end the so called immigration problem with a single stroke of the pen ending farm subsidies that create illegal immigration in the first place, it's done intentionally, we flood the market with cheap grain with our farm subsidies, why should the government pay so big business can make cheap soda? doesn't make sense, Americans are fat enough already
but combine this with the fact that it displaces foreign farm workers by eliminating their ability to earn a living working their own land, fuck that, send those Mexicans home, they would love to earn a living at home with their family, they can't because of the cheap grain created by farm subsidies, which by the way also encourage Americans to become massive landwhales and I'm now quite convinced that GMO corn is at the root of shart in mart syndrome
nobody in my grandfathers day used to go around shitting their pants in the grocery store?
this is either caused by degenerate ass sex or GMO corn or both
to be quite honest if we have to do away with degenerate ass sex and GMO corn to get to the bottom of it so long as I don't have to walk over some leaky feces in the grocery store it will be worth the price paid
people who can't resist the ass sex if that is the cause can eventually open their own grocery stores with clever names like poopsliders
but I think the GMO is the cause, people been assbangiing the hell out of each other for a really long time
Thank god our country has a hard stance on illegals, mining jobs would plummet over night, suddenly it would become a job no one wants to do.
Incidentally, they also fed intelligence to the Mongol hordes to amplify the Black Plague so that they could retake power over trade.
>millions of impoverished labourers
and how did they become impoverished?
farm subsidies
vatican behind the creation of Islam
Gas them
>we flood the market with cheap grain with our farm subsidies
protty just stop
well it's the truth, why do ignorant dirt farmers need to come here looking for work when they never needed to before?
what changed
Farm Subsidies changed the markets
and they changed America's health
fuck being a land of fucking lard whales
get rid of the cheap grain, we don't need it, fuck feeding other people, we don't need to help them they can help themselves
so what eating costs on average 5.00 more a week for most Americans? who gives a shit if it gets rid of illegal labor
Wait until the white, anti white idiots realize that there are much worse things in this world than white ruled societies. There is a reason that white progressives usually live in the whitest areas of the world.
I think we've reached a point of agreement. Although it will have to change a bit slowly due to structural dangers.
Don't immigrants that come to America after a generation or two assimilate into our culture and circumcise their sons?
Why would they assimilate when the country will assimilate for them?
The fact there are states that have spanish as one of the official languages means they don't assimilate at all.
Who would ever make such a sickening, self-hating cartoon as that? What kind of depraved, liberal mind even thinks that way?
>The fact there are states that have spanish as one of the official languages means they don't assimilate at all.
Spanish is a European language, not too different from English. I'm sure eventually we can merge both languages together.
>But people who think about the economy know that we cant function without illegal labor.
>The pick our crops
>The agricultural economy would collapse without Mexicans
1. if you're here illegally BUT you are a contributing, non-violent individual, then you get a chance to be here legally AS WELL AS pay your dues
2. if you're here illegally AND you are a violent individual, then you're out, bye bye, fuck off
3. build The Wall, have mexico pay for it (tariffs, visa fees, halt on money transfers, halt on foreign aid, etc..) and it will ensure that people will have to come in LEGALLY, thus leading to exponentially fewer illegal aliens
this is really easy to figure out
without farm subsidies, the small farmer becomes a thing of the past. The small farmer is why we have farm subsidies.
The price you pay in the grocery store will skyrocket. The small farmer will get bought out by Global Conglomerate Farms, Inc. and will then hold a monopoly on what you eat. Think Monsanto controls what you eat now? Wait until the farm subsidies end. They will control everything you eat. And then everything would be GMO.
If Trump wants to end farm subsidies, that alone is enough to make me not want to vote for him.
11 million bullets?
Most spics can't even speak proper Spanish, the fuck you mean? They speak the Spanish they grew up speaking, in their pueblos and stuff.
>it will have to change a bit slowly due to structural dangers.
well it has to change or human life will no longer exist in 100 years,
everybody learning to grow their own food would be a good start, localized economy, less chance of people starving to death when things go south, but a huge amount of these people can subsist on sunlight and water for ages they're so fat, would do them a lot of good and put an end to shart in mart syndrome
why are people shitting their pants is a good question that needs to be investigated honestly
it's either ass sex or poor diet including GMO weaponized food,
Either get documentation for them, or send them home.
just missing CANADA on the border
>I'm sure eventually we can merge both languages together.
Do you call that them assimilating?
When the Germans, Pols, French, whoever else came to America did they bring their languages with them? No, they left it at the door and learned english. At worst they brought an accent that influenced the general area.
Here, this will hold your hand and help you along.
Even Ann Coulter and Mickey Kaus basically agree Trump is for amnesty now.
No one knows, nor have they ever.
>then you get a chance to be here legally AS WELL AS pay your dues
Pretty sure there's actually an illegal immigration clause that states they can no longer come back legally.
>undocumented citizens
Criminals, is the word you're looking for. The answer should be to deport them.
>>just accept your country being flooded with third-world peasants goy, don't try to resist teeheheheheh :^)
Fuck off, jew.
please leave
Here is a full study on agribusiness:
>it is impossible to get rid of few milions people
Oy, vey goi, are you denies holocaust?
Do not take the Lord's name in vain. For the lord will not hold him guiltless that takes his name in vain.
The Original.
Are people really dumb enough to get manipulated by these bias comics?
>everybody learning to grow their own food would be a good start
A very good start, and a rewarding way to spend some extra time at that.
>I'm sure eventually we can merge both languages together
We have that, it's called Spanglish. It's impossible for you to live in America and not know this. Immigrants only assimilate when you actually close borders, like you did before 1965. Otherwise they don't because there's no incentive to and because the country is overran with other immigrants just like them, so when the number keeps going up it feels just like home. Remember the Malmo image?
I don't give a flying fuck if he is a plant for Hillary. If the establishment has rigged this election and is trying to force a Hillary Clinton presidency this is all the more reason to vote for Trump and fuck up their plans.
This is why people should vote Trump.. A vote for Trump will mess up the ((Illuminatis)) plan.