Anyone else taking shelter and considering taking a leave of absense for a day to evade the Hillary shills that will be...

Anyone else taking shelter and considering taking a leave of absense for a day to evade the Hillary shills that will be invading Sup Forums today?

Naw i wanna watch the shills get btfo also i want to fuck with Sup Forums and /x/ for fun

If I could take a day off of work today, I would.

My cuck-bunker has 3m thick steel-concrete walls and the only way to communicate with people is a one way walkie talkie that records the moans of my wife while the bull plugs her.

Operation Bi/pol/ar sounds fun though.

If you don't like that just shitpost so they think there's no way idiots could be so influential and that Hillary must be off on another of her "vast right wing conspiracy" jags.

Or just stick around and notice how they never show up. They won't, you know.

You set an antenna into the walls? Noice.

Now that's thinking ahead.

No, don't be a pussy ya cunt

>assuming they haven't tried already and left
I'm just gonna lurk and see if Trump tweets anything. Even if those retards try to ban alt-right they'll never be successful in the US. It's edgelords like us that protect speech for gays normies and niggers.


>implying anyone will even come here

Oh, and Jews

Why does everybody think they will invade today?

Quick reminder that Sup Forums isn't important. The alt-right only barely gained traction in media because of Milo's article and the National Review's response. The only reason Hillary is going to talk about you is because your beliefs are so obviously detestable that the vast majority of the country will think you're all worthless NEETs. But back to the main point. Sup Forums isn't important. I'm not sure how far up your own ass you need to be to believe that your opinions matter enough that people who are actually important will dedicate resources to curtail your rhetoric or anti-leftist generals. But it's pretty fucking deep. Retards

HRC is giving a speech today about how it's necessary to SHUT DOWN Sup Forums because we're Trump's secret racist and antisemitic campaign war room.

The robot on r9k will protect us. FLEE TO r9k IF SHILLS RUN LOOSE!


And yet here you are, at 10am on a work day, taking time to post how unimportant Sup Forums is.

Hmm, really makes you think

how does anyone enter this shit? Looks too small.

Daily reminder that demoralization is a shill tactic and that loyal Sup Forumsacks are God's real chosen people.

Whats going on? More emails being dumped? Been out of the loop for a bit.

It'll be Breitbart, I would be really surprised if it's the hacker known as Sup Forums. I'm ready to be wrong though.

Hillary is giving a speech on alt-right and the "dark side of the internet" today.

In the unlikely event the board gets a specific mention and normalfags show up in droves, Plan A is to post "pro"-Hillary stuff that explains why we Nazis love her and how she will get those superpredators to come to heel.
Plan B is to turn the board into Sup Forums for a few days.

Fuck no, this is going to be fun.

Remember Sup Forums is the board of peace

Nah i'm gonna make a red pill pasta.

Filled with Yuri vids and explain Soros.

>not delighting to fight in the great pepe normie war

I am dissapointed user

I spit on you coward!


your flag should be french

Nah, shit posting

What time is the speech at lads (Eastern Time)?

I'll be actively combating the army of shills and normies.

I doubt it will be worse than we had after the DNC. Her involving the rabble only proves that she blew through her mercenary budget.

>not taking this golden opportunity to spread the good word

Do you have a link?

The true red pill is the one you never realize your taking.

Oh man I have got to hear that speech. I did hear about the comments she made about Breibart.


I don't think it happened yet. Check back in another six hours or maybe more.

That soon?
Anyone brought here by the speech could see these threads if we keep posting.
We should probably stop talking about this now, guys.