What did Joe Biden mean by this?


Are whites as good as extinct thanks to the globalist puppet masters?

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He's a open paedophile, a cuck fetish isn't too far fetched.

Ugh, just destroy everything you fucking faggot liberal retards. Where are they going to get the money for this? You can only bleed the white workers so much until everyone just says "fuck it" and we all starve to death.

Why doesn't open statements like this open people's eyes?

He's basically calling for white genocide.

The Kalergi plan for white genocide

They don't look this stuff up, and if show it to them either they still won't care or they'll rationalise it, saying its out of context or its ring wing propaganda etc.

The sad thing is those people will not realize it till their heads are on a chopping block , figuratively or literally

>Kalergi plan
thanks for that info

Our government see how mud races will take anything their rulers throw at them, and want the same kind of power. White people are being destroyed because they can actually think. I hope they will enjoy the third world hell hole they are creating here.


How can people get away with saying this?

you don't think the rulers, like biden above, are just selfish/ignorant/brainwashed pawns?

or you think they e.g. "agree" with george soros' true aims etc.? and actively SEEK to end whites?

that's what i was wondering

I think Biden is selfish just trying to get a few easy dollars, but the people above him want this. The real question is does Biden ever think of the world he is leaving his grandchildren?


They aren't supposed to be able to, hes supposed to be executed under the same laws that we applied to the Nazis.

There is a formal process for requesting an investigation.






>ever think of the world he is leaving his grandchildren?

that's what i don't get... ignorant as hell/brainwashed/pure evil piece of shit... pick one


If youve ever seen all the pictures and gifs etc of him molesting kids in plain sight of their parents and on camera, youd know its the latter.


>he still thinks it's liberals running the game
>think there is nobody skilled enough to fill the void

It's called subversion. And they won.

>It is in the Jewish interest, it is in humanities interest that whites experience a genocide.

>Until white children are burned alive, white women raped, mutilated and murdered and all white men who have not been slaughtered (you) watch powerlessly as their people are terrorized; only then will mankind be on a more equal footing, ready to discuss white privilege and the apparent chip on the shoulder that minorities have.

-Ishmael Levitts

It will only get worse with the increase in man-children justifying their immaturity and inability to reproduce with women-hating defense mechanisms like MGTOW.

Sup Forums think they are wolves in a world of sheep and truly enlightened, but they are brainwashed into thinking that white women are evil and having a family is bad because they may have to occasionally compromise and do things they don't necessarily want to do.

Not like most of you faggots even have a choice to find a girl and start a family. But instead of spending less time online in your hug box echo chamber and going to the gym, socializing, living a better life to make yourself more desirable and competitive, you simply work on your "gurlz suck" defense mechanism.

I wonder (((who))) could be behind this? hmmm

Hopefully the latter 2bh.

He means we will have many plantation hands brought to heel! Lots of cotton this year y'all!

Start condemning the other cunts or look like a cunt yourself.

Start condemning the "muslims" who blow themselves up without blaming freedom of speech or some form of provocation, or look like a terrorist yourself.

I see no muslims saying the terrorism isnt justified, and I see no women besides a couple on youtube saying that women are being cancerous and need to stop.

Even if every person on Sup Forums went out and had 3 children, it wouldn't be enough to outdo the shitskins they plan to import by the million in addition to the ones that are already here.

Also, pic related. Your argument is invalid.

Jews have made sexual relations impossibly dangerous, all you need is the word of the victim for a rape conviction with absolutely zero evidence.

Messy breakup = you raped her

Solution = no formal relationships.

Goodbye white race, too bad you werent willing to do what was necessary before sexual relationships with other white women were made illegal.

>White Americans will be an absolute minority by 2017


Americans are the biggest cucks of all

Pic related would land the guy in prison in Canada, because you dont need any evidence, just your own word.


sauce on that image?

Yes, all men are accused of rape nowadays.

Face it, you've never been with a woman because you have literally nothing to offer. In the biological world, you are a complete failure.

You aren't choosing to eschew the lowly world of reproduction and relationships, you never even had a chance. You've just grasped onto whatever defense mechanism you can find which legitimizes your permavirgin mindset.

Normal people compete, lose, and try again. You just sit at the sidelines bitterly telling everyone as loud as you can how you don't want to race because you are above it.

You literally don't fool anyone, least of all your perpetually-disappointed parents.

You are a Nu-Male whether you like it or not. You are nothing like the men of the foregone past and it is your fault, not the fault of 50% of the population.

You spend all your time online in fake skirmishes against "the system", gaining weight, losing whatever social skills you once had, becoming less desirable by the opposite sex, employers, family, and peers. This is all on you loser. Only kids blame others and don't see their own faults.

Note to white men: Asian women aren't on the rape train they're your best option.

You can also thank Reagan for signing the no fault divorce bill that spread like cancer to every other state beyond California.


Replace the word white with black and have him talking about an African country. Would this still be acceptable?

he's a democrat and a zionist, his daughter married a jew so his bloodline will end up being jewish.

whites becoming minorities is in his interest because it means the democrats ruling without competition, and low IQ immigrants with no attachment to our history and founding don't give a fuck about the constitution.

Also a good documentary to watch is DivorceCorp which goes into the corruption of the family court system.

im getting antsy

>some counties look as white as the background