Refugees given STEM jobs in Sweden

Safinaz Awad went through hell to get to Sweden.

Last year, she -- along with her mother, sister, husband and infant son -- escaped Syria and the civil war there that's so far killed nearly half a million men, women and children. The five crammed into an overcrowded smuggler's boat for the treacherous crossing between Turkey and Greece across the Aegean Sea. Two days after reaching Greece, her mother and sister snuck onto a plane to Sweden, where they could live permanently if granted asylum.

Awad and her husband, though, feared their baby would draw too much attention from the authorities. But to leave legally, they'd need official travel documents -- and the only way to get those was by registering for asylum in Greece. That's not something many refugees and migrants want to do because a European law called the Dublin Regulation can force asylum seekers to live in the first EU nation they set foot in.

Jonathan Persson of Stockholm startup Bigspin stands with employee Safinaz Awad, an asylum seeker who worked for seven years as a programmer in Damascus, Syria.
Laura Hautala
So Awad, 30, and her family spent the next six months trying to sneak across the Greek border using fake IDs and passports. Desperate, she tried to board a ferry to Italy with her son. She was stopped and sent to jail for a night, along with her baby.

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Or more like
>a "human rights" lawyer suggested him the idea of meeting the king of Sweden -since lil Ahmed probably had no idea that Sweden had a king- so he can fuck over Europe a little more

Swedish king is literally a huge cuck, if this kid meets him then his whole family will be invited to live on the royal estate and steal the crown jewels again.

>Safinaz Awad went through Germany to get to Sweden.
Dumbasses think Sweden is the jackpot, they should've stayed in Germany.

>top tier

>Two days after reaching Greece, her mother and sister snuck onto a plane to Sweden
How the fuck did they got on a plane with no papers? Can any terrorist just go to greece and go on a plane unchecked?

I'm just picturing the Sweedish king as Captain Sweeden.

yes it is that easy, lucky the terrorists are fucking retarded.

Isn't the king of sweden that crazy hat guy?

The guy who wrote the article must a be a fucking retard indeed. How the fuck, can 2 middle eastern subhumans, sneak illegally past airport security and after that board the fucking plane, absolutely undetected?

If greeks were so terrible at airport security, jews would have hired them to do 9/11.



I only know that the King likes to speed with his Ferrari and he had taste for prostitutes.


Beat me to it

Yes we should really let people in our countries who come from a place where their own people slaughtered half a million of them. Seems like a great culture and people to add to our society!

Is he gonna show him a clock bomb that he built himself?

Is this shit a joke?

Nice bomb Ahmed


>her mother and sister snuck onto a plane to Sweden
>snuck onto a plane

Oh boy, i am surely glad that security is so tight now.

If he's lucky, there's still some royal jewels left to steal.

Only if you are a citizen of a schengen country, syrians need a visa to get on a plane

>tfw just living on neet bux with a free apartment and watching this country burn