Dear pole
Today we must remind them
That black lives matter
Black Lives Matter
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Post em if you got em
why would they do that
Source? That looks like a pretty fucking horrible way to die
>implying niggers acts rationally
They just like to destroy things.
Post more african stonings
Black culture
Because they are all mentally and emotionally stunted KANGZ.
Fucking animals
Yeahhhhhh boiiiiiiiiiiiiii
Black bbq
Black parenting
They matter so much.
>Men chant 'Black lives matter' before viciously attacking white victims, police say
At least that guy survived. Good thing the medical responders stabilized his spine.
You have to be smoking some really pure shit to think youre not gonna instantly regret the fuck outta that
More black parenting
I cant watch these. 90% of black kids could be raised well by white people if not for black parents
IIRC this is a black father videoing the abuse of his baby to use as evidence because the courts refused to give him custody instead of his deadbeat drug addicted ex wife.
daily reminder that europe is being flooded by these witch hunting tribal savages among other monkey races.
This is the fault of white people.
Also, this is a baby sitter. The father set up a camera because he was suspicious of abuse. When he saw this footage, he actually abducted the baby sitter and beat the ever loving shit out of her, and then when the courts saw the video they let him go without charge.
looking for more weebums
are they okay?
This is a nice one
Black samaritan
That honestly makes me feel alot better, after seeing this video thrown around so much its nice to know something was done about it.
>(((female privilege)))
there are a lot of videos of niggers getting burned to death in Africa because this is the only way to prevent niggers from stealing from each other, I doubt it works very well.
this is deep
> About 20 years ago in 1996 I once asked a group of educated Xhosas why they don’t go and live in a White area and put their children in White schools away from township violence and drugs. I mean they all had the money to do so and were all driving BMW’s and were educated. They looked at each other and laughed. So I asked them why they were laughing? They proceeded to tell me that they prefer to stay in the township amongst their own people. They like their culture and way of life. So I asked them why they cannot do that in a White area? They said to me, “Mike, believe us…you don’t want us to live next door to you.” I said why not? I mean they seemed to be fairly nice guys and educated.
> They said: "Mike…in the township we start drinking on Thursday night, because Friday nobody really works and goes home half day. Friday night we slaughter a goat in our back yard and then braai it. Then the REAL drinking starts. Then the music gets LOUD, really LOUD. The method of braai is also different to how White people braai. A chunk of meat is just briefly scorched in an open fire, not grilled over coals. Once everyone is drunk, you just take a bitch and shag her behind the shack. Her consent is optional. The drinking does not stop until all the alcohol is finished, normally on a Monday morning at about 03:00 AM when everyone goes to sleep to be ready for work at 08:00. During the weekend, fights break out; people get 'moered,' stabbed, axed and shot. This is township life. We like it like this. Can you see, Mike, why we say you don’t want us as your neighbour?"
>Harambe was shot
>this nigger will live just fine
what's the context
CPS probably helped the children, so yes Boyar the children are more than likely okay, however the Native Africans shown are dead or severely injured.
Any one know the link to Liveleak where white woman gets stoned in the middle of street by kids and adults in Africa. That was so brutal
need background
Scousers going on a muh hillsborough ceremony when Darkey said "nuh uh mick, we wuz the 96".
Welcome to the real world of islam.
what was going on there?
did the black guy have weapon??
It be da wite peeples faults
i think they were praying, and he interrupted them. idk
People protesting because of churches being closed by French government, nigger comes in with music blasting and piss people off until some guy punches his nigger face.
Catholics praying across the street from a church that was being demolished. Nigger comes along to play loud shitty music to disrupt and disturb them. So the priest himself fucking decks the nog.
peaceful, brave black protestor helping firefighters put out an electrical fire
its almost like blacks destroy their own communities then blame other people for it.
I'm sure these niggers would love tk visit bohemian grove so they can sacrifice and slaughter all the goats they want.
Iss da cuhchah
protesters praying while a church gets demolished. a negus comes with his rap mobile blasting FUCK THE POLICE COMING STRAIGHT FROM THE UNDERGROUND ect.
They are surprisingly peaceful in their natural habitat
She doesnt looke like a gorilla at all.
wheres the video?
It's fucked up dude, I know.
Why the American Niggers mostly of them are like the same?
Violent and Angry?