Why are men better at killing themselves than women?
Why are men better at killing themselves than women?
Other urls found in this thread:
Women are weak
Men are better at everything except shooting out babies
The Patriarchy
Men feel shame
Women want attention
Women suicide attempt are more of a call for help rather than actually wanting to kill themselves
Women have more narcissistic tendencies and, beyond doing it for attention, would very rarely be human enough to actually be able to try and commit suicide.
The methods of suicide. Women either cut themselves or take pills.
Neither one of those are very effective.
Men have a sense of responsibility and honor.
Women lack a pair of balls
Women do it for attention, men do it for results.
Men use guns and hang themselves. Women use pills and go across the block instead of down the street. So basically these.
>Why are men better at killing themselves than women?
Women half ass everything.
they actually want to die, instead of begging for attention by swallowing 5 Tylenol and calling it a suicide attempt
Women do it to get attention, they're not serious about it.
Women typically do it for attention and pick "cry for help" methods liked pills or wrist cutting. Men actually want to do it so do stuff like hanging, gun shot or jumping off buildings
>Men do something more efficient than women
Colour me surprised
because women do it for attention, men do it to kill themselves
Breddy deep, user.
Male depression = On the verge of suicide.
Female depression = Feelin' a bit blue.
Females usually do it to garner attention or as a "cry for help".