Indian Railway Engineer seeds the idea of Caterpillar Train

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Why dont you just use a toilet?

shit falls to the street brilliant mate

Koo in loo

Can't build a train on the ground because of the poops


but can you poo in it?

>L-Look guys! An Indian invented this!
>That means w-we're revevant and cool, r-right?

>white people in the picture
Kek, you people really don't know that you're niggers, do you?

>India creates the defining invention of our generation
>Sup Forums obsessed with feces

You truly are the dregs of society


this was literally invented a hundred years ago in Scotland

>In spite of interest from around the world, however, Bennie could not obtain the financial backing he required to develop his revolutionary transport system. The proposed line from Edinburgh to Glasgow was not built, nor was the one between Southport and Blackpool. By 1937, Bennie was bankrupt. He had financed most of the work himself.

Prepare for aerial poo and getting used to seeing butts hanging out of train car windows



It will be a brave new world. a shit motorcade for all hadji to enjoy

will there be holes in the floor so they can poo in the loo while in transit?


Will it be run by POO fumes?

Where's the 3d poo models in the streets?

I can't wait for them to be over packed with people who will hang on the side of the train and shit all over the pedestrians and cars below.

Nope. More chances are that it will be either solar powered + will use the friction produced by brakes to support its energy demands like Delhi Metro.

The train won't be covering the designated shitting streets.

Track engineer here. This idea is fucking shit. Damn didn't intend the pun.



We will be the next closest thing to whites after you will be out bred/inter breed by Jamals and Ahmeds due to liberalism.

top kek.

Well thanks to your womens' BBC fetish, we will be whites in a few decades.





God dammit Najib what are you doing here.

>forcing people to go up or down a staircase just to transfer between trains
>rail track has to support double the weight, so larger beams
>if a single track goes down, then trains in both directions are fucked
>only a single track in each direction which means trains can't just switch onto the other track if there's an obstruction
>two types of vehicles for each direction

it's like this guy has never actually used a train before, island platforms like pic reated are common for a reason


just because you shit your pants in mart and can't move your fucking feet off the ground, it doesn't mean everyone can't.

Fucking fat fuck.
how about you install some toilets first shit-niggers.

Sooo full of hate Greece

Seems like a good idea, unless you have terrorist problem. We can't have europe unfortunatly, because of muh diversity

>just because you shit your pants in mart and can't move your fucking feet off the ground, it doesn't mean everyone can't.

That's not even half the problem. The larger problem is that trains can't utilize the other platform if the other one is filled with a stalled train. With normal trains, they can just switch onto the other track and only incur a time penalty. By stacking two single track lines, a stoppage anywhere stops the ENTIRE system. This makes the system extremely fault prone because even one minor failure (say a train stopping due to a medical emergency or because feces clogged up it's gears) stops the ENTIRE system.

it his fault for complaining about lazy things.

And indians shitting on the streets.

They should make the bottom of the train open so you can just shit out of it while riding over a Designated Shitting Street.

Sounds like a very impractical idea

>feces clogged up it's gears
Thats exactly why they invented this train system. To avoid the poo in the streets.

Seriously? that is the problem you noticed? The fact the the train that is hovering over the ground has above it another train ain't a problem at all?

Anyone that's been to NYC or Chicago knows what L trains look like (elevated trains). I doubt that concept would be that safe let alone get going with any sort of speed. India needs to copy Japan or the Dutch and focus on Bike/Mopeds since they're so poor. Build around that since cars aren't economically feasible nor ever will be for them. Trains for interconnecting metro areas and regions.

it's been done before, and suffers from the same problems as the ones I listed

Hahahahaha how will people even get on those trains, look at how high up they are

better idea

That's still 6 centuries ahead of most islamic countries and we didn't have computers when we were inventing shit.

This one doesn't have a train above it aswel.

it's the same problem

>can't even post the image

also straddling buses don't work either as it restricts the maximum height of vehicles inside it's lanes (so no semi trucks, large box vans or roof-mounted cargo on normal cars), a normal subway (ie pic related) would still be better