the crisis in the West.
1. Ban all religious symbols portrayed in public.
2. Stop all gibmees to people aged 18+.
From one day to the next, society would work again.
the crisis in the West.
1. Ban all religious symbols portrayed in public.
2. Stop all gibmees to people aged 18+.
From one day to the next, society would work again.
Policy decisoners get the rope.
>1. Ban all religious symbols portrayed in public.
Ich glaube du hast Probleme damit die Gesellschaftlichen Missstände und Probleme überhaupt zu benennen.
Browse mehr und poste weniger Scheiße bis sich das ändert.
All religions revolt, forced to wither give in or fight. Giving in, citizens won't trust you. Fighting leads to next civil war. GG kraut
>1. Ban all religious symbols portrayed in public.
Oh please. If someone wants to wear a cross necklace or whatever, that's really none of your concern.
I think:
1. It is forbidden for people under 18 to be part of any organized religion.
2. It is forbidden to mutilate a children's genitals if it isn't a medical emergency.
3. There is no equality, only equal opportunity. We hold it self-evident that people are not born equal.
4. It is forbidden to build new places of worship.
5. Freedom of religion and association is a private matter that has no place in the public place.
Would be better to curb religious nuts.
>1. Ban all religious symbols portrayed in public.
>2. Stop all gibmees to people aged 18+.
And while 1 will only create mild protestations (maybe some shitstorm from muslim girls) it's the 2 who would create a full blown revolution.
Welfare, no matter how abused the system became, was put in place for a very good reason: convince poor people they don't need to hang the rich and take their money.
> 3. Nuke I$rael. Instant peace on earth.
1. kick out / kill all the fucking muslim trash
literally nothing else is needed
You're only allowed to receive gibmedats if:
you are citizen of the country
you/your legal guardian(s) pay taxes
people who are physically incapable of working/are retarded to the degree they require a legal guardian who's also citizen and were born in the country are also allowed to receive gibs.
>ban all religious symbols portrayed in public
Civil war in any civilized country, and the war would be justified. Your destruction would be justice.
>stop all gibmees
A good idea.
No. There is still the problem with low iq third world people already here. Also The laws in place favour big routless corparations.
>1. Ban all religious symbols portrayed in public.
No. Just muslim symbols. Europe is a Christian Continent.
No, there is a problem with the first world high iq people who force them in there and then refuse to fix the mistake.
>those shins
how heretical
>it's a people like Soros and Saudi oil princes finance shitskins in your country while the poor native population dies out even quicker episode
>stop gibs
It sounds like a good idea and how things should be in practice, but all those welfare recipients are going to turn to crime (not much of a difference in US, Europe would become a complete shithole). I'd argue that giving out gibs should be severely limited and only to citizens after getting rid of the undesirables, but get rid of them completely and your society turns into shit.
>1. Ban all religious symbols portrayed in public.
Yeah, because clearly banning things prevent everyone from doing said thing. Sandniggers don't give a single fuck about laws, they don't care about gun bans, they don't care about drug bans, and they certainly wouldn't care about any ban concerning their religion. They do it nonetheless, and they know we are too weak to do anything to them anyway, at worst they'll get fined (and never pay said fine anyway).
>2. Stop all gibmees to people aged 18+.
That would mean destroying the whole socialist society Euro poltiicians have created. They give free shit to shitskins to gain their votes, and allow always more shitskins in to increase their voting base. They would NEVER do such a thing, it's like shooting themselves in the foot. Not to mention all the media, SJWs, kikes and the white leftards crying about losing their social rights for years, they would go on an indefinte strike.
>1. Ban all religious symbols portrayed in public.
this offend the fedoras
This will barely solve anything, though maybe the muslim uprising which follows will lead to a solution.
Abolish welfare.
Privatize every state enterprise.
>All muslims except the good ones will turn to crime
>Write a law for people with a double passport to have their Dutch/Finnish/etc. revoked upon being convicted
>A large part (the most problematic) of the muslims will be gone
>The remaining ones are either no problem or can be sent away if they cause any, see above
Debateable. I mean there is a push and a pull side at least some of them are doing this know what they do those are often the ones who are realy uppset with all the Happenings because it undermines their plans. But your point is right if we would have the will at least somewhat collectivly to get them out we could.
It's not a push an pull. You have completely missed the point. It's not even a question. You failed it when you failed to stop it from being a question.
>1. Ban all religious symbols portrayed in public.
would turn into ban only Christianity, but allow Islam and Jaudaism to thrive, you filthy goyim
>2. Stop all gibmees to people aged 18+.
Doesn't your country already have problems not being able to tell the difference between a 12 year-old boy and a fully-bearded Muslim man with a dad bod?