You have the ability to send 10 English words to Hitler in 1923, Hitler will understand it
What do you say to get him to win WW2?
You have the ability to send 10 English words to Hitler in 1923, Hitler will understand it
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Just try it Jerry. Bomber Harris do it again.
>"John Titor here, avoid WW2 altogether and just gas jews."
Fuck Goering. Literally. Also winter in russia is fucking cold.
Dear Adolf,
You are a great painter, don't give up !
Hi, czech here, we are germanic.
Wait for Italy to amass an actual army, you cuck
Thats 11 words
Operation Sealion before you go to Russia, for fuck's sake!
Kill more jews
Don't just concentrate the Jews; actually kill them! Praise Kek.
I think you are gay. Eva Braun is a whore.
one front at a time lad also gays are cool :)
"Don't stop at 6 million"
kill churchill, don't ally japan, winter clothes for soldiers
"The invasion will hit Normandy"
he had his forces elsewhere, i can't remember specifics, but the majority was not at Normandy, but was elsewhere essentially on a military gamble
Take over England before Russia
Keep bombing London, support Lindbergh. Destroy Bletchley Park or lose.
Do not halt at Dunkirk; do not invade Russia.
Seek out the art of Kung Fury and master it!
Actually invade Britain, and faulty italian recon for Siwa/Qattera.
Skip Poland, attack France.
would've been overrun by the Soviets regardless of if he was to fend off the Americans
The Jewish people literally did nothing wrong.
Sincerely, Shlomo Shekelsburg
Don't betray Stalin until after everyone else has fallen.
Don't keep Japan in the dark concerning Russia, destroy UK.
That would have ended the war sooner.
The RAF had local air superiority and the Royal Navy would have smashed their invasion fleet (which was just river barges lashed together) in the channel.
Sealion was never going to work without naval dominance and extensive amphibious capabilities, neither of which the Nazis had or would have as the British would just build a counter (the Navy got preference in spending) or kick off the war earlier when the Germans were not ready.
Do not stop at Stalingrad, take that delicious Caucasus oil
>Do not bother with camps, just outright kill them. Avoid Russia.
Ayyy lmao make America great again sempai
"Too bad you didn't learn English in school loser"
You're a faggot and your art is mediocre at best.
Get the Japs to attack Russia instead of the US.
He would have gotten nuked too.
Wrap warm for Russia, Do not lose France. Heil Hitler.
Ally brasil, don't invade Russia, let Italy amas a army
American history everyone.
Implying that Normandy made fuck all difference. The Soviets would've just steamrolled through France once they reached Berlin.
I would tell Hitler not to attack Russia, or even better, attack Russia earlier, as soon as weather permits.
Operation Barbarossa got delayed because the Italiens botched an invasion in Greece, I think, so they had to help them out first.
>Don't attack the Soviets until after Allied defeat
>Attack as early as possible, to avoid winter
>Protect your flanks at Stalingrad, Operation Uranus will fuck you
"Do not help African countries with their anti colonial struggle."
Jeez, I would not be in fucking Brazil if he listened.
We were his ally, but when we realized he would get fuggd we switched sides.
Shit we had an eugenics program.
wait for the Russians to attack you you fucking cuck
How do you propose to invade Britain?
And leave his backs completely exposed? Poland was critical for Werhmacht to practise the new weapons and doctrine changes (Blitzkrieg).
He thought they would invade in Calais.
>Keep bombing London
Luftwaffe couldn't keep up with the losses. Britain was building more planes then germany by 1940. And since the aerial fights were taking place in Britain, german pilots from downed planes would be captured, and british pilots that managed to evade death in downed airplanes could fly again.
Italy sucks, russian winter, Britain love jews, caution with Japan.
It wouldnt matter. They get btfo by a much less equiped greek army.
I doubt they would win any war, even with superior tecnology.
They're basically the worst country in Europe since the unification and the end of fascist italy>
Russia will win you the war or crush you.
Lol 11 words, Russia was cut off. He still loses.
But the japs attacked the Russian at khalkin gol. They were utterly destroyed by the Russians. Japan was a paper tiger in land army
ally soviet union
tell that stupid cunt mussolini to stay out of greece
It wasn't the 2 weeks or so that made germany loose the war.
>wait for USSR to build up his power and fight a defensive war
adress: prinsengracht 263 - 265, check the attic, burn the diary.
Negotiate surrender as soon as possible, Russia will destroy you.
Listen to your goddamn generals, you fucking sperg.
Tiny island
Tiny historical books
Don't , and i mean DONT attack the soviet just DONT
Claim to be Jewish, they'll never see it coming.
I have enclosed wolfenstine and a tv, get inspired.
With what army? Japan had their hands full with China and had already gotten their asses kicked by the Soviets once before. The only unused asset they had for an expanded war was the IJN. Can't defeat the Ruskies with that but you could give the US a bloody nose.
Japan attacked the US because it was the only thing left they could do outside of ending their war in China which was bankrupting them and consuming all of their resources.
not fight usa russia england too much homosexuals are great
Itty bitty island
Itty bitty books
I know. In the end, Soviets had more manpower and terrain to fall back on.
Terrain and manpower win wars. Germany had neither.
Germany should've done it's best to keep the US out of the war, to the extent of cutting off the Japs.
I'm sure if the Americans saw what a threat Russia would be, they'd even ally with Germany.
The allied powers decided in Casablanca that the only thing they would accept from the nazis was unconditional surrender. The best chance for peace was for the military conservative faction to make a sucessfull coup before the allies were in France and USSR was in Poland. But even then civil war would ensue most likely with the SS fighting the regulars
Austria and the Sudetenland are enough.
Coulda atleast used their air power to blow the fuck out of those factories Stalin was building in the east.
>attack as earlier as possible to avoid winder
>operations of this scale take less than a year.
Kidnap Einstein and Szilard, invent atomic bomb, bomb Russia and UK
More like itty-britty amirite?
Toothpaste can't count, it would seem.
It wasn't the jews, it was the turks.
Peace, nigga
>Germany should've done it's best to keep the US out of the war
USA was delivering massive amount of materiel to the allies. There was no way to keep USA out of the war, unless Germany invaded Britain somehow.
Germany had to attack american convoys if they wanted to starve out the brits
leave Russia alone
evacuate Dresden
tell japs to be smart
Germany had no long range heavy bomber. And the payload of german bombers was meagre.
How do you propose that the germans would bomb the ural factories?
Yeah, german were much more advanced in theoretical physics and nuclear tech before the nazis took over.
"I come from the future, attack USSR now, trust me"
That's actually what someone from the future told him.
I only need three:
"Don't invade Russia."
Of course that's assuming I want Hitler to win.
Don't = do not = 2 words
American education everyone
Too far. The factories in "the east" were close to Germany than Japan.
The best they could do would be to cut off lend-lease through the Pacific and maybe raid some ports.
No way they had the resources to fight a land war to get within bomber range of any factory.
Control Einstein and Szilard. Invade Britain before invading Russia.
A contraction makes two words into one bud.
Didn't do nuffin
Toothpaste, don't is one word.
Destroy UK at Dunkirk. Leave Stalin for last. Sieg heil.
don't invade russia, label all showers, defend normandy not calais
don't trust Duke of Hamilton. Churchill won't read your letter.
Do not declare war to America. They has nukes.
Win war first. Then gas kikes. Dont invade Russia, k?
Find a Jew family Rogen
"Don't waste resources on Jews; assimilate forcefully into Army, industry"
You Hillary supporters need to get the fuck out
Sup Forums is a board of peace
>You Hillary supporters need to get the fuck out
Sup Forums is a board of peace
You Hillary supporters need to get the fuck out
Sup Forums is a board of peace
>You Hillary supporters need to get the fuck out
Sup Forums is a board of peace
You Hillary supporters need to get the fuck out
Sup Forums is a board of peace
>You Hillary supporters need to get the fuck out
Sup Forums is a board of peace
You Hillary supporters need to get the fuck out
Sup Forums is a board of peace
>You Hillary supporters need to get the fuck out
Sup Forums is a board of peace
You Hillary supporters need to get the fuck out
Sup Forums is a board of peace
>You Hillary supporters need to get the fuck out
Sup Forums is a board of peace
fuk u, also quantity>quality you junkie autist
Thanks for enlightening me
It still looks retarded to me tho
Do not pursue russians in winter, stay home, defend Ostfront.
Don't fight russia. Focus on west EU.
kill yourself now. jews will take over world. your fault
Conqueror western civilization before jeuden. Bolsheviks cripple Russia. Good luck!
Keep Japan at home. Stay away from Russia. Get A-bomb.
Don't listen to doctor, drugs/pills bad. Russia in winter bad.
Stalin was planning an invasion to take over western Europe after Dunkirk.
Hitler had to choice but to launch a preemptive strike.
If you bother to do research, the Japanese actually did amazingly well at Khalkin Gol despite huge material disadvantages. Their problem wasn't really a battlefield defeat, but rather a supply line problem. If they bothered to prepare a full invasion force, it's not like they would make it all the way to Moscow or some shit, but they'd cause big enough of a problem to cause the Russians to have to divert significant troops. Japs did pretty shit in MOST land battles of the war, except for their tidal wave attacks through Burma, the Philippines, Dutch East Indies.
If they put the same preparation to invading Russia with their most experienced units, a few months after Barbarossa while the Bolsheviks were already distracted, the USSR would have been fucked.